TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (2024)

TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (1)

  • Oliver Breeds

Last updated on :

  • August 14, 2023

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With the rising prominence of TikTok as an advertising channel, more brands are adopting it in their marketing strategies. The Chinese platform is arguably the hottest place on the Internet right now. It’s growing at a mind-blowing pace, reaching 1.2 billion monthly active users in 2022; Faster than any other platform ever.

The business side of TikTok is already a threat to major online advertising networks, even though it only started in 2019. But can the huge potential of TikTok make businesses ditch heavyweights like Google Ads? The search engine giant currently owns the largest ad publishing service in the world, surpassing even Facebook (Source). Let’s have a full TikTok ads vs Google ads comparison to find out how the short video-sharing app fares against the Internet Behemoth.

Let’s talk about TikTok Ads first

TikTok was a breath of fresh air in the social media world. The content format on which it was based became so popular, especially after the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic that it hit milestone after milestone at a rapid pace. TikTok is all about consuming and sharing fun, informative, and viral content through short videos. Its impeccable content suggestion system and smooth UI design provide a seamless experience for users. An average TikTok user opens the app 19 times per day and enjoys a never-ending flow of organic, non-disruptive content carefully selected by TikTok’s algorithm based on his/her preferences and viewing habits. All this has resulted in a strong and dedicated community that’s growing by the day.

TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (2)

From a business point of view, everything we mentioned above makes TikTok a very appealing place for brands to connect with people. The user base is huge, the community is very engaging, and the prices are among the cheapest in the PPC landscape. But that’s not all that TikTok has to offer. The way ByteDance (TikTok’s parent company) has implemented advertising features on the platform is very unique. We’re going to go through it in our comparison, but let’s get to the other side of this battle of giants.

Google; The deity of the Internet

It’s hard to imagine a world without Google and its services. What once was a simple search engine is now at the core of almost every Internet function. From searching, email, and social media to navigation, shopping, AND advertising. Google is by far the most visited website in the world and processes over 8.5 billion searches every day. That’s huge to even think about.

It’s no wonder how Google also owns the largest digital advertising network. Google Ads, which also consists of the Display Network and YouTube Ads, brought $147 billion in revenue for the company in 2020. Businesses of all sizes put organic and paid presence on Google services in their marketing strategies as the primary way of building awareness and finding customers. And Google makes it possible with its plethora of marketing capabilities.

Google Ads as a whole is very much different than TikTok Ads. It’s much more diverse and not confined to one social network. The Display Network alone serves ads across more than two million websites. The majority of ads however belong to the paid search section, where google provides advertisers with a dozen of highly advanced tools to find customers with high buyer intent. You can also read about Social Media Network Marketing.

TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (3)

TikTok vs Google: A Comprehensive Comparison of Advertising Platforms

As mentioned above, a direct comparison between these two is not so easy due to the vast differences in their nature. But knowing these differences will help you pick the right place for your ads and grab the highest ROI.

First and foremost, you need to understand how each platform plays a different role in a brand’s marketing funnel. People turn to Google to search for what they currently need. It could be information, products, or services. In other words, users generally have a high intention to buy and are actively looking for an item of interest on the search engine. This makes Google Ads a perfect place to acquire customers right at the later stages of the funnel. You will be there when prospects are looking for you or what you have to offer.

TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (4)

TikTok on the other hand works really well for introducing your brand to people and building brand awareness. Your TikTok audience may not convert right away, but you’ll have a perfect opportunity to spread your name and engage with a vast number of potential customers. TikTok’s very nature accelerates your recognition. The app is designed for uninterrupted, continuous viewing of engaging content that has a chance of going viral, thanks to the top-notch delivery algorithm. Ads on the platform perfectly align with this philosophy, meaning there’s not much difference between organic and paid content on TikTok. Users might not even realize they’re watching an ad until several seconds into the video. TikTok Ads perfectly blend in with other content on the app and bring a lot of value. This results in much higher engagement rates and lower ad fatigue.

TikTok and Google are two of the most popular platforms in the digital world, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses. While Google has been around for over 20 years and is a household name, TikTok is a relatively new platform that has quickly grown in popularity.

When it comes to advertising, Google has a clear advantage over TikTok. Google Ads, which includes the Display Network and YouTube Ads, generated $147 billion in revenue for the company in 2020. Google’s advertising network is vast and diverse, reaching over 2 million websites via the Display Network and providing businesses with advanced tools to find customers with high buying intent. Google’s search engine is also the most popular on the internet, making it an ideal platform for businesses looking to increase their visibility and reach potential customers.

TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (5)

On the other hand, TikTok Ads is a newer platform that has yet to reach the same level of maturity as Google Ads. However, TikTok’s user base is growing at a rapid pace and its community is highly engaged. The platform is also very affordable, making it a great option for small and medium-sized businesses looking to reach a younger audience. Additionally, TikTok has a unique advertising feature, which is the ability to create and share short videos that can go viral, this is a great way to grab attention of the users.

TikTok Ads are the cool kid on the block. They’ve been brilliantly implemented on the platform without impacting the user experience. Unlike Google Ads, which can sometimes feel intrusive and disruptive, TikTok Ads blend seamlessly into the feed, making them a natural and enjoyable part of the scrolling experience. It’s like they’re the life of the party, but they’re not stealing the show. If you’re looking to capture the attention of a younger, more socially active audience, TikTok Ads might just be the perfect fit for your brand. In the battle of TikTok Ads vs Google Ads, it’s clear that TikTok has found a way to win over users’ hearts (and wallets) without disrupting their online experience.

To sum up, while Google Ads is the clear leader in the advertising space, TikTok Ads is a platform worth considering for businesses looking to reach a younger audience on a budget. Both platforms have their own strengths and weaknesses, and it ultimately comes down to the specific needs and goals of the business. It’s important to analyze which platform will work best for your business in order to achieve the highest return on investment.

This isn’t a fair game though

TikTok is still a young platform, having only started serving ads in 2019. It’s safe to say that ByteDance still has a long way to go to reach the advertising prowess of Google and Facebook, but the company is on the right track (By the way, we also have a complete TikTok Ads vs Facebook Ads comparison you should check out).

Compared to Google Ads and Facebook Ads, TikTok has fewer options to refine your ad properties and targeting. Ad formats are limited to short videos up to 60 seconds but luckily, there’s a great in-app video editing tool available to streamline the production process. TikTok enables you to create your own promotional channel and fill it with your branded content. There are some unique and clever features at your disposal too that help you get the most out of TikTok. You can partner with influencers, run your own branded challenges with exclusive hashtags, and create branded filters and stickers.

Google on the other hand is packed with numerous features to give you total control over where, when, and to whom your ad is served. There’s also a ton of performance insights and analytics data available along with multiple split testing options to fully optimize your campaigns and get the best results possible.

TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (6)

Pros and Cons: TikTok Ads vs Google Ads

In the dynamic landscape of digital advertising, the choice between platforms can greatly influence the success of your campaigns. Two giants, TikTok Ads and Google Ads, stand at the forefront, each offering distinct advantages and disadvantages. Here, we present a comprehensive overview of the pros and cons associated with both platforms, enabling advertisers to make well-informed decisions tailored to their goals.

TikTok Ads:


  1. Engagement with Gen Z and Millennials: TikTok boasts an overwhelmingly young user base, providing a unique opportunity to engage with Generation Z and Millennials. If your target audience falls within this demographic, TikTok Ads can be a powerful way to establish brand presence and resonance.
  2. Creativity and Authenticity: The platform thrives on creativity and authenticity. TikTok Ads can be designed in a way that aligns with the platform’s content style, enhancing engagement and virality. Advertisers can leverage user-generated content to establish a more genuine connection with the audience.
  3. Innovative Ad Formats: TikTok offers a range of ad formats like in-feed ads, branded challenges, and more. These formats enable advertisers to experiment and create engaging content that seamlessly integrates with the user experience.


  1. Limited Targeting Options: Compared to other platforms, TikTok’s targeting options are still evolving. Advertisers might face challenges in reaching specific niche audiences, which could impact campaign effectiveness.
  2. Competition and Saturation: With its rising popularity, the competition for user attention on TikTok is intensifying. This could lead to ad saturation and potential difficulties in standing out amidst the content overload.
  3. Brand Suitability: As a platform known for its user-generated content, maintaining brand suitability can be challenging. Advertisers must carefully curate their content to align with their brand values while resonating with the platform’s culture.

Google Ads:


  1. Vast Reach and Intent-based Targeting: Google’s extensive reach covers various demographics and user intent. Google Ads allow advertisers to target users actively searching for relevant keywords, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  2. Diverse Ad Formats: Google offers a wide array of ad formats, including search ads, display ads, video ads, and more. This versatility enables advertisers to tailor their content to the user’s context and preferences.
  3. Performance Tracking and Data: Google Ads provides comprehensive data and analytics, allowing advertisers to monitor and optimize campaigns in real time. This data-driven approach enhances ROI and campaign effectiveness.


  1. Ad Fatigue and Banner Blindness: Over time, users might develop ad fatigue or banner blindness, causing them to overlook or ignore ads. This can impact the efficiency of ad campaigns.
  2. Competition and Costs: High competition for popular keywords can drive up bidding costs, potentially making Google Ads less cost-effective, especially for smaller businesses with limited budgets.
  3. Ad Blocking and Privacy Concerns: Users increasingly turn to ad blockers and privacy-focused measures, limiting the visibility of Google Ads and raising concerns about data usage and user privacy.

In conclusion, the choice between TikTok Ads and Google Ads hinges on a multitude of factors, including target audience, campaign goals, and budget. TikTok offers unparalleled engagement with younger demographics and a creative canvas, while Google provides extensive reach and intent-based targeting. Advertisers should carefully weigh the pros and cons outlined here to make informed decisions that align with their advertising strategies and objectives.

So which one works better for you?

The answer to this question might be different for every business, and it doesn’t have to be just one of them. Up to this point, you might’ve realized how both channels suit better for specific purposes. Before jumping to a conclusion based solely on factors like “pricing” or “audience size”, you need to determine which one checks all the boxes for your marketing goals. TikTok has the young, dedicated community that’s growing larger by the day. Google has the massive reach and superb analytics. TikTok requires high creativity and making ads in a certain format. Google hosts millions of businesses competing fiercely for top spots. and In many cases, utilizing a combination of the two can do wonders. You’ll properly cover your entire marketing funnel while keeping your ad spend low and efficient.


Are Google Ads better than TikTok Ads?

It heavily depends on your business and priorities. Google Ads is good for targeting clients at the later stages of your funnel and grabbing their attention right when they’re looking for a product or service.
TikTok on the other hand is great for increasing brand awareness and engaging with a vast audience. There’s also the question of demographic. Almost every Internet user turns to Google for searching. TikTok is exceptionally popular among younger audiences and is great for targeting female prospects since %53 of TikTok’s user base are female.

Are TikTok Ads cheaper than Google Ads?

The average CPM (Cost per 1000 Impressions) on TikTok is higher than all of Google’s channels ($10 vs $1.5 for paid search, $3.12 for Display Network, and $9.5 for YouTube Ads)

How is TikTok advertising different from Google?

TikTok Ads are limited to short videos, just like the organic content on the platform. Whereas Google provides three different (and huge) advertising channels: Paid search, Display Network, and YouTube Ads.
Google’s paid search service (which is its biggest and most profitable channel) is excellent for acquiring prospects with high buyer intent. TikTok on the other hand is perfect for building brand awareness and engaging with your audience with its non-disruptive, immersive ad format.

  • Share
  1. TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (7)Leslie says:

    September 13, 2022 at 11:52 am

    Very helpful thank you. tiktok ads compared to google ads is much newer but if it really is as good as everyone says, i would definitely give it a try


    1. TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (8)Oliver says:

      September 13, 2022 at 11:53 am

      Thank you for your feedback Leslie Feature-wise, TikTok Ads is highly competent right now, though not as evolved as other major platforms. In the end, it all depends on your business, your intended audience, and your budget.


  2. TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (9)Helena says:

    January 1, 2023 at 11:44 am

    Why are Google ads cheaper than TikTok ads?
    I thought the opposite


    1. TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (10)Oliver says:

      January 1, 2023 at 11:52 am

      Hi Helena
      The average CPM cost for Google Ads is almost $3 which is lower than TikTok Ads with $10 CPM.


  3. TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (11)Jazz says:

    January 31, 2023 at 11:10 am

    Interesting & really helpful.


    1. TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (12)Oliver says:

      January 31, 2023 at 1:19 pm

      Hi Jazz
      You are welcome! Thanks for leaving your feedback.


  4. TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (13)Johan says:

    March 14, 2023 at 6:22 am

    When someone writes an post he/she maintains the plan of a user in his/her mind that how a
    user can be aware of it. So that’s why this article is outstdanding.


    1. TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (14)Oliver says:

      Thank you so much for your comment. Our team at AdFlex do their best to help our users become better marketers and entrepreneurs and we greatly appreciate your feedback!


  5. TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (15)Gravitate says:

    March 17, 2023 at 6:55 am

    Nice guide as google ads is really helpful to business nowadays.


    1. TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (16)Oliver says:

      March 29, 2023 at 12:33 pm

      Hi Gravitate! Thanks for your comment. We’re glad you found our guide useful!


  6. TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (17)Joe says:

    June 15, 2023 at 10:04 am

    TikTok vs Google, now that’s an interesting comparison! Both platforms have their own unique strengths and purposes. Excited to see which one comes out on top!


    1. TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (18)Oliver says:

      June 15, 2023 at 10:06 am

      When it comes to comparing TikTok and Google, it’s important to note that they serve different purposes and cater to different audiences. TikTok is a popular social media platform known for its short-form videos, while Google is a search engine used for finding information and exploring the web. Each platform offers its own advantages and benefits. If you have any specific questions or areas of comparison you’d like to explore, feel free to let me know!


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TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (26)

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TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? (2024)


TikTok ads vs Google ads: Which One is Better? ›

To sum up, while Google

Google was founded on September 4, 1998, by American computer scientists Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were PhD students at Stanford University in California. Together, they own about 14% of its publicly listed shares and control 56% of its stockholder voting power through super-voting stock.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Google
Ads is the clear leader in the advertising space, TikTok Ads is a platform worth considering for businesses looking to reach a younger audience on a budget. Both platforms have their own strengths and weaknesses, and it ultimately comes down to the specific needs and goals of the business.

Is Google Ads better than TikTok ads? ›

While Google Ads excels in capturing high-intent traffic and driving conversions through its search and display network, TikTok Ads shines in creating engaging and immersive brand experiences that resonate with a younger, more socially active audience.

How effective are ads on TikTok? ›

Specifically, for TikTok, research conducted by its Marketing Science unit suggests 50% of the impact from a TikTok ad is realized in the first 2 seconds, and the first 6 seconds capture 90% cumulative impact on Ad Recall and around 80% for Awareness.

Are Google Ads more effective? ›

Google Ads is an effective way to drive qualified traffic, or good-fit customers, to your business because they're searching for products and services like yours. With Google Ads, you can boost your website traffic, receive more inquiries, and increase in-store visits.

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TikTok ranks #1 globally for ad equity: it's the preferred ad environment for both brands and consumers. TikTok users are 1.5x more likely to immediately go out and buy something they discovered on the platform.

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This follows a recent HerCampus study finding that 74% of Gen Z internet users use TikTok for search and 51% favor it over Google, primarily due to its short-form video format.

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Google then pays you for the ads displayed on your site based on user clicks on ads or on ad impressions, depending on the type of ad. AdSense gives you instant and automatic access to a huge source of advertiser demand, which means competition for your ad spaces, more relevant ads, and ads for all your online content.

What are the cons of TikTok ads? ›

  • Exclusively Video-Based. The main USP of TikTok is also a limiting factor for businesses that cannot always deliver their message through video content. ...
  • Expensive Ads. Although effective, advertising on TikTok is expensive compared to other social media platforms. ...
  • Limited Diversity. ...
  • Safety & Privacy Concerns.
Mar 16, 2023

How long do TikTok ads take to work? ›

While some TikTok Ads might take longer than usual for the review process to complete, most TikTok Ads are reviewed within 24 hours. You will receive a notification once your TikTok Ads have been approved and published.

What is the disadvantage of Google Ads? ›

Disadvantages of Google Ads

While many businesses are willing to invest in this high cost, it may make other marketing strategies less accessible. A large Amount of Competition – Another disadvantage of Google Ads is that they are extremely effective at driving traffic to other business sites.

What is the success rate of Google Ads? ›

The Average Click-Through Rate for Google Ads is 4-6%

Data shows the average CTR for Google ads is 4-6%. Anything over that is considered above average.

How much is Google Ads per month? ›

Google Ads costs $100 – $10,000 per month with most businesses paying $0.11 – $0.50 per click and $0.51 – $1000 per 1000 impressions on average in 2024. Google Ads pricing can vary depending on various factors, like your industry, campaign targeting, and ad network.

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However, Facebook offers more advanced targeting options and a broader range of audience data and analytics. So, Comparing targeting in TikTok ads vs. Facebook ads, Facebook is a winner.

Are TikTok ads more expensive? ›

At a relatively low cost ($10 per CPM and $1.00 per CPC) to advertise to a targeted audience, and an average user engagement rate between 5-16%, TikTok ads have one of the highest potential ROI's in all of advertising.

How much is a TikTok ad cost? ›

The average CPM on TikTok is $9.16 (as of November 2023). TikTok advertising prices start at $0.50 CPM and $0.02 cost per click. A minimum budget of $500 is required to spend on a campaign, with a minimum daily budget of $50 at the campaign level and a minimum of $20 per day at the ad group level.

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According to Cloudflare's Top Domains Ranking 2021 list, TikTok was the most visited site in 2021, jumping to the top from the 7th place in 2020 when Google was in first place.

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Google Ads gives you control over how you spend your money. There's no minimum. And you can choose how much you spend per month, per day, and per ad. You'll only pay when someone clicks your ad.

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As an advertiser, your ads show up on TikTok if your Search campaigns have the “Include Google search partners” option enabled. For a few weeks now, if this option is selected, your ads could be displayed directly in the TikTok search engine, among all the videos.


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