The story of Ruby Bridges (2024)

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The story of Ruby Bridges (1)

английски [en], pdf, 2.5MB, 📗 Книга (непозната), storyofrubybridg0000cole.pdf

The story of Ruby Bridges 🔍

New York: Scholastic, 2004

Coles, Robert; Ford, George, 1936- 🔍

“<p><P>Category&#58; BiographyPlease, God, try to forgive those people. Because even if they say those bad things, They don't know what they're doing.This is the true story of an extraordinary 6-year-old who helped shape history when she became the first African-American sent to first grade in an all white school. This moving book captures the courage of a little girl standing alone in the face of racism.Ford's moving watercolor paintings...capture the...warmth of Ruby's family and community, the immense powers against her, and her shining inner strength. &#151;Booklist</p><h3>Publishers Weekly</h3><p>Ruby Bridges was the sole African American child to attend a New Orleans elementary school after court-ordered desegregation in 1960. Noted research psychiatrist Coles tells how federal marshals escorted the intrepid six-year-old past angry crowds of white protestors thronging the school. Parents of the white students kept them home, and so Ruby began learning how to read and write in an empty classroom, an empty building. Although there are disappointingly few words from Ruby herself, Coles's use of quotes from her teacher adds to the story's poignancy (Sometimes I'd look at her and wonder how she did it.... How she went by those mobs and sat here all by herself and yet seemed so relaxed and comfortable). The story has a rather abrupt ending; the concluding page reprints the prayer that Ruby said daily, asking God to forgive the protesters. Coles cursorily finishes the tale of Ruby's unsettling year in an afterword (two boys and then the rest of the students returned to school; the mobs dispersed by the time Ruby entered second grade). Ford (Bright Eyes, Brown Skin; Paul Robeson) contributes affecting watercolors that play up Ruby's moral courage. Ages 5-9. (Feb.)</p>

1 volume (unpaged) : 26 cm

For months six-year-old Ruby Bridges must confront the hostility of white parents when she becomes the first African American girl to integrate Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans in 1960”

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ISBN-13978-0-439-59844-6 ISBN-13978-0-606-30587-7 ISBN-100-606-30587-4 ISBN-100-439-59844-3 OCLC/WorldCat1200556709 Open LibraryOL20545737W Open LibraryOL9414673M Open LibraryOL7514203M Open LibraryOL260246W Internet Archivestoryofrubybridg0000cole Library Thing295976 Goodreads14403 Goodreads3325441 LCCF379.N59 N436 2004t DDC370.19/342

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The story of Ruby Bridges (2024)


What is the lesson of the story of Ruby Bridges? ›

Learning that you can never judge anyone from the outside was the first lesson of that tumultuous year. A second was that we must all “become brothers and sisters.” “We must absolutely take care of one another. It does take a village, but we have to be a village first.

What is the main idea of Ruby Bridges story? ›

The author demonstrates the determination and courage exhibited by this seven year old girl. The events unfold showing the resistance of the white people to integration of public schools in the South and the character traits exhibited by Ruby to overcome the hardships during this turbulent time in history.

What are 3 important things Ruby Bridges did? ›

In November 1960, Bridges became the first Black student to desegregate the all-white William Frantz Elementary School in Louisiana — which is recognized as a pivotal moment in the history of the Civil Rights Movement. Bridges went on to become an author, speaker, and life-long civil rights activist.

What was Ruby Bridges real name? ›

Ruby Nell Bridges Hall is an American Hero. She was the first African American child to desegregate William Frantz Elementary School. At six years old, Ruby's bravery helped pave the way for Civil Rights action in the American South.

Is Ruby Bridges still alive? ›

Ruby Bridges is still alive and is sixty-six years old. She has worked as a civil right activist her whole life. Throughout her life, Bridges has received many honors and awards.

What quote did Ruby Bridges say? ›

Ruby Bridges quote | "Don't follow the path. Go where there is no path and start a trail." -- Ruby Bridges | By WomenTech NetworkFacebook.

What happened to Ruby Bridges when she was 4? ›

When she was four years old, her family moved to New Orleans. Two years later a test was given to the city's African American schoolchildren to determine which students could enter all-white schools. Bridges passed the test and was selected for enrollment at the city's William Frantz Elementary School.

What does Ruby Bridges do today? ›

After graduating from a desegregated high school, she worked as a travel agent for 15 years and later became a full-time parent. She is now chair of the Ruby Bridges Foundation, which she formed in 1999 to promote "the values of tolerance, respect, and appreciation of all differences".

Where is Ruby Bridges now? ›

Today, Ruby Bridges continues to live in New Orleans and works in schools around the country to promote education. "Don't follow the path. Go where there is no path and begin the trail."

Did Ruby Bridges get married? ›

Ruby graduated from a desegregated high school, became a travel agent, married and had four sons. She was reunited with her first teacher, Henry, in the mid 1990s, and for a time the pair did speaking engagements together.

Does Ruby Bridges have a child? ›

Who inspired Ruby Bridges? ›

Bridges was inspired following the murder of her youngest brother, Malcolm Bridges, in a drug-related killing in 1993 — which brought her back to her former elementary school. For a time, Bridges looked after Malcolm's four children, who attended William Frantz School.

What did Ruby Bridges marry? ›

Ruby Bridges got married to Malcolm Hall and had four sons. In 1993, her brother was shot and killed in New Orleans. Ruby's family went to New Orleans to take care of his daughters. In 1999, she wrote a children's book, "Through My Eyes", telling her story and what she went through.

What did Ruby Bridges fight for? ›

Ruby's journey to school was fraught with adversity, as she braved a gauntlet of angry protesters who spewed hateful insults and threats. Her steadfastness and determination in the face of such hostility marked a significant milestone in the fight against racial segregation in education.

Does Ruby Bridges speak? ›

Ruby Bridges is a keynote speaker and industry expert whose speaking topics include Activism, Black History, Business, Diversity Speakers, Education, Leadership Speakers, Parenting, Personal Growth, Small Business, Social Justice, University Speakers, Virtual Speakers, Women In Leadership.

How does Ruby Bridges inspire others? ›

In 1999, Ruby Bridges created the Ruby Bridges Foundation to help end the fight against racism. The foundation's purpose is to promote respect and equal treatment for people of all backgrounds. by challenging injustice, they can inspire others to act and change the course of history.

What was the impact of the Ruby Bridges? ›

Ruby Bridges helped reform education to where it is now. No more white schools or African-American schools, just one school of all the future generations together as one. Later in life Ruby Bridges created a foundation called the Ruby Bridges Foundation.

What is the conclusion paragraph about Ruby Bridges? ›

In the last 65 years Ruby Bridges life has influenced many people to stand up for their basic Civil Right to equality, starting with the right to an equal education. At the time Ruby Bridges had no idea what a strong leader she was being for others.

What are fun facts about Ruby Bridges? ›

Did you know…?
  • In 1999, Ruby wrote a children's book about her experiences, entitled 'Through My Eyes. ...
  • In 2014, a statue of Ruby was erected outside the former William Frantz Elementary School.
  • The singer-songwriter Lori McKenna wrote a song about Ruby called 'Ruby's Shoes.
Oct 1, 2020


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