Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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New Homes Odd and 2 Kids Staff of 16 Added Pirtiitlt Business inance Won't Molest Heating Supplies Ja a MacDonald Announces Naval Aide Death Laid to Gunshot Swedish Iron Ore or 52 Year Service Good for 200 Yrs New Vacuum Tube Substitute Is As Big as a Garden Pea NEW YORK July 4 An It Is merely one tiny rod of the in i rHvptv mfttal Germanium burled Seek OK on Catholics 3 vacuum ireworks Plant Blast 3 Lost and ound Girl Wins Raise and Praise of Pro America BUS OPERATORS the Personals 45 4t do is to col every move and the two chll about noon today windowless 8 by 8 their round or the my go William original superintendent (Mich) schols named meet In July 3 (AP) revealed the cartografer Tullis 41 to a gunshot Vincent Saporito Robert Simpson Norton Seidelman and Jane Stokes Malcolmn Wiener at ort Belvoir Va Saturday for his 52 service both as a civilian and soldier He retired last week after 22 years as a ma chinist in the shops branch en gineer research and development laboratories of ort Belvoir Pre viously he had been in military service Department heads and 55 fellow workers attended the luncheon for Mr Gee who has three and two grandchildren TRUST 0TE5 (Reuters) planes for in World Influenced BEVERAGE CHECKER The council took under advise ment a suggestion by Robert Ladd a budget bureau statistician that the council establish a fiscal research commission to study the financial resources and needs and recommend appropriate legislation Ladd also suggested the council seek legislation which would per mit it to tap additional sources of revenue He called for revision of the law which limits the bonded debt to 10 per cent of the assessable base Sale of a controllng Interest in Lansburgh Bro department store to City Stores Co has been arranged through Bankers Securi ties Corp of Philadelphia it was learned last night The City Stores Co a Wilming ton corporation is principal owner of several well known de partment store outlets in major East Coast cities Neither the chain nor officials of the 91 year old Washington store would com ment on the transaction The Times Herald Classi fied Department will be open Wednesday 9 AM to 6 PM for accepting Want Ads 23 Ribbonllk flag I 26 An age 28 A wing 29 Raising 30 Early morning services (Eccl) 32 Anglo Saxon letter (var) 34 Quantity of paper 35 Disease of rye 36 Musical instrument OUND Irish Miter male young and beautiful Owner or rood home AL 305(1 electric bug shaped like a gjand daddy longlegs was announced today by the Bell Telephone laboratories He substitutes for vacuum tubes His body is a plastic ball the size of a green garden pea He has three legs all long fine wires But he is the biggest bug ever invented when it comes to taking tiny electrical energy and ampli fyin it into real power He takes a millionth of a watt and changes it into one full watt Even the miniature vacuum tube that is about the size of the end of a thumb re quires a million times more power to operate than this bug Its scientific name is transistor NEW YORK July 3 (NY News) Tons of uncollected garbage piled up on New sidewalks to night as an AL union of sanita tion workers expanded its two day slowdown to force city officials to grant a pay boost and a shorter work week to 10000 departmental employes The Court of Appeals here yesterday affirmed a $1733000 annual reduction in rates charged the Baltimore Consolidated Gas Electric Light and Power com pany by the Pennsylvania Water Power company The reduction was first ordered in 1949 by the federal power com mission A spokesman for the Man sion A spokesman for the Mary land public service commission said it is the rate re duction would be passed on to con sumers altho there is no provision for such a refund He pointed out that the Penn sylvania company could appeal decision The 2 to decision closed another move in seven years of litigation Aniwrr 37 Auctions 41 Voleanic rock 44 Affirmative vote 46 Denary STOCKHOLM July 4 (CTPS) Iron ore deposits in northern Swe den contain enough high grade iron to last 200 years at the pres ent rate of exploitation according to Per Gejer Swedish geologist who is retiring as chief of Swedish geological research after 20 years Swedish iron ore deposts in Lapland believed the richest in Europe include the iron moun tains of Kiruna and several ore fields above the polar circle An electric railroad which joins the northern Baltic and the At lantic with the port of Lulea on the Baltic and Narvik on the North Atlantic etosses the area and carries ore night and day for shipping The best grades of ore contain as much as 70 per cent iron Before World War II exports of ore to Germany formed the larg est part of the record shipments of Lapland ore The export total was more than 13 million tons yearly in the five years preceding the war Since 1945 exports which had fallen to only a fraction of that figure rose again and they are now well above 10 million tons yearly Most of the ore is going to Britain and America but satellites have been making increasing claims for this raw material Russia needs to keep eastern Europe furnaces going PHILADELPHIA An autopsy has Navy intelligence death of Edward was probably due wound of the head chief deputy coroner reed said today Tullis a native of Ottumwa Iowa lived in Suitland Md and had been visiting in nearby Roy ersford Pa June 10 when his wife found him shot in the right temple He died later that day at University of Pennsylvania hos pital An inquest is scheduled for July 11 to determine the official cause of death and determine If further action will be taken Dr Wadsworth chief physician who per formed the autopsy reported a gunshot wound about two and a half inches above and in front of right ear He said the shot caused a fractured skull Tullis was preparing to return to Washington when his wife found him lying on a porch A pis tol was nearby Mrs Tullis said her husband sufered a nervous disorder follow ing a breakdown two years ago Tullis had been a map maker for the government the last 10 years stationed in Denver Colo part of the time and then In Washington 'LAUNDBT by bind Pick up and deliver Seasonable VI 3747 UN Candle Burned Up MAMARONECK July 3 (NY A 16 foot candle molded for the United Nations as a symbol of everlasting peace went up in smoke today when fire swept the A Ajello Co candle making plant here BUDAPEST Hungary July (UP) The presidential council decreed tonight that it must give advance approval to appointments of high Roman Catholic officials in Hungary The decree is retro active to January 1946 silvery metal germanium buried in the middle of the solid plastic pea The plastic is a holder and insulator The metal rod is a sandwich both ends electrically negative the middle electrically positive That explains the three one wire to each end and one to the mid dle You hook them to the electric circuit where you want to use this new substitute for a tube The inventors are Dr Shockley who had the ideas and his associates Morgan Sparks Teal Wallace jr Pietenpol and Drs John Bardeen ftnd Walter Brattain Dr Ralph Bfown is director of re search for the laboratories SAN RANSISCO July 3 (UP) Ten national organizations today were labeled of public education in by oficials of the National Education asocia tion The organizations named at a session of the week long 89th annual meeting were: riends of the Public Schols of AmericaWashington Na tional Council of American Educa tion New York Conference of Small Business Organizations New York American Education asociation New York and Ameri can Committee on Edu cation New York The Church League of America Chicago Em ployers Asociation of Chicago In stitute for Public Service New York Guardians of American Ed ucation Inc New York and Na tional Asociation Seattle Virgil Rogers of Battle Creek said the groups secret sesions work under cover use smear literature and poison pamphlets and welcome rabble rousing techniques The 210th Quartermaster laun dry company Washington Army reserve unit has been transferred from Camp Pickett Va to Camp Mackall NC for the joint Army Air orce training exercise "South ern The company com manded by 1st Lt Daniel Walker of Washington was called to active service in September the collection of about the victim The right thing to lect material watch ment of your suspect and go to public security outfits "in Warnings have been made to deal sternly with anyone attempting to a denunciation Serious attention must be given to every charge made by anyone and cases must be disposed of a and responsible After the cases are closed in names should be passed on to local governments for cita tions and rewards Whether or not the reward is publicized is up to the informer himself the Shanghai government has an nounced William Gee 70 of 17 Bellefonte Ave Alexandria was honered at a testimonial luncheon 49 an Carolled HELSINKI July 4 (Wednesday) At the three quarter mark the count in the innish general elections showed Social Democrats 335731 votes Agrar ians 28398 Communist domi nated Democrats 276 023 Conservatives 195294 Swed ish Peoples party 90964 innish party 64365 for Chrysler Plymouth Dealer Excellent workinj condition! 5 day week Your qualifica tion will determine your pay Write full details to Box 17 xivinff details of past experi ence ape etc Our men know of this advertisem*nt OUND English bulldog white and fawn color vic Silver Spring SL 6709 Dumaine Will iled CAMBRIDGE Mass July inancier rederic Du wife and seven children were left his estate estimated at several million dollars it was dis closed today when his will was filed for probate here CURTAINS lann by hand Call and dallvar Immed Krvioa LO 5 1433 10 WATCH pocket Elrin white rold with engravin and with raised yellow gold diamond shaped figure on back lost Monday eve vie of Branch Library Wis Ave and Mt Alto Hospital Call daytime EX 6118 Ext 697: eves WO 9773 4 TERRIER male white and half face black and ears Tag No 12626 June 28 Reward lor information VI 1688 8 LONDON July 4 Scientists who built Luftwaffe War II have greatly postwar aviation development in the United States Canada Rus sia rance South Africa and Ar gentina according to a British aviation ipagazine article appear ing here today Gennan wartime research sup plied much of the data for design ing the Russian MIG 15 jet fighter of Korea fame Pic torial the monthly magazine stated In 1945 Russia had no reliable turbojet near the production stage said the article German techni cians rounded up for began on Gennan Jet projects One German jet en gine the Jump 012 is believed to have reached production under the designation 102 It has a 5900 pound thrust and weighs about 4800 pounds ac cording to unconfirmed figures the air magazine Other Russian fighters and the Soviet Ilyushin and Tupolev bombers were developed from German designs Air Pictorial added In North America the German "all fighter idea has led to several United States and Canadian models "German rockets have been highly developed and ieseler 103 flying bombs have been built and tested for the United States Air orce and the magazine stated EMPLOYMENT OICE 110 North St Asaph SV ALEXANDRIA VA SI Conf on Next Page Reasonable Rotes Prompt Servct Ui will buy SKond Trill Kolp SrcurtO on Improved NATIDHAlMORTGKGE ilNVESTMtNT CORP nit AVtM WASSM I WILL NOT be reeponeible for any debt contracted by anyone other than myself A Alan Olshine 423 Thomae St Arlington Va 5 Installation of gas heating equipment in homes under con struction in the metropolitan area was threatened yesterday by gas supply troubles The Atlantic Seaboard corpora tion wholesale supplier of nat ural gas to the Maryland suburbs asked the Maryland public serv ice commission to restrict instal lation 'of new gas heating units there A similar request was placed befOTrtlre'Virglnia State corpora1 tion commission Monday by the Virginia Gas Transmission corpo ration wholesale supplier for near by Virginia Heavy Demand Reason The District is expected to be included in the freeze request al though no petition has yet been received by the public utilities com mission Both the seaboard and trans mission corporations are part of the Columbia Gas system Heavy demands for natural gas in new homes and a delay in con struction and storage facilities are reasons given for the requested restric tions Maryland suburbs are serviced by the Washington Gas Light company of Maryland while ad jacent Virginia communities get their gas from the Rosslyn Gas company Both are subsidiaries of the Washington Gas Light com pany Everett Boothby president of the Washington Gas Light Co said he had been informed the freeze would be asked in Washing ton as well as Maryland and Vir ginia Boothby said the companies would be willing to accept restric tion of new connections if hear ings before the three commissions show the following 1 That such restrictions are in the public interest that they are necessary to national defense efforts that such steps are neces sary to protect service to present customers and if restrictions are equitably applied thruout the area served by the Columbia system Some Uses Unaffected HONG KONG July 4 (CTPS) Any mainland Chinese who wants to inform on his friends or enemies can now have his govern ment teach him now The procedure has just been announced by the Shanghai branch of the Communist party and the Shanghai municipal gov ernment It has been communi cated to all counties public secu rity bureaus and organi around Shanghai Since the Shanghai mass man hunt of April 27 the document reveals numbers of organizations have set up committees to aid the Red purge Pre eminently listed among them are the Shanghai branch of the China Peace com mittee the ederation and the Shanghai branch of the China Association for the dissemi nation of Scientific Knowledge To Inform Is a Duty The prodecure now to be taught Chinese has been adopted "to make denunciations more satis It is stressed that to in form on others is not only a duty but a right conferred on the peo ple by article IX of the regula tions for the punishment of counter revolutionaries "Only if each and every person denounces counter revolutionaries can the fruits of victories be pre served reconstruction and produc tion safely undertaken and the people enjoy a peaceful the pronouncement says It Is re vealed that the policy is framed in order that denunciation may be made smoothly and under guidance Maybe you had better start by giving your real name the guid ance plan says in order to facili tate contact You must approach a "basic in giving written or spoken denunciation All Charges Investigated And you should do this secretly and alone Open denunciation at meetings should be avoided in order to help investigation and information The Montgomery county coun cil yesterday added 16 employes to its recently created department of public libraries Mrs Louise erguson Silver Spring who has been librarian at Silver Spring since 1936 was named assistant director of the depart ment at an annual salary of $5240 Mrs Dorothy Houts of Gaith ersburg was named a clerical assis tant at $2400 With director George Moreland they will work in the central library office at Gaithersburg Other Retain Job The other 14 appointees are em ployes of the five community li braries which recently were brought into the county system They were renamed county em ployes and will retain the same Jobs All appointments were on recommendation The council accepted with re gret the resignation effective Aug 31 of Leo Bender Silver Spring attorney as chairman of the county appeal tax court Ben der resigned because of the pres sure of private business Study Research Board BRICKLAYERS white' CaU JE 9 8787 between and 6 9 Men ft 8 in or over and between 25 38 yaara of ae PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT PAID WHILE TRAINING PAID VACATIONS REE INSURANCE TRANSIT CO saa udi nnnri III bqbdb nanaaoil ljbb aaQaDDua aaaas BDQHaaaa annuaan naa sun anciBUiiBa saa ana naisDa annna anaa aaaa UBB ana LOCAL WANT AD RATES or Washington and point within 60 miln of the District of Columbia: 1 time 38c per hoe per day: 1 timer conecutively 35c oer line per 7 time contecutirely 38c per line per day Ad under Spodal Notices per Use additional Count 5 average word to a tine CANCELLATIONS a eanceL tion number will be riven when an ad it cancelled Claims of cancella tion mutt be accompanied by the number OUT TOWN RATES or ad from points more than 50 miler from the District of Columbia 1 time 06c per line: 3 timet 63e per line 7 timet 60c per lint CORRECTIONS The Timee Her aid will not be retpontible for more than one incorrect insertion PHONE REpakHo 1214 OR AN AD TAKER I WILL NOT BE retpontible for debtt con tracted by pereont other than my eelf aft July 3 51 Raymond Wolfe for addreu 3348 8 Utah St ArL Va Pre address Ward 44 Wal ter Reed Hop Wash DC 0 Divers Reappointed Home Bank Chairman William Divers has been sworn in for another four year term as chairman of the Home Loan bank board His confirmation was made by the Senate last week end and Rep Spence (D) of Kentucky chair man of the House banking and currency committee administered the oath Monday Divers has served as board chair man since 1947 and is well known in the savings and loan field DAILY ACROSS lBag Precious atone 9 Algonquian wampum 10 Danger 12 Large showy flower 13 Threefold 14 Part of "to 15 name 47 Brightest star in Lyra 18 Knock 20 Arrange ment of vessels (Navy) 22 Goddess of discord 24 High craggy hill 25 Kind of ray 27 Sacred song '31 Spawn of 33 Pen name of Charles IBM Places Hailing In Local Office Spot International Business Machines corporation yesterday announced the appointment of Kenneth Hatling as electric typewriter sales manager of its commercial office in Washington Hatling comes here from New York where he has qualified four times for membership in the 100 Per Cent club the sales honor organization of IBM Administrative Secretary Nongovernment organ liatlon Must be good at stenography and figure ully capable of taking more and more responsibility of executive nature 5 day week Sal ary open to conform to training and experience Age under 35 Give full information concerning self and family ties urnish photo graph Replies confidential Box 25 Times Herald IQ times herald AO Washington WXDNMBAY JU1T 4 1981 and her previous dealing with the firm had been thru his wife Olga Charged with bribery the man is free on $1000 bond for appear ance before the 8 commis sioner July 18 The Commerce de partment announced yesterday that all export license privileges of the firm have been suspended for 30 days pending further in vestigation of the case by OlTs in vestigation staff and a hearing before compliance commis sioner BOYS AND VETS I Ender 27 scl neat Iree to travel Calif and return New cars lurn I Saleswork Can avg S00 wk Cash drawing acct Leaving town immed Mrs Lollar Hotel Harrington 10 2 Don't phone ft Columbia and its subsidiaries sell gas wholesale and retail thru la large area taking in Kentucky West Virginia Virginia Maryland Pennsylvania New York Ohio and Washington Boothby said at present about 95 per cent of the new homes constructed in the metropolitan area are outfitted with gas heat ing units The petitions seek to prevent the installation of these and the conversion of present oil and coal equipment to gas burners Restric tions also are requested on new industrial and commercial con nections Gas used for cooking and re frigeration would not be affected Boothby said one of the factors i in the freeze is the delayed con struction of long transmission llnes between Texas and West Virginia He blamed the delay to difficulties in getting steel and other materials SHORTHAND 4 TYPING Learn in 6 Week 8pedwrHlng Pencil Shorthand need In Buainew nd Civil gervie InroU Any Time Day or Night 8PCEDWRITING SCHOOL 1406 St NW ST 2252 81 To Montgomery Library Bureau Garbage Piling Up In Slowdown Laundry QM Co Goes to War Games Texan Held as Killer In Triangle Shooting SAN ANTONIO July 3 (AP) Dr Clyde Craig 58 prominent Lubbock (Tex) dentist was shot to death today in the fashionable apartment here of Mrs Raymond Donnell A short time later Mrs 34 year old husband sur rendered to poice and was charged with murder Social Democrats lead In innish Elections WALLET Hoe North Beach Md Sun cont 60 locket inder keep money mall wall Went card 6 Elizabeth to Head English Speaking Union LONDON July 3 (Reuter) Princess Elizabeth is to succeed Lord Salisbury as a president of the English Speaking Union in Britain it was announced here tonight Holiday Want Ad Hours ABLE MEN PARTIAL LISTING BELOW Sales representativetraln ee) WN250 S275 mo Assistant! to manarer (train ees! 3260 mo Bookkeeper machine opera tor 350 to 360 wk Electromatic typist 3140 3160 hr Varitypiit JI 75 hr Clerk $200 to $225 mo Nirhl clerk (hotel) $225 mo Mail clerk (summer) 3200 mo Woodworker machine oper ator (NE) $PO5 hr Cabinetmakers (NE) $106 hr Watchmen (2) 4 to 12 $50 wk Mechanics (snme electrical backrmd) 37 hr wk $325 mo ENGINEERING DIVISION Technical writer (technical manual experience also commercial and rovern ment spec experience) $0500 yr Topo structural draftsmen $00 wk Tool rrinders $00 wk Millinr machine and turret lathe operators $68 wk Draftsmen artists (visual and charts) $300 mo Draftsmen computer $70 wk Machinists $80 wk NATIONAL EMPL SERVICE 1O1P 15TH ST NW 5 Must be thoroughly ex perienced Under 45 year of age Evening work APPLY PERSONNEL OICE Ambassador Hotel 1404 St NW PRINTING you Ilka It at' the Paul son Press A catalog of sample ent WQoeet tiH 7393 Metor Tnvl Telephone Co Scores income Gain During the five period of the current year January thru May operating revenues of the Chesapeake and Potomac Tele phone company totaled $18937 302 a gain of $3317000 over the comparable months of 1950 The company also revealed that net operating Income during this time was $2717979 as against $1991483 last year Belvoir Vet Honored Appeals Court Affirms Rate Cut Groups Called Education oes Lansburgh's Store Is Sold Injures Army Probers HANOVER Mass July 3 (UP)A powder magazine exploded at Nationa ireworks plant here tonight injuring four men investigating the theft of secret Army rocket bomb ignition car tridges CROSSWORD DOWN 1 Beacon 2 Beard of rye 3 Walking stick 4 Rascal 5 Make choice 6 Wayward 7 Sprite (Shakt spearian) 8 Cant 9 rightens 11 Thin 16 Perform 19 Perennial herb (Haw)1 Leap OUND dog male black brown marking bobtail Owner or good home AL 395ft OUND dor male black with white markings Owner or good home AL 3959 OUND dor female spotted black and white Owner or good home AL 3959 OUND eat Maltese Nice dispoti tion Owner or good home AL 3959 OUND kitten! (2) black with white markings Owner or good home AL 3959 OUND hound lanre male vic tomae Md SL 6700 ace On 7 Chess Players In Southern Tourneys Seven members of the Wash ington Chess Divan are taking part in the Southern Open cham pionship tournament at Asheville NC and two are playing' in the tournament at Tampa la Both events were announced by the Southern Chess association At Asheville are Martin Stark Edmund Nash Dillard Stokes At Tamoa are and Norman Whitaker or oiling on the Job Bribe A Commerce department em ploye who refused an alleged $200 bribe and was Instrumental in the arrest of the man said to have offered it yesterday received an in grade raise and congratulations of Commerce Secretary Sawyer Mrs Helen Matheison licensing officer in the office of interna tional trade was commended by Sawyer for her sense of public He said she set a good example for persons in and out of federal service Along with the words of praise went a $125 a year increase in pay and a scroll for accom An BI spokesman said Irving Marton a New York exporter who had licenses pending to send cor rugated aluminum sheet to the Philippines proffered the alleged hrlh June 28 He is reported to have placed an envelope containing $200 on Mrs desk and after she refused it left it on the desk beneath some papers while she was out of the room Mrs Matheson reported tne in cident When Marton returned later in' the day tor an Interview with her superior the BI was waiting Mrs Matheison a widow who lives in the 3500 block Brothers Pl SE said she had never seen the man before She said he repre Teen ager Tells of Hotel' Marijuana Parties OMAHA Neb July 3 A 14 year old girl told police today that she had attended several parties at a hotel here and that she had relations with one of the men present after the parties Police arrested five men irm Incorporation Samuel MaeDonald manu facturers representative since 1929 has incorporated his busi ness under the trade name of Sam uel MacDonald Inc The firm will continue to main tain the branch office at 3308 ourteenth St NW Specializing in electronic industry sales Officers besides MacDonald in clude Noble Shift vice presi dent and treasurer Alma Mac Donald secretary James aries and John Mahoney Chinese Taught How to Inform OnNon Commies Germans Again Take Part In Jet Designing ederal Transport Group Elects Ream orest Ream department of the Army has been elected presi dent of the ederal Transporta tion association it was announced yesterday Other officers named Include Musselwhite vice president: Otto Bender vice president Margaret Baird sec retary and Sullivan treas urer Elected to the board of di rectors were Nledfeldt Dor othy Warner A Reed Randolph and Shipley ATTENTION DOG A CAT OWNERS Guard your peti If lost or ctokn they may be taken to laboratories for cruel experimentation AntL Vivisection Society ISHING EQUIPMENT on Orange St SE: 2 rod and reels Reward DI 7013 Ext 77 4 LO ST port radio RCA Victor vic of Astoria Hotel 14th and St Box 32E TimetHera1d AUTO MECHANIC We have an opening for an ex perienced auto mechanic Ag week Plenty of work SEE MR LINK ADDISON CHEVROLET 14th and la Ave NW 8 AUTO Exp in all phases of truck fleet maintenance ago 25 45 perm excel oppr witli Ige concern expanding it opera tion locally Many employe benefit Please write stating full qualifica tions to Box 3244 Columbn Height Sta Wash DC 6 Asks $10000 for Bite PHILADELPHIA July 3 (UP) Leonard Thompson 50 Barne gat City filed a suit here yesterday demanding $10000 damages for a dogbite AUTOMOBILE SHOP OREMAN ACT TODAY LEARN A GOOD TRADE Cinder Block TILE SETTING EECTIVE JOB SERVICE OI APPROVED Tech of Washington 1504 BENNING BO AT BBSS bUmctlon 15th ud Ih HI 31 Help Ma Names Lang To Public Relations Post Chester Lang vice president of the General Electric company for the past 10 years has been named to a new post in charge of public relations it has been an nounced by Ralph conn ner GE presi dent i office will be in New York at the companys ex ecutive head i quarters I A recognized national au thority on in dustrial a keting Lang has directed that activity in the GE apPa Clirter Innr ratus organization the largest Lang is a native of Erie Pa and is a graduate of the Univer sity of Michigan After overseas Army service in World War I he joined General Electric in 1919 as a traveling auditor and three years later was placed as assistant in the publicity department in Schenectady Appointed advertising manager in 1932 he later was made man ager of sales apparatus depart ment ana ishi was elected vice president Anybody Now NEW YORK July 3 (NY News) Evelyn 11 and her brother Tony 7 planned birth day party for their daddy today rom somewhere 'got a chocolate layer cake and topped It with three artificial ice cream cones in lieu of candles They got a half pint of cheap rye and a small flask of wine And they scribbled their childish scrawls on birthday cards But they never got tossing "Happy or Anthony Sanchez about 50 killed himself dren by gas in a stuffy storeroom in Bronx flat He killed as he explained in a laboriously penciled note because a tenant in the building where just been taken on as jan had complained when he brought the children to live with him The note was addressed to the landlord Jacob Holtzman but Sanchez apparently was un able to spell the last name and addressed it to "Dear Mr It read: sorry somebody in building do not like I bring baby here She said now we ing to have more trouble with kids so I know we are in the middle of the road and I do not like to bring trouble with my kids to nobody that is in the place Good by we must go where we molest people" Jrt AIR DUCT INSTALLATION MECHANICS HELPERS Steady work Good pay APPLY MARTIN 1 1429 Quincy St Arlington Va Jy4 ATTENTION Union ba full and part time openings for men and boys over 18 with bicycle Apply 708 14th St NW Jyi AUTO BODY MEN (5) oldest ord dealer have openinr for experienced body repair men Good percentage pay plan leave insurance and other em ployment benefits See Mr Ban nleter Hill Tibbitts 1114 VT AVE NW AUTO MECHANIC Sober reliable and experienced mechanic Excellent opportunity Must have own hand tools East ern Motors 804 Bladensburg Rd NE LI 6 1140 6 LEAVING for Los Angele approxl i malely July 6 Call OR 4898 ft COLLEGE STUDENT will drive your car anywhere in United State Can ada or Mexico Interview at youe convenience GE 6339 7 XohMlB 88 ltrotlo OUND besrle female vic Po tomac Md SL 6709 RING gold rinr Masonic em blem and diamond Reward DU 6049 7 PEARL and DIAMOND EARRING (1) Reward MI 2759 Learn $8 Month Beginner and Brush up Coutm Choice of Bonn from 9 am 9 oun TYPING SCHOOL 1408 St NW STerllng 2252 81 NEW CLASSES In TOUCH TYPING" Bookkeeping Accounting Office Machines Secretarial work' Short hand Beceptfoniit PBX Course Start Now make more BOYD SCHOOL est S5 yrs 700 12th eor NA 2340 (KimcsA) UZMl 11 14 5 7 8 7 It 11 20 11 10 ffj 1 44 yi I MOT Lamb 84 eeU regret 38 Astern A 39 Assam silkworm 40 nickname 7 42 Music note 43 Lizard 45 Ancient language 47 Cash 48 Levela.

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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Views: 6195

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.