TrainWreck - Chapter 6 - Angelleap77, Prickly_Bulbasaur - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

Izuku got busy the moment the call ended, using his phone to hack the security cameras in the Tokyo airport. The closest camera showed Victoria leaving the plane and meeting with someone wearing all black clothing, then someone putting a rag across her mouth from slightly to the side and behind her, knocking her out. One of the two men appeared to have some kind of reptile mutation on his hands, but both men’s faces were out of camera view. “f*cking hell.” He quickly sends the downloaded video to Nezu, Endeavor, Gang Orca, and FrostBurn.

He runs back downstairs, met halfway down by Kairi, who wanted to make sure he was safe. “I sent the video to Nezu and the others of the airport security footage. Fairly certain they’ll get right down to business on that. We’ll all stay indoors, not even going out into the backyard. How about we do some light training in the indoor gym? No windows, so no chances of problems from outside. We can’t even risk it now that we know they are in the area.”

The others glance back and forth before agreeing to that and following him to the gym room. It was better that they didn’t take any unnecessary risks.


Just her luck, the moment she decided to go to Japan for UA, Fate decided her misfortune wasn’t bad enough. The moment she left the plane, she got fooled by someone holding a sign with her name and a card to verify who she was supposed to meet, they knocked her out just before she was able to get her luggage.

Now all she could do is contact the spiders that happened to be in the vehicle and ask them where she was or where she was going. If it is a place where she can escape freely, that will be a huge help. For now, she needs to surround herself in her thermal webs, if they don’t understand her quirk, they’ll find out painfully.

The men wasted no time securing her, making sure she couldn’t use her ability on them. “Now, rest easy, little spider, you’ll be at your new home soon enough.” The vehicle doors shut, and the vehicle was in motion within moments. The shifting of the vehicle in various directions could easily be felt, giving a general direction from the airport, along with the time frame it took to traverse the distance.

~Back at UA~



“Roger, we’ll be careful.” Hawks said, his feathers ruffling in flight. “I may be a bird that eats bugs, but I’d rather not deal with the Queen.”

Everyone cringed when static filled their comms. “You’ll be dealing with more than the Queen. If you cause her to withdraw, I’ll be plucking every single one of your feathers with electrified pliers, turn them into quills, butcher you while you are awake, and have Kacchan season and fry you before shoving you up FrostBurn’s ass.”

Keigo stayed quiet, knowing the innuendo of preferring Frostburn up his ass would set the greenette off. “Great…the Queen and the angry Bunny would get a front row seat of my demise if I fail.”

“And they’ll be PRIME tickets, so don’t f*ck up.” With that, the static ended, leaving Keigo and Nezu in silence once again.

Nezu’s tail twitched, suddenly feeling he’ll be part of the demise if this rescue fails. “Ahem, I don’t want to put any pressure on you, Keigo, but he also is including me in that torture.”

“Right, of course, boss. As nice of a throw rug as I’m sure your hide would make, I doubt any of us wanna see that anytime soon. We’ll find her. Normally Black Market thugs go underground or use abandoned shoreline warehouses, so we got this.”

Nezu’s eye twitches slightly. “My hide…is staying firmly attached to me, thank you. I’ll help the bunny pluck you and roast you if that girl isn’t found.”

Keigo groans. “Remind me again why we called him a bunny? Bunnies are generally cute and cuddly with minimal bite…”

Nezu cackles over the line. “Wait till you get kicked by him, and you’ll see why. Now get moving and find that girl. There’s no time to waste.”


About an hour after the capture, the vehicle stopped, causing Victoria to stop and listen to her surroundings. Everything was still muffled, but the slight echoing was giving her a hint that they had stopped at a large and empty location like a warehouse or deep underground where the voices echo like sonar from bats.

She blinked when the doors suddenly flew open, two large men grabbing her out of the truck and trying to keep her steady as they transported her further down. They laughed when she started thrashing and hissing.

“Damn, bitch, better calm down your tit* before I knead them raw.” One man cackled, extending his tongue to lick her face. The look she gave was murderous. “This is one feisty Tsuchigumo, too bad big boss needs her for something, otherwise I would have tied her to the wall and f*cked her silly.”

“You may get your chance if she doesn’t cooperate.” A louder voice was spoken, causing them to stop and drop her to the ground. Victoria moaned a bit when her spider abdomen got shocked from the fall before looking up and her eyes widened at the silhouette in front of her. He was mostly in the shadows, but those bulk, height, and those bangs were the signature look of none other than the No. 1 Pro Hero, All Might.

She tried to run when suddenly All Might grabbed her throat, squeezing tightly as he effortlessly lifted her off the ground. Gurgling and coughing at her throat being crushed, she stared in fear as he pulled off her gag and bindings of his new prey. “Hello, my dear Orbweaver. Goodness, it took us forever to get our hands on you.” He cackled as he stared at her fruitlessly trying to get him to let go. “That wait was worth it, bugging enough Pro Hero phones to find S rank quirk brats like you. Your Thermal Fibers will be perfect to create my men’s uniforms to fit their quirk.”

“Though, imagine my surprise that you are also related to our No. 1 target, Midoriya Izuku. That brat survived not only that bitch’s destruction, but he had no injuries. The ultimate defense, and we can breed as many brats as we want to have similar quirks or even more powerful ones. Oh, the endless possibilities and the money the Crimson Goat would get to have some desperate family f*ck him, in hopes to bear such a child.”

Victoria hissed and spat her silk at him, which he stopped with his other hand and shook it as the fibers began to burn hot. “Ow…now that hurts, so Thermal Fibers is the right diagnosis.” He slammed her onto the wall, causing her body to scream in pain as the spine and ribs jarred from the impact. “You will learn your place here, you are now part of the Crimson Goats, and if you want to live, you better do as I say. You will make these uniforms for my men, and you will do so without malice.”

“V-vete a la mierda, pendejo.”

All Might slammed her against the wall again, before bringing her close to his face. “You better make those outfits right, otherwise for every mistake, there will be consequences.” All Might squeezed tighter and with one quick movement grabbed one of her legs and yanked it, pulling it out of the joint socket. He cackled as Victoria screamed, the pain of her spider leg forcefully removed, trying to use her other legs to get the man off. After a few seconds, he let go of her throat, causing her to collapse on the ground and scramble into the corner, crying and coughing. “I’ll give you an hour to rest, then you have work to do.”

The fake hero and his lackeys left, leaving her in complete darkness, where only silence was her friend. Victoria was scared, no, terrified at the fact she had been captured once again by one of these Black Markets. That was the main reason she left Japan with her mother in the first place, living in Spain for eight years of her life in a country where they would have open executions on those caught and convicted of such a crime.

When Izuku called her asking for some help with outfits for him and his friends, she and Vesper made sure plans were set in place to ensure her safety back to Japan and study in UA in the Fabric Support Division. Her mother had strong ties to Mirko, the Rabbit Hero, who had agreed to take her in as a Ward until graduation, but they failed to see that there was a bug in one of their communications.

Another reason why she wanted to come back, was wanting to be with her cousin when they found out about the trainwreck. Auntie Inko had been crushed and killed, leaving him alone with hardly a scratch, and from that result, he too is targeted by the Black Market. That made her stomach boil, she may be an arachnid, but she would fight to protect those she loves.

The spiderette looked up, hearing a skittering of a few spiders lurking in the dungeon. She clicked and hissed, communicating with them to look for someone who may understand spiders and relay the location to where she was held prisoner. From what the spiderlings have told her, she was underground in some kind of complex sewer system. Another spider skitters close, this one different from the others, relaying the message that they found someone who could speak to them, and they informed them where she was. It would still take time to arrive, though.


“Hello, this is Principal Nezu of UA, whom do I have the pleasure of speaking to?”

“H-hello, s-sorry to bother you, Principal Nezu, this is Koda. I just received word from one of the arachnids, they told me to say they know where Victoria Orbweaver is being held.”

Nezu stood at attention. “Koda, where are you? We can’t speak further on the phone, so I’ll have my trusted Pro’s pick you up.”

“I’m n-near the Cat Café, just down the road from UA.”

“Stay in that café, look for the manager and tell him that Nezu would like the ‘Rat Course’, he’ll know what to do.”

“Y-yes sir.” He could be heard speaking a moment later, the manager wasting no time implementing the plan, commenting that the ‘kittens were ready for petting’.

Nezu nodded, and thanked him. Miaws knows that he will send the ‘kitten kuddler’ and no one else for pickup, so if there is anyone who tries to speak the code word, they will be in for a brutal awakening.

Aizawa got a ping on his phone, checking the message and running out the door in a hurry, not even bothering to explain to anyone why. He made sure nobody was following him by constantly checking around, slipping into the café within minutes. “The kittens need their pets.” He makes the comment to the manager, watching as he nods and brings Koda out, passing the boy to the Pro. “Koda Koji, come with me.”

Koda nods, noticing a black van across the street. “Van…”

Aizawa glanced and had to hold a sweat drop at the proximity. “Let’s get you inside to talk about your class schedule, then we’ll take you home.”

“Yes, sir.”

The moment they went inside, Aizawa pressed a button and activated the UA wall protection system. “Of all the things, they decided to run the business under the school? Oh, Nezu will have a fit.”

“Honestly, Sensei, it makes sense. It would be the last place we would consider or look.”

Aizawa grumbled, opening the door and ushered the boy inside. “Nezu, we have an…unusual circ*mstance. The van in question…is parked under the tower that has been abandoned.”

Nezu twitches. “So, they’re under the school then. They are more stupid than expected.” His smirk meant certainty of pain for those down there.

“T-the spiders also told me who runs underground…” Koda shivered, seeing the look and glad he wasn’t in his 50 shades of torment. “They call him Goat Yagi, or…All Might.”

Nezu’s grin turns almost maniacal. “Oh, this is going to be delightful. Yagi is under scrutiny by the HPSC for various reasons. If they hear he is behind the Crimson Goats, he’ll be lucky if he makes it to Tartarus. More than likely, he’ll be sent to Blood Prison. I’m sure…the Queen…would enjoy torturing the man who kidnapped her daughter.”

Koda and Aizawa shudder at the look on Nezu’s face, not wanting to incur his wrath further. Aizawa considers the situation. “Should we inform the bird to return to its nest?”

“Yes, and make sure his talons are nice and ready to go. Also contact Loud Cloud, we will need him for an emergency transportation.” Nezu nodded and looked at Koda with a softer smile. “Young Koda, until this mission is complete, I will have to ask you and your family to stay here for safety. Since you are now a witness through intel, you will be a target and that involves your family. Yagi is not the kind of person to leave loose ends, and he will be an absolute fool to try to get you within these walls. He may have tricked me by hiding underground, yes, but now that I know he’s here… he will not survive my wrath.

Aizawa taps his comms for a moment. “The flight needs to return, eggs need incubation.”

“Roger that. Time to feed the chicks.” Keigo turns around, heading back towards UA. He didn’t need to be told they found her, and if they want him back to his ‘nest’ then that is where ground zero is. f*cking nutcases will not live to see daylight.

“Also, find the rabbit hole. The bunny needs his carrots.” Aizawa smirks, knowing they would like that one.


“The golden carrot…is in the nest. Get your ass back to the nest.” Aizawa sighs.

Keigo groaned, his thoughts solidifying that UA is definitely ground zero, and it was underground. “I’ll pick the bunny up before feeding him…”

“Just inform the bunny his carrot is safe…or will be soon enough.”

“Roger…f*ck my life…”

“Your life will be f*cked if you don’t pick me the f*ck up, I want that golden carrot in pristine condition, got it.”

Keigo yelped, losing a few feet of altitude when Izuku suddenly entered the comms. “WILL YOU STOP DOING THAT!! I’LL PICK YOU UP, BUT IF YOU KICK ME I WILL DROP YOU FROM 50 FEET, GOT IT!!??”

Nezu picks up his own comms. “The blonde brownie has the golden carrot at the nest.”

Izuku growled. “Blonde Brownie will be skewered, and not by a dild*. I have something much more…shocking than that.”

“Use of your…lightning rod…is more than allowed.” Nezu smirks, thinking of the rod Izu used in the exams.

Izuku cackled. “Yes, as well as…a new project with…sulfuric acid built right in. Taser level with the liquid in the prongs, necrotizing effects.”

“Save that for later, bunny. We want to watch.” Aizawa cackles slightly.

It didn’t take long for the bird to return to the nest, bunny in tow. “Quit yanking my hair, dammit, that’s Touya’s job…”

“You’ll need to grow it out more if you want him to really tug, but…sorry, didn’t realize the…incident caused me to develop a fear of heights. Didn’t think anything of it at the exam, but I think I was just pissed from the pain then.”

“No worries,” Keigo replied, now realizing the situation. “Let me get you down lower then, that way you can reach Nezu’s window safely.”

The window was already fully opened, wide enough that Keigo could just fly right inside the room. Izuku raises an eye. “The window is open. Open invitation.”

“Birdy needs to be fed, nothing better than an open window and bird food.” Aizawa said, cackling at the slightly disheveled look. “I think Birdy needs a preening too, why did you take a chunk of his wing, Izuku?”

“Wind gust decided to make itself known and jarred the bunny, causing him to freak out…if they are in good condition I can put them back, otherwise the rest will take two days to grow.”

“Well, looks like one of the training we’ll do is try some exposure therapy. Up to you, but it would be best to get that rectified.” Aizawa said, humming as he began to start the planning before shaking his head. “No, rescue now, teaching later. I would give you the rundown, but something tells me you have been hacking our entire comms. Am I wrong?”

“Nope, not wrong, but the carrot…I’m assuming is…beneath us?”

Nezu growled, causing Izuku to shiver from seeing the feral expression for the first time. “Yes…and right under my nose. I would say it was brilliant, but this act has incurred my wrath. Under my school, where I swore to protect the children and students, and I failed to see they would use the underground as their base of operations.”

“It does make sense. The closer you are to danger, the further from harm because it’s a place we would never expect. Now, assuming he’s down there even now, chances are, he’s unaware that we know about his presence. He would never stay in a spot if he assumed he could easily be found.”

“That is correct, I assume you already contacted Gang Orca, Endeavor, Mirko, and FrostBurn?”

“Yeah, I left messages with each. The whale, rabbit, torch, and flamethrower are all set and ready to act.”

“Good, and I already have my other trusted people in the school ready to go.

“If he hurt even one hair on any of her legs…I will ensure he pays dearly…and 100-fold worse punishment than he did to her. My cousin is one of my only remaining living family members. I will protect her, even if I have to use myself as bait.”

“I would you rather not, but…if we can’t get him then we may have no choice.” Nezu shuddered, remembering Orca mentioning Mitsuki Bakugou with a fiery temper and iron skillet.

“I’m fairly certain he grabbed her to get to me, but with her being S class, it’s hard to be 100% certain.”

Koda turned a little, seeing a small spider on the window sill and running toward it. “It’s one of the spiders. Uh huh, yes…They are forcing her to make thermal uniforms, but…oh no…she is hurt…he tore off one of her legs.”

Izuku’s face turns pale before his expression turns dark and murderous, his eyes glaring like daggers. “He’ll lose a leg too then…maybe the one right in the middle…no…100 fold, I’ll make sure he’s f*cking awake to chop every ‘limb’ he has and shove it up his ass and down his throat before pouring the acid all over him…Blood Prison will be worth it…”

“No need, Midoriya. The Queen is on her way. She insists on…enjoying the screams of her prey.”

Izuku stared, processing the information before cackling loudly. “So, she brought her Drones, did you know their dicks explode during mating, and for their sizes, rectal perforation is guaranteed.”

“Sounds quite…interesting. I’ll have her record the action for our amusem*nt later.”

Koda nodded. “He’s right, male drones' organs explode during the mating process, and they die hours later. Depending on how her drones were made, they could contain the venom that would cause agonizing rashes, and if he’s allergic, then anaphylaxis.”

“Last I heard, Auntie Vesper’s drones were enhanced with a quirk that allows them to regenerate any exploded parts, other than their heads of course, so they can repeatedly enjoy themselves at her allowance.”

Koda tilted his head. “As traumatizing as that would be, I would like to study that. If you’ll allow me.”

“That will be up to the Queen to decide, Aunt Vespy is particular on who she entertains.” A buzzing draws his eyes to the window. “Time to get our buzz on.”

He walked toward the window, stopping a few feet away and waving to his aunt before stepping aside as she entered the office. The drones outside, flew higher and perched themselves on the tower a few floors up. Izuku held his arms wide as Vesper picked him up and gave him a comforting hug.

“Bunny-bee, have you got any information?”

“Yeah, she’s underground…under the school. Ass Might has her.”

Vesper buzzed and glared at Nezu. “My baby-bee is underground, under the school, and you didn’t know about this?”

“He tricked all of us, including me. We assumed he would go well away from us, but instead, he quite literally hid under our noses.”

“We also have additional information that he has maimed Victoria.” Izuku growled, hearing Vesper buzz even louder. “Koda was able to relay the information to us a few minutes ago, they plan to use her to make thermal uniforms and the punishment was that.”

“My poor baby-bee, I had hoped she wouldn’t fall victim again…”

“I’m a target as well, Auntie. My quirk is ranked SS class. They are most likely using her to get to me as well.”

Vesper buzzed again, this time the school vibrating as the drones smelled her pheromones and responding just as angrily. “They will not get either of you. We’ll get Vi back, and they’ll be my incubators until they die.”

Nezu nods in agreement. “We have multiple children to protect. Izuku ranked SS class, Victoria as S class, Katsuki Bakugou as either S or SS class, Shinsou Hitoshi as S+ class, and Denki Kaminari as S class. They are all potential targets for the Black Market.”

“I just realized something,” Koda said, humming as the others looked at him. “If UA will teach S+ and above students this year, they are in a prime position to grab them without getting caught, as Japan sees UA as a protected school. If they used that ploy, and did it right where they went missing outside of school, then that would pose a huge threat to the students.”

“Indeed, that could very likely be why they took up a position beneath the school, easy access to high class quirks.”

“Let me remind you, Nezy-poo,” Vespy said, coming closer to the principal. “Once we rescue Vi and other potential victims, you better find a way to seal those chambers, or I will personally throw you into my larvae nest and morbidly watch as they feed on your flesh. Got it?”

Nezu remained calm in appearance but was mentally screaming. “Of course, my Queen. I do have an idea, though. How about you use those chambers as an alternate torture facility of your own?”

Vesper raised an eyebrow, thinking of the possibilities. “If I determine the chambers are adequate, and we can spruce them up a bit, then we’ll see on accepting the offer. However, you are still on my naughty list until my daughter is found.”

“I’ve been a very naughty Stoat, my Queen. Please do punish me. I need it.” He winks at the Queen. “Rest assured, we will rescue your daughter.”

Izuku growls and smacks Nezu with his hand. “Perverted rat, FIGURE OUT THE PLAN!!”

Nezu laughs and turns his computer to face them, the location already lit up where Victoria was being held below the school. “We can move in at any time.”

Koda speaks to the spider some more. “According to him, there are three large entrances, one is under that construction building, the other is an aqueduct connected to the Sakura River to the north, and the other is…where is it again? Oh, here near the well on southeast grounds.”

“Can you ask him if there are any monitors?”

“Just the one near the building, they won’t monitor the one in UA until class begins, and the aqueduct is too risky for them to think no one would use it.”

“We can have Selkie and Orca take the aqueduct entrance, Mirko and Aizawa can take the entrance by the Sakura River. Any remaining people will go in through the well, Present Mic at the forefront to immobilize anyone waiting down there. They won’t get past our Pro’s.”

Izuku ponders something. “Should we send in some bait?”

Nezu growls. “No, we don’t need to risk a 2nd life while attempting to save one. You will stay inside the school or at Orca’s house till we finish rescuing Victoria.”

“I’ll stay in the school. Victoria will need comfort once she’s rescued.” Izuku sighs, praying they could get to her before further injuries could occur. “Keigo, can you bring Kacchan, Melody, and the Twins? The more comfort the better, and Melody’s Serenade could help soothe her racing thoughts. Oh, Shouto as well, a cold area calms her down even more.”

Keigo nods. “I’ll get my car. There’s no way I can carry that many teens on my back. You were heavy enough.”

“Birdy-Bee, I’ll send my drones to help you out. The quicker they get here the better, we can’t delay any further.”

“Agreed, my lady.” He jumps out the window, taking flight instantly, the drones quickly following him. He picks up the other kids and heads back to UA with them and the Drones within 20 minutes, Izuku having been going over potential tortures to submit Ass Might to once they had him in custody.


“Hey, Shouto, you alright?” Katsuki noticed that the dual-haired teen was unusually quiet, and figured he was overwhelmed. “Hang in there, we are almost at UA.”

Shouto nodded, holding tighter to the drone while he tried to control his quirk. The sound and the vibration of the buzzing was making his head hurt, and he hated it. The only thing that was preventing him from freaking out was they knew where Victoria was, and they were asked to help comfort her if needed.

They had reached Nezu’s office a few minutes later, Shouto shaking a bit and releasing some frost as he came down from his discomfort. Izuku kneeled in front of him, not touching him in case he was still overstimulated. “Shouto? Hey, do you need anything? What are you feeling?”

Shouto shook his head, letting the greenette know he was unsure. He breathed a few times, trying to get his emotions in check, before leaning his head against the ice that formed on the floor. “B-buzzing…headache…”

“Okay, so over-stimulation from the buzzing, got it.” Izuku grabs some Tylenol and some cold water, offering it to Shouto. “Here, take these. It’s Tylenol.”

“I have commanded my Drones to reduce their buzzing for now, but once we get into action they will be loud again.” Vesper said, seeing Shouto shake his hands, trying to distract himself by stimming. “Frosty-Bee, is there anything you like to do? A passion or something that piques your interest?”

Shouto gives her an odd look, knowing she was trying to distract him. “I like making flower gardens. Mom got me into it years ago.”

“Oooh, flowers are beautiful and yummy.” She replied, smiling kindly. “My favorite is the Honeysuckle, what is yours?”

“I prefer Irises and hybrid roses.” Shouto stands up, popping the offered Tylenol. “Thank you, Midoriya.”

“Those are gorgeous flowers, and the Irises have a calming scent. Mixing that with lavender helps with sleepless nights.”

“I did an experiment with a rose and iris hybrid splice, adding another aspect to it. The petals of the result have healing properties when crushed and added to tea.”

“Oooh, I would like to know more and maybe if possible we can make some hybrid honey.”

Shouto nods. “We found that my hybrid helps migraines, anxiety, depression, and blood pressure issues. The local hospitals aren’t happy.”

“Why didn’t you mention that sooner,” Katsuki chuckled. “If it works with keeping my blood pressure up, I’ll try it.”

“Well, right now it helps lower blood pressure due to its calming effects. I can study some more plants to look for one that creates the opposite effect, but for now unless you need sleep I would not recommend it for you.”

“Well, so much for trying that iris mix, but looking forward to the future.”

Shouto nods. “I have an idea of a set of flowers I can try, but whether the splicing works is another matter. It's a combination of the rare Ice Dragon Lily and Sakura Tree Blossoms. The result should be amazing in appearance, but the qualities could vary from one bud to another.”

“That is amazing, and complicated…” Eijirou said, rubbing his head from the learning. “Hey, you got any more Tylenol? I am feeling the effects from the bee’s buffering, that made my head vibrate too much.”

Izuku snickers. “That’s science for ya.” He nods and hands over a few. “Ya, their buzz can be a real…buzzkill.” He laughs as Vesper rolls her eyes.

“Ok, now that everyone is here, you seven will follow me to my mission office. There is a large room we can make comfortable for Victoria to settle in as well as watch the monitors around UA. Anything you kids spot or a possible retaliation, let us know and we’ll counterstrike.”

“Right,” Izuku said, lightly tapping Shouto’s shoulder to get his attention. “You ready to move? It won’t be far.”

Shouto nodded. “Yes, I’m fine. Let’s go.”

They had followed Nezu to a nearby room, eyes wide at the space and the large body pillow in the corner. The only thing was the center was covered with meeting desks, which was easily rectified when Nezu pushed a button to lower them into the floor, making the office even wider.

“Midoriya, you know your cousin best. Get the room as comfortable as you can for her before she gets here. Everyone is already in place for the rescue.”

“Do you have the humidifier active?”

“Yes, but if you need more moisture we can have Power Loader release some water close to the door, I can’t risk my surveillance to be damaged quite yet. Even though they are water-resistant, there would be a chance that the seal failed, and this is crucial.”

“I understand.” Izuku sighed and looked at everyone. “Ok, Kacchan, think you can make those sweets for her? The coconut mochi?” Katsuki nodded and left with Lunch Rush to make the food. “Koda, you have an excellent quirk, keep gathering information from the spiders and relay them to us, any little information helps.”

“Yes, I can do that. I will also ask some insects to head underground for more recon.”

“Perfect,” Izuku inhaled deeply before looking at the Kirishima twins and Melody. “You three don’t need any commands, you know what to do.”

“Cuddle Bears Unite, gotcha.”

Izuku smiled before going to Shouto. “Shouto, do you have enough moisture in here to build a large igloo or surround the area with ice? We can lower the temp here to keep them from melting. The more ice that surrounds the area, the more Vi will begin to relax, she feels safe in a cold environment.”

“Ya, I can do that.” He rubs his hands together for a moment before touching the floor, spreading a thin layer of ice along it and up the walls, the ice curling into a nest shape in the corner, large enough for five people, and solid enough that it wouldn’t melt unless the room temperature exceeded 80 degrees. “There we go.”

“Brrrr, cold. I like it.” Kairi said, shivering as the temperature dropped drastically. “Good thing I brought my jacket.” She then noticed something on the ‘nest’. “Oooh, is that an Ice Rose? That is gorgeous!!”

“It’s a representation of one, yes. The actual flower only blooms in ice and snow, high up the mountains. It’s rare to ever find one.”

“Have you ever seen one?”

“No…I was planning to head to Vandor before going to UA, but then mom got injured during her patrol. She needs to recover before trying again.”

“Vandor? That area is kinda dangerous, isn’t it? The elevation of the mountains there are risky and quite high.”

“Yes, but both the elusive Ice Rose and Ice Dragon Lily are up there…somewhere. It’s just a matter of finding them. Nobody has ever gotten a decent picture of them, let alone bringing back a living specimen of each.” Shouto couldn’t help but wonder if he’d even have time to search for them now.

Izuku hummed, thinking about the location. “Still, for you to have both fire and ice quirks, you may not be as tolerable to the conditions. True, there is a possibility that your ice half can help your body burn the oxygen less in your system, but the heat may nullify it.”

“That’s why mom planned to come along with me, knowing that same risk. She has access to a lodge near the spring, so if anything happens we can get there quickly or call for help.” Shouto sighed, he’ll have to deal with that later. “Anything else we need to ensure Victoria is comfortable?”

“Anything else is small stuff. She’s particular about the kind of materials she likes, so once we get her saved, we can ask her after she rests. Main priority right now is saving her and knocking the sh*t out of Ass Might.”

“Which they won’t let you at the moment, due to your capture status.” Shouto stated bluntly, causing Izuku to growl. “Probably explains why Nezu wanted to keep an eye on us.”

“Very astute observation, Midoriya is a protective and protected bunny, so I would rather him be here. Besides, if he wants to torture, he and I can think of morbid plans while we watch.”

“How morbid?”

“I say along the lines of you using sulfuric acid as decomposition.”

“We’ll start with his hands. Those gotta go since he dared hurt Victoria. Follow with his tongue so we don’t have to hear his blabbering.”

Kairi was shaking, hearing the situation, and she could sense Eijirou’s rage as well. She was a couple shades away from going into a frenzy herself. She growled, hardening her hands into diamond and slowly going up her arms as she too wanted to maim him.

Izuku quickly notices that and quiets down, pulling Kairi to him, running a hand through her hair and whispering in her ear to calm her. “Sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to upset you. I just get very protective of anyone close to me, and that includes you and Eiji as well.”

“R-right, but the fact he has no remorse…it makes me sick…I want to crush his balls into mush!”

“Agreed, it does the same to me.” Izuku patted her across her butt for a moment. “We’ll make him suffer.”

Eiji growled, sensing her frenzy subsiding before remembering something. “Nezu, can you ask Power Loader to bring a massive mallet? We can have Kairi diamondfy the mallet and we can use that on his limbs and sack.”

Nezu cackles, liking the idea. “Indeed I can, but please calm down a bit. We don’t want you going into another frenzy and hurting yourself further.”

“We understand, we just need something to distract us. Having Kairi training her quirk to diamondfy our…interrogation tools will be a good stress reliever.”

“Agreed. I’ll have Power Loader bring some up from his personal torture stash.”

“Bring a branding iron too, we can put it in a furnace to heat it up.” Izuku cackled, now thinking of a mark he should use. “Any thoughts on the branding?”

“What about a rose?” Shouto said, his mind thinking about the flowers and meanings.

“No…they represent purity and love, that would contrast everything.” Izuku said, shaking his head as he thought of another. “Maybe a Spider Lily…” He knew all too well the meaning behind those particular flowers.

“Those mostly represent sad memories…I don’t think it would be best. Unless…the rose I am thinking of is called the Bleeding Heart, solid black with deep red at its center. Also known as the Rose of Death.”

“Yes…that could work.” His mind thinks of potential ways to do the branding. “Right across his torso should be a good spot. Thinking we take pictures too and post it on social media.”

“Or up his sac, if they are still around when I crush them into mush.”

“Crush them good! He doesn’t need them.”

“He isn’t manly enough for those.” Eiji agreed, shuddering as his mind sent something. “H-hey, did Kats bring the 10-alarm hot sauce?”

“When does he not? That stuff is ideal for food and torture sessions.”

“Then it’s ok to ask him to pour it down his ass? Since the stomach acid is pretty much non-existent there, the burns will be agonizing.”

Izuku cringed, not having thought about that. “My ass just puckered from that…let’s do it.”

Eijirou grins. “Did I just…come up with something that made you cringe? Damn, write it down, that won’t happen again…likely ever.”

“Don’t let it go to your head, Eiji. Damn cuddler has a dark side, who knew?”

“And you aren’t?”


“Besides, I think Kat is wearing off on me a bit too. He has some good torture ideas too.” Eijirou thinks of some of the ideas Kat mentioned. “We need a bone crusher to go with the mallet, to crush his toes with.”

“These fourteen-year-olds will be the death of us if we get on their bad side.” Power Loader replied, carting his ‘prized toys’ into the office. “There you go, miss. Diamond away.”

Kairi grabs one of the large mallets, her diamond extending to the item, turning it into solid diamond. “This will work just fine.” She then cackled, glad that her stomach was boiling. “This will be easy, my rage is making it simple to transform them.”

Izuku smiled, seeing this side of his girl was turning him on like no tomorrow. He wonders what she’ll be like in bed, but for now, his cousin takes priority. “Are we ready for the infiltration and rescue?”

“The Heroes are in position, ready to infiltrate when Koda gives the all clear.”

Koda nodded, listening to the spider and looking for the flying insects that were coming in from the vents. “The well is clear, just go through the north tunnel and take the second to the left. You’ll see a metal pipe on the right-hand side, and slightly to the left of that, is the entrance. The keypad is five bricks up, and three bricks right of a marked stone.”

“What about the Sakura River?”

“They are still avoiding it due to the recent rainfall, so it is elevated but the entrance will be five tunnels to the right, and you’ll see a sealed door. Keypad is the same distance from a marked stone. Code is the same for both. 558395.”

“Well that makes it easy, a little too easy. However, he is too arrogant for his own good.” Izuku said, looking at the cameras pointing to those locations. “The rainfall did raise Sakura four feet, so that makes total sense on that.”

Nezu checks the cameras one last time. “Alright teams, move in, and stay on guard.” He monitors their progress as they enter the tunnels.

Izuku suddenly clicked to a different station. “Oh, my dear Midnight? Do you have the item I asked you to bring?”

“Yes, I do. When we apprehend the fool, I will be using that before he…gaits out.”

Izuku grins sad*stically, cackling at the mental picture. “Just make sure he doesn’t get away. We have…plans…for him.”

“Mmmmm, sounds delicious.”

The greenette smiled, causing a few to look at him in confusion. Melody decided to ask him. “W-what did you ask her to take?”

“Don’t worry about it, Mel. You will see when we capture him.” Izuku patted her head, immediately pulling back when she flinched a bit. “Sorry. I think it might be too much for you, there would be torture that could trigger you.”

Melody’s eyes shrunk and nodded, not wanting anything to make her remember that monster. “I’ll stay in the nest, I guess.”

“Ya, that would probably be best, less chance of being triggered that way. He’s gonna be in serious pain when we get him, though.”

Melody whimpered, knowing that it needed to be done. She went to the nest and pulled out her headset, listening to a wide variety of music that helped calm her nerves. She was currently listening to a new singer, who focused on trauma and surviving. Hearing that made her feel less alone, knowing that she too was a survivor and had a will to live. Maybe someday she can meet this Citizen Soldier, he somehow knows the struggle of living a dark past.

Izuku smiled as he watched her get into her zone, allowing Shouto to sit next to her and giving her some comfort before looking back to the screens. His eyes narrowed at one that was moving through the tunnels, one of the Fly-drones. “Power Loader, can you focus on Fly-drone 68? Turn it around and go right at a small tunnel.”

“Right,” The Pro Hero did as he asked and turned the drone around and flew into a smaller section. At first there was nothing but darkness, then about three minutes later the night vision turned off as its sensors detected light at the end.

“There!!” Izuku yelled, running forward and keying the codes to focus at a corner. His stomach boiled, and his heart ached at the condition Victoria was in. She was indeed forced to make uniforms, and she was chained to a wall by a collar around her neck. “Vi…Don’t worry, we’re here, and we’ll get you out.”

“There’s our girl, but where’s the fool?”

“Let’s keep searching, but keep this drone there and have it transmit the location. We can’t risk them relocating her.”



All Might was resting, his body feeling weak the last several months, ever since the vestige’s decided to rebel against him. They refused to understand that since he now owns One For All, it is his to control and use however he sees fit. However, they had the medieval way of thinking this power should be used for good, not evil. There is no such thing as evil when it comes to money, just survival of the fittest.

You will fall, Yagi Toshinori, and to ensure our power does not go into the wrong hands again, we will die with you. Your will is weak compared to us seven, you will not have the power to transfer One For All.

Toshinori groans, hearing the voice in his head. His subconscious mind couldn’t shake it, the voices sounding eerily familiar. THE QUIRK IS MINE TO USE, NOT YOURS ANYMORE! I’LL USE IT HOW I SEE FIT!

You will not use our power, we won’t let you. How long do you think you can last with a quirk that only allows you to buff up your body? Not long, that’s for certain. You are starting to atrophy, weight lifting alone will not help you keep your strength. You should have also noticed that you are starting to waste away.

Go rot in hell.

We vestiges may be going due to the horrendous acts you caused with our power, but we’ll be dragging your soul with us. If we burn, we ALL burn.


He shuddered as her cackle reverberated through his head. You have no power to end his life, All For One has Tenko safe, and you will be a fool to take him on in your state. You will never finish those loose ends.

Toshinori growls and jolts upward from his slumber, growling at the message. “He’s still alive? How the f*cking hell is he still alive?”

He grabbed his phone and tried to text one of his assassins, noticing that he had no bars underground. “Odd, I wonder if the communications failed. I bet that brat decided to be funny and fry the grid. That Kaminari brat will be punished for that.” He gets up, buffs up again, and storms out, informing one of the lackeys to find and capture the electric brat. “If you fail me, you won’t live to regret it.”


Back at UA, Melody noticed her headset go static, causing her to squeak from the sudden noise. She was about to remove it when he heard someone’s panicked voice through it.

Can anyone hear me? I am being chased by some kind of Black Market goon. I am trying to get to UA, but we are five minutes southeast, on Myrtle Road.

“Izuku, we got a distress call, five minutes southeast of UA, Myrtle Road. Someone is about to get kidnapped!” Melody then activated her mic on the headset. “Hello? This is Siren at UA, I got your message and relayed it to Nezu. Are you still being pursued?”

Yeah, and they are pissed I fried their grid during the capture. Better hurry, one has a leg boost quirk. I am able to fend off by zigzagging and frying, but I can’t use my quirk for long.

“We’ve found them, that’s Denki Kaminari.” Nezu replied, sending his robots out and drones. “Thirty seconds.”

Melody nodded and relayed the message. “Thirty seconds, hang on until then. We’ll get you out.”

No..ack..promises! They’re closing in from multiple directions. Whoever sent them after me is clearly very pissed off! Sounds of a scuffle are heard before running again. TOO CLOSE!!

“Denki, are you alright?”

No, I got at least one more juice before my brain fries. After that, I’m a sitting duck.

“Don’t use your quirk anymore. Your help is just about there.”

Denki yelped as he was suddenly picked up by something, flying higher before seeing the robots tackle and apprehend the kidnappers, keeping them there until the Police Force arrived. He then looked up and saw the unmistakable red wings. “You got some timing, thank you.”

“I got you, eaglet, just hang in there until we get to UA.” Hawks replied, thanking whatever deity told him to fly around the area. “From there you’ll stick with Nezu and some kids, we are on a rescue mission. They may brief you, but please respect their decision if they decide not to.”


The cameras down in the tunnels find All Might, focusing on his furious expression, the panic setting in when he realizes he’s being surrounded. “Not today… heroes… ” He brings his arm back. “DETROIT SMASH!!!” The force of the air pressure knocked several of the heroes back, but others were approaching from behind, a shriek immobilizing him. “Orca…”

“You’re coming with us, All Might. By order of the HPSC President, your hero license is revoked. Either come willingly or we’ll beat you into submission, something I’ve wanted to do for years…” Gang Orca looked furious, his KI radiating off him in waves, making others around him nervous. “Make your choice.”

Midnight joins them after a moment, locking eyes with Yagi and smirking, before moving forward. “Time to be in a world of pain.”

All Might didn’t even have time to smirk as another shriek paralyzed him and Orca forced him to fall to his knees. Several seconds later, the entire underground system heard screams of agony from the fallen hero, some fearing what had happened to cause their leader such torture.

Victoria looked up in surprise, hearing that same scream, before scrambling back to the corner when the door was blasted open. She began to ramble in Spanish, spitting thermal fibers at the man in the face.

The man in question calmly pulled off the webs, unfazed by the intense heat. “Sorry about that,” He said calmly, hands up in a surrender position and slowly walking toward the cell. “I’m here to rescue you, I am FrostBurn. I am here with other pro heroes and your mother, Queen Vesper.”

“H-how do I know you aren’t relaying the intel that is obvious?” Victoria hissed, still wary of the fact that he had no reaction to her webs. “I need more proof than that.”

Touya sighed, Izuku was right that she would be defensive. “You aren’t making it easy…let's see…Oh, you know Katsuki Bakugou? My family and I were having dinner with him earlier this evening, and he told us that Izuku Midoriya was ‘riding’ you on your abdomen while he was holding onto your leg. Surprised the bunny, too, as he didn’t remember doing that.”

Victoria blinked, knowing that they would not have that information. “F-fine, you pass…b-but…” She began to tear up, the fact of being rescued became reality. “Lo siento, even though I have seven other legs, I can’t move…”

Touya felt for her, knowing the pain and relearning to walk with one less would be a struggle. ”I understand, may I remove the collar? From there, I can call a transport and get you to UA to recover. Your cousin and his friends are there.”

Victoria nodded, tilting her head aside to allow him to melt the keyzone.

As the collar comes off, the next step begins, getting Victoria out of the underground chamber and back up to the daylight.

“The golden carrot is secured, waiting for next steps to bring her above ground.”

“Roger, let me talk to her.”

Touya nods, handing the comm to the spiderette. “H-hola?”

“Vi, it’s Izuku.”

Victoria squeaked, her voice shuddering at the recognizable voice. “Izuku! I’m so sorry, they caught me off guard. Are you ok? Dónde estás?”

“I’m fine, Vi, don’t worry. I’m safe above you in UA, and we’ve got a room set up for you up here to help you settle. A few of my new family helped set it up. I’m sure you’ll like them.”

“I still feel cursed, the moment I came back…”

“You aren’t cursed, Vi. They just…happened to jump the gun, so to speak. We were keeping eyes on them and were supposed to be active two weeks later.” Izuku pinched the bridge of his nose, his headache becoming a migraine. “We are looking at every Pro Hero communication device, we found out they had been bugged, including Mirko’s.”

Izuku thinks about who could potentially be undercover as a spy. “The only people with access to other heroes' phones is another hero or a commission member, so that limits who we need to check.”

Nezu nodded and typed the information to the database, pulling up every pro hero and commissioner in active duty. “That is over 2000 members, so it will take time.”

“Maybe not. Fine tune it to people who were in that general vicinity over the last couple weeks since all this started. Include the staff here, sorry to say, but that would be an obvious way for a spy to get information quickly. The fact that the well is here inside UA is just too convenient.”

“Unfortunately, I have to agree.” Nezu sighed, typing in more information and adding his staff. “I will need to look at every surveillance video to see if there are any unusual activities.”

The door knocked, and several pro heroes came in with Victoria in a transfer cart. Izuku ran toward his cousin, lightly giving her a hug and eyeing the damage that bastard had caused. “My friend Shouto made a large ice nest for you, and Kacchan is making some sweets for you.” He directed them to the blue nest at the corner. “Careful, she will be in pain.”

“Right,” Touya replied, gently lifting her and placing her in the nest. “You did a pretty good job with the design, little bro. You should sculpt designs.”

“Not really interested.”

“Blunt, but I understand.”

“You know flowers are my thing. Don’t need to add more to my already loaded plate.”

Touya chuckled, backing away to allow the girl to relax. “Alright guys, let’s go. We have an expired Blondie to take to Tartarus.”

“Blood Prison, Aunt Vespie specifically said take him there.”

“Right. Queen’s orders.”

As they left, Izuku went back to his cousin. Seeing her slowly calm down from the ice and Melody’s Serenade. He pointed to the twins. “The twins here are Kairi and Eijirou Kirishima, I currently live with them and Gang Orca since he fostered me. They give amazing cuddles whenever you want them.”

“I-I don’t want to be touched right now, my joint still hurts.”

Shouto walked forward, raising his right hand. “Would it be ok if I cool the area? If it is sore, ice can help.”

Victoria looked up at him and saw that he was unsure of something. “Are you afraid of me?”

Shouto tilted his head before shaking. “No, I just…sometimes I can’t show the right emotions. I am just worried, and a little afraid that I might hurt you.”

“You don’t have to be afraid. You can cool or ice the area, but be careful.”

Shouto nods, lightly touching the area, chilling it enough to numb the pain. He moves back, admiring the spiderette from close range. “Amazing. You are quite lovely.”

Victoria blinked a few times, surprised at the comment, before seeing Izuku slam a palm on his face. “Shouto, I appreciate that you think she is cute, but…now isn’t the time for that. She needs to recover.”

The dual-haired teen blinked a few times before realizing the situation. “I-I’m sorry, I-I should have read the room, it’s just hard for me to understand the situation.”

“It’s not your fault, Shouto. You don’t have to back away, just relax.”

“Izuku told me you made this nest. What is your quirk?”

“It’s labeled half-cold, half-hot. However, we believe it is something else. I cannot summon fire or ice, just manipulate the temps to create the activation point.”

Victoria hummed, looking at the flower at the edge. “I know this flower, I’ve seen it in Vandor when my mom was working at Blood Prison. Do you like this flower?”

“It’s very rare. Hardly anyone has ever seen one, let alone brought one to warmer locations. They can’t survive these temperatures.”

“It’s best to keep it at Vandor, or unless you can clip one and immediately preserve it in resin. However, they are protected and doing so, even collecting pollen from it, is forbidden.”

Shouto groans. “I was hoping to blend one with Sakura Tree blossoms to see the result. So much for that idea.”

Victoria hummed…seeing the hurt look in his eyes. “I can ask mom if she can make an exception, she owns that area and made it a protected zone. If you can provide a good and beneficial reason, then I don’t see why not.”

“Potential medicinal properties. The ice rose and the ice dragon lily, combined with Sakura tree blossoms, are able to potentially make medicines that can heal many ailments. Getting the splice to be accepted is tricky, though.”

“The ice dragon lily is just as rare, so you are basically playing with fire.” The spiderette hummed again, thinking of possibilities. “She may allow one, but not sure about both.”

“Maybe I can get the sap from the Sakura and just inject it into the rose and lily? If it doesn’t accept it, it would be immediately obvious.”

“Does it matter who the ‘mother’ would be, or does it have to be specific?”

“Each one will produce different results. It’s a risk, yes, but if it works, it could benefit millions of people.”

“You will have to ask mom, we are able to increase them, but they need specific conditions to thrive. Not sure if we can provide both ‘father and mother’ and for the record, cross-pollinating would have better results than injecting sap. The tree sap is too thick for them to absorb into the stem.”

“Hmm, then I can collect a couple blooms and go from there. The Sakura trees are already blooming, so it’s easy to collect them.”

The spiderette nodded. “Yes, collect them now. They should last at least a year.”

“I can do that. Who should I give the blossoms to for transport?”

“Give them to mom, since she will be heading to Vandor with the pendejo, she can get to the protected location easily.”

“The lilies are harder to find than the roses, correct? Or is it the other way around?”

“The roses still need sunlight so they are on the tallest mountain, yet they are in nooks to prevent themselves from being blown off. The lilies, they are inside the glacier crevasse that has access to the purest water. The travel alone would be dangerous, if not lethal without a proper guide.”

“I’ll go get the blooms and be right back. If she can get some pictures, that would be amazing. Be right back.” He scampers off, clearly excited.

Izuku shakes his head. “If those Sakura blossoms help produce a new type of flower, that is going to be a historic moment. Ice flowers generally don’t encounter other flower species, so it's hard to say what will happen.”

Victoria huffed, amused at the reaction, before looking in fear. “Wait, is it safe outside? Can he leave safely?”

“There’s Sakura Trees inside the UA walls, so it’s fine.”

Victoria sighed, glad that he’ll be safe. “H-he’s the one you need to help with the uniform, right? He and…tu novia?”

Izuku blushed. “Sh-she’s not my girlfriend yet… but yes, both he and Kairi are the ones so far that need DNA fabric. Don’t think about that now, just relax.”

Victoria laughed loudly. “You know you are telling someone with ADHD to not do something right? Besides, making clothing and blankets are my comforts.”

Shouto scurries back in, several blooms in a ziplock bag. “Got the blooms. Had to explain to a teacher why I was plucking them.” He notices the looks on their faces. “Uhh, bad timing? Sorry, my bad.”

“No, you’re good. We were talking about the DNA fabric you need for your costume. Once I recover enough, we can talk about what design you want.” Victoria giggled, seeing the smile on his face. “You did tell them what I needed to make the fabrics, right?”

“Yep, and they’re surprisingly okay with it. Oh ya, Kairi said she wanted to cuddle you.” Izuku smirks, wondering how his cousin would react to 5 people wanting to cuddle her.

Victoria deadpanned. “...Fine, but she better be careful.”

“I’ll let her know when she and Eiji come back, Eiji had to use the restroom, and he still can’t see at the moment.”


“She’s not the only one. I think there were 5 of us who wanted to cuddle you.” Shouto shifts slightly, looking around to hide his pink-tinted face. The Kirishima twins both nodded like crazy, having re-entered the room the moment it was stated.

“Yeah, I definitely do. I mean, she looks so cuddly!” Kairi replied, seeing the girl blush like crazy. “I mean, she deserves love too.”

“You guys are just saying that to make me feel better, who wants to cuddle a creepy, big-ass spider?”

The twins, Shouto, and Koda in the background raised their hands, this time causing her to hiss. “I find that hard to believe. Look at me!! I’m a Tsuchigumo!!”

“Nope, you’re a big, cuddly, oversized tarantula type and I LOVE SPIDERS!!” Kairi was squealing in excitement.

Victoria held a slight panic and put one of her legs out, stopping the girl from trying to hug her. “Basta…”

Kairi hugs her leg instead, grinning at the feeling. “So fuzzy. Very neat feeling.”

The spiderette looked at her before looking at her cousin. “Ella está loca?”

“Very crazy, best you surrender. She will not relent, besides, she has this fascination with arachnids. She likes the mutation of the quirk, but she also knows you’re human, so you don’t have to worry about her treating you like one.”

Kairi just nods. “You’re amazing to us. Don’t put yourself down. You’re beautiful.” Eijirou nods in agreement. “Ya, I agree with sis. You are stunning.”

“No offense, but how do you know if I’m stunning if you can’t see?”

“Do I really have to see to know you’re beautiful? Whether I see you or not, you have a kind soul. Besides, Izuku and Katsuki gave me enough details to visualize how you look.” He smirked as he heard her squeak. “You have milk-chocolate eyes that shine bright, am I wrong?”

Izuku chuckles. “Nope, not wrong there. My cousin is gorgeous, whether she believes it or not.” He glances up as Katsuki comes in with some freshly made churros, the smell of the cinnamon sugar prominent, followed by the toasted coconut of the mochi. “Hey, lovely, need a snack?”

Victoria sniffed and her stomach growled. “Churros and coconut mochi? Yes, please!”

“Sure, here you are, Silks.” Katsuki sets the tray next to her, noticing Kairi hugging her leg like no tomorrow. “Enjoying the leg?”


He chuckled again, now turning to everyone else. “If you all want some, the tray is behind me. I can’t just feed Silks and nobody else.” He then handed a separate tray for Melody. “Here you go sis, these are the Cotton Cheesecake bites.”

Kairi lets go of Victoria’s leg so the spiderette could enjoy the treat, snagging a couple churros from the tray as well. “These look amazing.”

As the group enjoys the snack laid out, they show Victoria pictures of the pet Tarantula that Kairi used to have. “Our neighbor hated it.”

“Pinche cabron…I’m so sorry that happened, that man is awful.”

“We have proof of him going into our property to take her, she never went into his property.” Kairi sighs. “We came home from school one day to find her gutted and nailed to our front door. He’s no longer our neighbor. Daddy took care of him….”

“No…the fact that the abdomen had more nerves, I pray that he ended her life before doing so…they can easily be bruised.”

“He didn’t. The bastard had the nerve to send us a video of how he t-tortured her before killing her.” Eijirou sniffles, hating that man. “We were glad to hear he was gone…permanently.”

“Yes, but it took me a couple months for me to stop going into a Frenzy. It was just too cruel what he had done.”

“I can see that, I would rage myself. I can use my fibers for more than just fabric.” She sighed, now understanding the girl’s fascination, before looking at Katsuki and Melody. “You called her sis, did Aunt Mitsuki adopt her?”

“Ya, she was in a bad situation. We rescued her from it and adopted her soon after. It’s nice having a sibling. Gives me more kitchen experience, cooking for someone with different requirements from my own and my parents. She’s a sweet girl, so I couldn’t ask for a better sister.”

“You adopted me just to have better cooking experience? I thought you couldn’t live without me.” Melody teased, causing Katsuki to grumble at the jab.

“You know what I mean, Mel. But yes, you are an amazing sister to have. Just be aware if someone tries to date you, they’ll have to face me and the Hag.”

“Sorry for the interruption you children, but the news is about to air live with our…guest.”

Izuku, Kairi, and Katsuki cackled, knowing what was about to happen. “Let the circus begin.”


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TrainWreck - Chapter 6 - Angelleap77, Prickly_Bulbasaur - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

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Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.