william a. dies first manned moon (2024)

  • Vanity Fair by William Makepeace ThackerayComedy, Arts 2 Jan

    If you've enjoyed watching the 1998 BBC television miniseries, you'd probably want to renew your acquaintance with William Makepeace Thackeray's 1847 novel, Vanity Fair. However, if you're unfamiliar with what has been dubbed one of the Best 100 Books in English Literature, you certainly have a treat ahead.

    Miss Pinkerton's Academy in Chiswick Mall in London is where young ladies with ambitions of making a good marriage are sent by their socially aspiring middleclass parents. Two young ladies, Amelia Sedley and Rebecca (Becky) Sharpe are on their way home after completing their term at Miss Pinkerton's. Amelia is from a well to do family, while Becky is a scheming orphan who has latched on to her amiable friend in the hopes of climbing the social ladder. In Amelia's comfortable Russell Square home, Becky goes to work immediately. Her target is Amelia's clumsy, boastful, wealthy civil servant brother, Joseph, who is home on furlough from India. She also meets the dashing Captain George Osborne, Amelia's childhood sweetheart.

    Things don't go according to plan and Becky soon moves to a country mansion, Queen's Crawley, where she takes up a job as a governess to the children of the wealthy widower Sir Pitt Crawley. She manages to entrap the naïve younger son of the house, Rawdon Crawley. Meanwhile, Amelia and George marry. However, George is not all he seems and turns out to be a coward in war and an unscrupulous liar. He is also weary of his marriage and begins to pay undue attentions to Becky, whom he meets in Brighton where she is staying with her husband. The rest of the story follows the lives of the two classmates and their travails.

    The title of Vanity Fair is taken from John Bunyan's famous 17th century work, Pilgrim's Progress. In Bunyan's allegorical tale of Christian's journey, Vanity Fair is the name of an endless carnival in the town of Vanity, and represents worldly vices and sinful attachments. Thackeray was writing in the Golden Age of Satire when greats like Dryden, Pope, Swift, Addison, Steele and Fielding were regaling readers with their caustic, acerbic wit. Vanity Fair explores the ideas of transient, materialistic desires and their harmful effects on people. His biting satirical portrait of the selfish and street smart Becky and her overwhelming desire for wealth and social success is one of the masterpieces in English literature.

    Thackeray's brilliant gifts for slicing through the pretensions and facades that human beings hide behind remain one of the reasons why Vanity Fair is even today considered a must read classic.

  • Intertwined: The Enslaved Community at George Washington’s Mount VernonHistory 12 Mar

    Intertwined tells the story of the more than 577 people enslaved by George and Martha Washington at Mount Vernon. Told through the biographies of Sambo Anderson, Davy Gray, William Lee, Kate, Ona Judge, Nancy Carter Quander, Edmund Parker, Caroline Branham, and the Washingtons, this eight-part podcast series explores the lives and labors of Mount Vernon’s enslaved community, and how we interpret slavery at the historic site today.

    Intertwined is narrated by Brenda Parker and is a production of the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association and CD Squared.


  • Meet Azizi and Malika: two sisters who live on opposite coasts, but stay in touch by discussing the strategies, hacks and insights from Happier with Gretchin Rubin and Happier in Hollywood. United by their superfandom, friendship, and quest for personal growth - these ladies dig deep week after week to embody the Happier experience.

  • BOLD Black Girls Podcast, is a Podcast by and for Black women, and those that support the equity, inclusion, and advancement of Black women. We will share our personal stories, "telling it like it is", all while (B)uilding a community of support, (O)rganizing safe spaces for courageous conversations, and promoting the (L)earning, and (D)evelopment of Black women.
    *Although this podcast is FOR Black women, ALL are encouraged to listen and learn.

  • Kanye West, The Weeknd, Pharell Williams, Stevie Wonder : tout le monde est unanime. Daft Punk est le plus grand groupe pop du XXIème siècle. En presque 30 ans au sommet, le duo français a fait exploser les codes de la musique d’aujourd’hui et rebattu les cartes du star-system. Et pourtant, plutôt que de profiter de cette gloire méritée, Thomas Bangalter et Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo ont préféré céder leur place à des robots, froids, métalliques, anonymes. Mais pourquoi les deux amis ont décidé d’enfiler les casques ? Et pourquoi ont-ils choisi de dire adieu à leur vie d’avant ?

    Avec « Daft Punk, le secret des robots », plongez au coeur du groupe le plus mystérieux de la planète . Daft Punk, le secret des Robots, est un podcast Amazon Exclusive, découvrezla suite desépisodes surAmazon Music. Si vous êtes un abonné Prime, téléchargez l’application et écoutez dès maintenant l’intégralité de la série.

  • Daft Punk, le secret des robots16 Mar 2023

    Kanye West, The Weeknd, Pharell Williams, Stevie Wonder : tout le monde est unanime. Daft Punk est le plus grand groupe pop du XXIème siècle. En presque 30 ans au sommet, le duo français a fait exploser les codes de la musique d’aujourd’hui et rebattu les cartes du star-system. Et pourtant, plutôt que de profiter de cette gloire méritée, Thomas Bangalter et Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo ont préféré céder leur place à des robots, froids, métalliques, anonymes. Mais pourquoi les deux amis ont décidé d’enfiler les casques ? Et pourquoi ont-ils choisi de dire adieu à leur vie d’avant ?Avec « Daft Punk, le secret des robots », plongez au coeur du groupe le plus mystérieux de la planète . Daft Punk, le secret des Robots, est un podcast Amazon Exclusive, découvrezla suite desépisodes surAmazon Music. Si vous êtes un abonné Prime, téléchargez l’application et écoutez dès maintenant l’intégralité de la série.

  • A Midsummer Night's Dream by William ShakespeareComedy, Arts 2 Jan

    Summer nights, romance, music, comedy, pairs of lovers who have yet to confess their feelings to each other, comedy and more than a touch of magic are all woven into one of Shakespeare's most delightful and ethereal creations – A Midsummer Night's Dream.

    The plot is as light and enchanting as the settings themselves. The Duke of Athens is busy with preparations for his forthcoming wedding to Hippolyta the Amazonian Queen. In the midst of this, Egeus, an Athenian aristocrat marches in, flanked by his lovely daughter Hermia and her two suitors, Lysander and Demetrius. Egeus wants Hermia to marry Demetrius, but she has given her heart to Lysander. The Duke rules that Hermia must obey her father or else face banishment or execution. Lysander and Hermia make plans to elope, but here the plot takes an interesting twist. Helena, a former sweetheart of Demetrius, learns about the lovers' plan and decides that the way to get back into Demetrius' good books is to tell him about this! The two pairs land up at the same time in a forest.

    This enchanted wood near Athens is where Oberon, King of Fairies rules. His queen, the imperious and very beautiful Titania and he have recently fallen out over the ownership of a little boy from India who was given as a gift to Titania. The wily Oberon sends his merry messenger, Puck, to cast a naughty spell on Titania. She promptly falls in love with Bottom the Weaver, one of a group of villagers who have come there to rehearse their act for the coming festivities. Bottom, courtesy the impish Puck, has been transformed into a ridiculous, donkey headed creature. And so winds on the captivating course of events in A Midsummer Night's Dream!

    Some of the most immortal lines in English literature are to be found in this play. “Ill met by moonlight, Fair Titania.” “The course of true love never did run smooth...” “Lord, what fools these mortals be!” “The lunatic, the lover and the poet/Are of imagination all compact!” and a hundred others sparkle like bright gems throughout the play.

    As with most Shakespearean comedies, mistaken identity, twists and turns and hilarious comic interludes mark this one too. Reputed to have been written some time during the 1590s, when the playwright was still in his twenties, this play certainly captures not just a young person's heart, but also appeals to the imagination of an older audience.

  • A Personal Anthology of Shakespeare, compiled by Martin Clifton by William ShakespeareArts 2 Jan

    This personal anthology is my choice of speeches from Shakespeare that I enjoy reading (that I would like to have had by heart years ago!) and that seem to me to illustrate his unsurpassed use of language. He was a man who seemed to know everything about human nature and as Orson Welles said ‘he speaks to everyone and we all claim him’. I know that it has been said that ‘it is impossible to be a great Shakespearian actor without an idiosyncratic and extraordinary voice’ and this may be so, but that does not preclude ordinary mortals from reading, hearing and enjoying Shakespeare.

  • Midsummer Night's Dream, A by William ShakespeareArts 14 Apr

    Magic, fairies, young lovers chasing each other through a forest, a man with a donkey's head, and impish Puck wreaking havoc right and left. What's going on here? It's A Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare at his most fanciful. The play opens with Theseus, Duke of Athens, preparing for his wedding. Egeus complains to Theseus that his daughter Hermia refuses to marry Demetrius. When Hermia is given the choice between marriage to Demetrius or life as a nun, she and her true love Lysander flee into the forest. Demetrius follows them; and Helena, who loves Demetrius, follows him. Also in the forest are Oberon and Titania, king and queen of the fairies, at odds with one another. At Oberon's behest, Puck causes Demetrius to fall in love with Helena -- oops, he missed, that was Lysander instead. Mayhem ensues. In the meantime, a group of bumbling craftsmen rehearses a play. Puck gives one of them, Bottom, the head of an ass and makes Titania fall in love with him. Further hilarity results as Bottom sees nothing at all odd about this. Eventually everything is straightened out, Bottom and the rest "perform" their play, there is a triple wedding, and Puck assures us the whole thing has been a dream. Number of quotes you know: 5 (what fools these mortals be). Useful insults: 19. (Summary by Laurie Anne Walden)


    Theseus, Duke of Athens – Mark F. Smith
    Egeus, father to Hermia; and Snout, a tinker – John Lieder
    Lysander, in love with Hermia – mb
    Demetrius, in love with Hermia – David O'Connell
    Philostrate, master of the revels – Philippa
    Quince, a carpenter – Brian Edwards
    Snug, a joiner – Elizabeth Klett
    Bottom, a weaver – Simon Taylor
    Flute, a bellows-mender – David Nicol
    Starveling, a tailor – Jessica Miller
    Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons – Cori Samuel
    Hermia, daughter to Egeus, in love with Lysander – Laurie Anne Walden
    Helena, in love with Demetrius – Rosalind Wills
    Oberon, king of the fairies – Fr. Richard Zeile of Detroit
    Titania, queen of the fairies – Deborah Irving
    Puck, or Robin Goodfellow – Karen Savage
    Peaseblossom – Larysa Jaworski
    Cobweb – Charlene V. Smith
    Moth – Alana Jordan
    Mustardseed – Jamie Ash Young
    Stage directions – Paul Williams<

    Fairy song composed and performed by Rosalind Wills; performed by Rosalind Wills and Larysa Jaworski

    Audio edited by Cori Samuel and Laurie Anne Walden

  • A Hint of FictionFiction 21 Jul 2022

    Every episode we provide you three stories: two of which are true and one is false. Can you find the line between fact and fiction? Find out every Wednesday!

  • A (Not So Brief) History of Disney World History 23 Oct 2022

    A deep dive into the developing and production of Disney World. We will go over the history and hidden secrets of "The Most Magical Place On Earth".

  • A Hunter's JourneySports, Wilderness 22 Apr

    A podcast hosted by William Phelps. A brand new hunter discussing the challenges and experiences he's had entering the world of hunting in his early 20s.

    E-Mail me with comments, questions, or concerns at [emailprotected]
    Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/will_phelps_99/

  • Charlie Brown and the gang ruled the comics pages for fifty years. As animated characters, they have appeared in five feature films, eight episodes of "This is America, Charlie Brown" , ten motion comics on iTunes, eighteen episodes of "The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show", and some forty-five TV specials. On this podcast, we're going to watch them all. Then we'll talk about what we liked, what we didn't. Remember, of all the Charlie Browns in world, you're the Charlie Browniest.

  • Giraffe Feels: A Retro Video Game PodcastTechnology, Leisure, Video Games 25 Dec 2022

    Giraffe Feels is a video game podcast focused on retro, but some current, games.

  • Diary of a Wrestling FanSports, Wrestling 4 Apr

    Bill Chase is a wrestling fan from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada since 1987. He will take you on a journey through the eyes of being a die-hard fan. Bill has been a fixture on the Ontario Independent Wrestling Circuit since 2013, as a promoter, booker, commentator, ring-announcer, interviewer, and has even been a jerk representing the Ontario Athletic Commission. Hell he has even stepped in the ring a few times.

    Listen as Bill reminisces about the many moments and happenings he saw unfold be it on TV or in person, and reminds us what it's like to simply be a fan.

  • I Got a Question Education, Self-Improvement 1 Jun

    In diesem Podcast geht es darum, Fragen an das Leben zu stellen und damit Werkzeuge in die Hand zu geben. Diese Werkzeuge sollen dir helfen, ein gesundes, erfolgreiches und glückliches Leben zu führen.

  • Focuses on the life and writings of C.S. Lewis. Mostly via interviews with authors of books about him. Sometimes short talks.

  • Show Your Stripes: A Detroit Tigers PodcastSports, Baseball 10 Oct 2022

    Join Will (@wrhiv_72) and Alley (@eyefortigers) as we cover the Detroit Tigers throughout the season, regardless on how painful it may be!

  • The Unconventional Polyglot: A Unique Approach to Learning LanguagesEducation, Language Learning 11 Jun 2023

    This is a podcast about languages and language-learning from a unique perspective. Since 2018, I have spent thousands of hours studying (to varying degrees) 16 languages (!), and I have learned a lot about what works and what doesn't, from apps to websites to books to YouTube channels, podcasts and more. Join me as we explore the process of language learning, as well as the languages themselves (the true stars of the show!).

  • De La Escuela a la UBusiness, Careers 27 Nov 2020

    Quizás te interesa estudiar medicina o ingeniería... o quizás Arquitectura o Artes Gráficas... Sea cual sea la carrera encontraras en este podcast las respuestas a las preguntas que tienes. Acompañanos a conocer cada semana a un estudiante de las carreras que a ti te interesan.

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william a. dies first manned moon (2024)


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.