The Rainbow Bridge - Chapter 4 - TenshiWarrior (2024)

Chapter Text

( Opening Theme: Meta Runners S2-Only Up Performed By Lizz Robinet )

Jaxon, Decimo (who snapped out of his phase) and Tina managed to distance themselves between the remaining mob demons as they each sighed with relief. Though the minute they were safe, they both had another issue to deal with. Not with finding Dream---But with what the gang's boss had told them.


WHY THE f*ck DIDN’T YOU SAY ANYTHING?!” Decimo yelled.

A LOT HAPPENED IN A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME, OKAY?!” Jaxon yelled, “Sides, I’m still trying to process what it was I saw.”

“Jax---” Decimo said, “---No other kind of demon could kill an Exorcist---Even I tried to, believe me! But---How did she —A human—kill one?!”

Jaxon had recalled as he sighed, “I---Don’t know what it was I saw. When I was fighting one of them, she used some strange power to trap the angel before chopping off their head.”

“Oh my--” Decimo said before he turned to a stray demon dog and shot it on sight. “THIS IS f*ckING BULLsh*t"!!

“Well what was I supposed to do?!” Jaxon said, “Would you even believe me if I said it in the first place?!”

“Jax---What did you do with the Exorcists?!” Tina asked, “Please tell me you got rid of the body! If one of the Angels finds out who knows what they’ll do to all the Sinners!”

“Don’t worry---” Jaxon said, “---I made sure to bury it before I got Dream out of there!”

“Let's hope for all our sakes.” Decimo said before he saw another stray and shot it with a silencer.

“Are you calm now?” Jaxon asked him.

I’M A LITTLE FRUSTRATED RIGHT NOW!” Decimo yelled, “If she really did kill one of those assholes then why didn’t she say something in the first place!”

“That’s the thing---” Jaxon said as Decimo looked shocked by his next words, “---I don’t even think she realized what she was doing.” He soon thought back to what he saw when Dream killed the Angel, “It’s almost as if---Her body was there but in her head… She was somewhere else.”

“You mean---She killed one of them without even knowing it?” He asked.

Jaxon only nodded.

“... Then if she wasn’t aware of what she did---” Tina said, “---And if any other demons saw her---”

“I know---I know---” Jaxon said, “---That’s why we gotta find her and get her to the hotel.” He turned to Decimo, “Did she respond to the texts you sent?”

Decimo soon looked over at his phone, “It says she’s safe and having a snack with a friendly demon?”

At this, the three of them looked confused by this sort of thing. “The f*ck?” Jaxon said, “What kind of person did she find that is friendly!?”

“Who is even that friendly!?” Tina asked.

“Why is she eating at a time like this?!” Decimo questioned.

- Somewhere Nearby; Cafe -

Dream didn’t know any part of Hell could be so nice. One moment she had been running from gunfire the next minute---

---She had been sitting at a nice outdoor cafe, with beautiful flowers growing---Roses from what she could see. The server came over and served her and Alastor; though she noticed the server had basically powered walked the second he served them their plate.

Though she seemed to ignore it as she happily ate from the plate of Deviled Eggs. “Whoa!” She said as her eyes sparkled the second she took a bite, “This is delicious! Best Deviled Eggs I’ve tasted! I never had anything this good back home.”

“Glad you like them.” Alastor said as he had been drinking from a cup of coffee he ordered.

“Hey---” Dream said, “---You sure you’re okay with paying for this?” She couldn’t help but softly ponder a loud, “Is currency even a thing here?”

“Nonsense!” Alastor said, “I’m a regular at this cafe--Whatever we order is on the house!”

Dream looked over to the staff as she noticed they were hiding. “Is it me, or are they scared of you?” She asked.

“Come’s with my reputation when you’re in Hell my dear!” Alastor said.

“What sort of reputation would that be?” She asked.

“To be frank it would be hard to explain to a young lady like yourself---” He said, “---But to put it in simpler terms, when you end up down here you have to build yourself up to a certain standard! I’m one of the few that was lucky to have what you might call a gift when I came here once upon a time!”

“You mean your powers or magic you did?” Dream said, “That kind of thing can just happen?”

“Only to one in a million!” Alastor replied as he laughed.

Dream couldn’t help but ponder, “So then--People who are like you, others are scared of your powers?”

“You catch on quick!” He said, as he finished his drink, “But enough about me, how about you?”


“How did a human girl like yourself end up down here? You haven’t done anything worth getting down here have you? Or are you a sacrifice? Haven’t had one of those since the last century!”

“Firstly---Kind of disturbed that’s a thing.” Dream said a bit taken back before sighed as she rubbed her elbow, “Secondly, I’m---Not sure how I got down here, or how I can get back home… Or even if I can go home…”

“Really?” He said as he looked intrigued.

“Really---” She said, though she clenched her shirt almost as if something had been under it, “--I mean I have some idea how I got here, but I don’t know if I can use it the same way again.”

Alastor tilted his head as she could hear a radio dial turning, like someone had been changing the channel. “A demon by the name of Jaxon said I could stay at the Princess’s hotel until they can help me find a way ho--”

“The Princess?” Alastor said as she found him face to face, literally, “How do you know of her?”

“I don’t but the guy I was with, Jaxon does---” Dream replied as Alastor sat back, “---One of those guys that were chasing me, said he was her ex-boyfriend. That’s about as far as I know other than the Demon redemption project.”

“Well that is such a coincidence!” Alastor said as it confused her, “I just happen to be going to that hotel myself!”

“Wait---Really?” She said.

“As it so happens---” Alastor said, “---I’ve been going through a bit of what you would call---A creative block! I’m looking to speak with her to help her with her project!”

“... Whoa---” Dream said, “---You’d really do that for the Princess?”

“But of course!” Alastor said, “It’ll be the most entertaining thing anyone has ever seen!”

Dream soon finished up the plate of Deviled Eggs as she stood, “In that case---Since we’re going in the same direction let’s go to the hotel together!”

“Good show darling!” Alastor said, showing the same enthusiasm as they exited the cafe. Some of the staff had sighed with relief as the two of then started to make their way to the hotel.

- Somewhere in the City -

They were able to calm things down at the News Studio as Charlie, Vaggie and Yukito had been on their way back to the hotel. On their way back, they had been able to pick up Angel Dust after his apparent turf war with Cherri----Which they totally won.

Though… Vaggie and Yukito weren’t especially happy with Angel as he played with the window in the limo.

It hadn’t been long before he noticed their glares.

“... What?” Angel asked with a shrug.

“What?” Vaggie said before her rage built up, “WHAT?! WHAT WERE YOU DOING?!

“I owed my girl buddy a solid---” Angel stated as he set aside the little lamb plush he picked up on the seat, “---Ain’t that a redeeming quality? Helping friends with stuff?”


“Eh, well you know what they say---” Angel said, “---You win some, you lose a few hundred!” He couldn’t help but laugh before he picked up the plush and played with it a bit, while his other hand had played with the window, “It wasn’t that bad.”

He soon jumped when a knife was thrown in his direction; thankfully it missed the little lamb plushie as he put himself into a corner. He realized Vaggie had tossed it as he could practically hear her growling.

“Oh, come on! I had to!” He argued, “My credibility was on the line! I mean, what kind of reputation would I have if people found out I was tryna go clean?” He soon fluffed up his chest as if to emphasize his point, “It just throws out my entire persona!”

YOUR Persona?! YOUR CREDIBILITY!?” Yukito said, “In case you haven’t noticed, this isn’t just about you! It’s about the hotel and what we’re trying to do!!”

“She’s right!” Vaggie said, “Your little stunt---MADE US LOOK LIKE A f*ckING JOKE!

Angel scoffed, “No, no, no, babe. Jokes are funny! I made you look... uh, sad! And pathetic! Like an orphan... with no arms... or legs... Oh! With progeria!”

Charlie couldn’t help but feel more beaten down by this sort of thing as she hid her face in her hands. “Ah great!” He soon said, “Now I’M bummed thinking about it!” He soon started to search around the limo, setting aside the lamb plush again as he looked through every mini fridge he could spot in the limo itself, “You got liquor here right?”

“Is it so hard to ask you to take this seriously?” Yukito asked.

“At least for five seconds, or more, at least?” Vaggie asked.

“Fine, I'll try.” He said, giving a sly smile and snapping his fingers, “Just---Don't get your taco in a twist, baby!”

“Was that you trying to be sexist or racist?” Vaggie asked with her eyebrow twitching.

“Pssh, whatever pisses you off more.” Angel said with a look as Vaggie growled again, “Do you seriously not have liquor here!?”

“I’m gonna kill him.” She said.

“Don’t---But I understand the urge.” Yukito said.

“Sides, it’s too late for that toots!” Angel said before he realized something, “Wait! Would that make me double dead? Ha! And where exactly would I go? Double Hell?” He started to laugh at the thought, “Sorry, your stuck with me bitch! Get used to it!”

Vaggie couldn’t help but growl as she spoke Spanish, mostly cursing---Yukito patted her back to keep her calm.

“Relax---” Angel said as he looked at his reflection, “---Listen, who cares if some jack-*ffs got hurt? Most of 'em are ugly freaks. Look around! You got a bunch a f*ckin' Harlequin babies down here!”

“Says the Harlequin.” Yukito said.

HEY! ” He said, offended, “This body is--- FLAWLESS~! Everyone wants some of me---” He soon got out a rather particular letter that had a photo of an older and obese man licking the body pillow of himself, “---And I got the creepy fan letters to prove it~!”

The girls of course were clearly disturbed by this as they gagged a little.

“... That was really uncool, you know Angel?” Charlie said.

UNCOOL!? ” Vaggie yelled, “After that train wreck, there’s no way ANYONE is going to stay at the hotel! All because of you---And your selfish bullsh*t!”

Angel paused and pondered for a moment, “... Does that mean I don’t have a free room anymore?”

Yukito only gave him a look as he snapped his fingers, “Ah, well shucks!”

“Hey, come on.” Charlie said, “We don’t know if things are over yet! Try to relax, Vaggie, it’ll be okay.”

They soon pulled up to the Hotel as Angel noticed a couple of familiar faces. “Oh no, not these guys…” He couldn’t help but groan.

Jaxon, Decimo and Tina had just been waiting at the entrance as they were waiting for Charlie and company to arrive. The moment they spotted the limo, they instantly perked and stood up.

“Finally they’re here!” Jaxon said.

“About time!” Decimo said.

The limo soon pulled up as Charlie exited with Vaggie, Yukito and Angel. “Jax! You’re okay!” Charlie exclaimed as she had been relieved to see him; she ran over and gave him a hug, making him wince a bit.

Charlie immediately noticed as she backed off, “Oh sorry! Are you---”

“I’m fine, I’m fine---” He said, “---You know I’m tougher than this.”

“You say that and you look like sh*t.” Vaggie pointed out as Jaxon couldn’t help but give her a “really” look. They both soon exchanged a hug. “... It’s good to see you both---” Jaxon said, “---Really.”

“Likewise.” Vaggie said with a smile.

Decimo took out a pistol and shot a Vaggie though luckily she dodged it in the nick of time. “And nice to see you too.”

“Not for long anyway.” Decimo said as he reloaded.

“Oh When I do something bad I get a slap on the wrist--” Angel said before pointing to Decimo “But When THIS GUY decides to go trigger happy--” He avoided a few shots from Decimo as he had a nonchalant expression. “---No one seems to bat an eye!”

Decimo got his knife as he hurled himself towards Angel Dust--or so he thought.

“Decimo---” Yukito said as she caught the knife, “--You remember the policy on weapons at the Happy Hotel?”

“Bite me.” Decimo said as he switched to a combat Knife ready to stab Yukito.

WOULD YOU STOP?! ” Tina shouted as she slapped him with her tail, “ NOT EVERYTHING IS DOOM, DAMN IT!

“Hey---” Charlie said as she noticed there were only three of them, “---Didn’t Vaggie say you had a human girl with you?”

“A human---What?” Angel said as he did a double take.

“We---Got separated on the way over---” Jaxon explained, “---But she somehow managed to find a friendly Demon that helped her out.”

“And last we heard from her, she’s coming over here with said friendly Demon.” Tina added.

“Let’s hope he’s friendly.” Decimo said as he got TNT ready to ignite--had Yukito stopped him. “For his sake, anyway.”

Charlie asked Jaxon “I thought you said you were working to get his---DOOM Phase out.”

“It’s a Work in Progress, Char.” Jaxon said.

“Yet it’s fruitless..” Vaggie said as she noticed Decimo rolled a grenade at their feet only to kick it down the sewer as it exploded. Though she was shocked to see some blood come out.

“Ah you killed one of my most wanted.” Decimo said as he pulled up a list and crossed out a picture of a clown demon. “Thanks for doing the hard part for me.” Vaggie only groaned at this response.

“Wait, wait, wait back up---” Angel said, “---What’s this about a human girl? You guys pulling my f*cking leg?”

“I can pull your leg off.” Decimo said as he got Yukito off..

“Not what I meant and you know it ya sicko.” He said.

“Says the p*rn-Star!” The young teen argued.

“And proud of it baby!” Angel stated with a confident smile, as it made Decimo gag.

“Uh---” Jaxon said as he wasn’t sure how to put it in words.

“---Why don’t we talk about this inside?” Charlie said, “You can explain everything to us Jax.”

Jaxon nodded as he said to Decimo “And NO trying to off the staff like you usually do.”

“At least there’s no deathtraps this time.” Decimo said before looking at one demon looking at them as he shot him in the head, shocking Charlie.

Thus, they went inside the---Let’s just say a somewhat clean hotel. As they sat on the couches that had the least dust, he told them everything. About how he was helping with the evacuation, how he found Dream during the said Cleanse…

He had left out the part where she had been able to kill an Exorcist.

Needless to say they were each shocked by this sort of information as it had been unheard of before.

“Jax---” Charlie said, “---Are… You sure that’s what happened?”

“... I saw it with my own eyes.” Jaxon replied, “She crashed right in the middle of the Cleanse. I barely managed to get her to safety with those Exorcists on my tail. Honestly I’m lucky to be alive.”

“sh*t…” Vaggie said as she returned with a first aid kit.

“This is hard to believe honestly---” Yukito said.

“—I know but it’s the truth.” Jaxon said

Angel had a softened expression as he had been looking at the plushie he had found earlier on in the Turf War, “You---” He soon started to say, “---Don’t happen to know how old she is, do you?”

Jaxon, Tina and Decimo had been a bit taken back by the question. “She---” Tina soon said, “---Did say she was thirteen to us earlier.”

“... I see.” Angel said before he stood and went to get a popsicle from the mini fridge that had been in the lobby.

“You’re right---” Vaggie said as she had been treating Jaxon’s wounds, “---We don’t see any Sinners of that age so often. Not counting Decimo since he’s a half demon.”

“Bite me.” Decimo said.

“... I honestly wish I knew what it was that brought her here so we can figure out how to get her back to the human world.” Jaxon said, “The gang we ran into wanted to bring her to the Vee’s!”

OW, f*ck!” They heard Angel explain as they realized he had hit his foot, almost as though he had stumbled at the mere mention.

“Are you okay?” Charlie asked with worry.

“I just stubbed my toe.” Angel replied as he went to sit back down while sucking on a popsicle.

“In---” Charlie soon said as she turned back to the conversations, “---Any case, she’s more than welcome to stay here in the hotel as long as she wants. And when she tells us her side of the story we’ll figure out how to get her back home.”

Jaxon, Tina and Decimo sighed with relief.

“Thanks for doing this, really…” Jaxon said, “... I really appreciate this.”

“You would’ve done the same if it was the other way around…” Charlie said with a small smile.

He soon noticed the tone in her voice, “Hey---Is everything alright?”

“Y-Yeah---” She replied before she stood, “---I just need to make a call… Excuse me.” With that Charlie went out the door with her phone, Jaxon and Vaggie noticing that it had a contact labeled “Mom”. Just as he was about to follow, Yukito stopped him from getting up.

“It’s best if we give her space.” Yukito said, “She… Had a rough day.”

“Was it really that bad?” Jaxon asked as she nodded in reply.

“It was---” Vaggie said as she gave Angel Dust a look, “---No thanks to you!”

“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Angel said, “It was just one little turf war!”

“We are NOT gonna discuss that again!” Yukito said.

“sh*t! That's what I missed!” Decimo said as he got a list. “I’ll get 'em next time.”

“You’re NOT killing my guys, Decimo.” Angel said.

“Are you gonna stop me?” Decimo said as he pointed his gun as Tina pulled it down while shaking her head.

Vaggie soon finished with her stitching as she brushed her hands, “Well, that oughta do it.”

“Good work as always Vaggie.” Jaxon said.

“Hey, what are friends for?” Vaggie said with a smile.

Tina couldn’t help but notice how Jaxon had been talking to Vaggie. She had thought it would be awkward considering she is dating his ex-girlfriend. And yet--They were casually talking to one another, almost as though they were old friends. “They uh---” Tina said to Decimo, “---Seems to be getting along better than I thought they would.”

“What do you mean?” Decimo asked.

“I mean---” Tina soon said, “---He’s Charlie’s ex-boyfriend right? Didn’t their relationship end badly?”

“You’d think so… But no.” Decimo replied.

She had been taken back, “Really? Then how did that relationship end? Did she end it?”

“... Jaxon was the one that did---” Yukito soon said, “---He saw how Vaggie made her smile…”

Tina looked shocked while Decimo nodded, agreeing with the story.

“It’s true.” Decimo said just as he shot a random demon rat off the floor. Tina couldn’t help but shake her head, “Why though?”

“Gotta get that quota.” Decimo said before he got a bow and arrow and shot a demon in the knee as she screamed.

“... What is wrong with you?” She asked.

Jaxon soon noticed that Charlie came back inside, looking a little distraught. Removing himself from the couch he went over to her. “Hey---” Jaxon said as Charlie looked at him, “---You alright?”

“Huh?” Charlie said before she shook her head, “I-It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

“... Charlie…” Jaxon said as he stood next to her, “... I know you. Even though we’re not dating anymore, you and I are friends---You can tell me anything if you don’t want to share it with Vaggie.”

Charlie sighed, “I’ve… been trying to contact my mother about what’s going on. But---She hasn’t picked up or responded to them yet…”

Jaxon had been contemplating on this, “... It’s been what---Seven years since you last heard from her? Do you have any idea where she’s gone?”

Charlie shook her head, “But--I know it’s for something important. She’ll be back soon, I know it!”

Jaxon patted her shoulder, “... It’s okay if you miss her you know?

Charlie looked over to Jaxon as she looked to be contemplating something. “Jax I---” She started to say before---

---They heard a knock at the door. The sound of it startled them as they jumped back from the door. With hesitation Charlie turned the knob though was met with---

---A familiar human girl.

“Hi---” Dream said with a wave

DREAM!” Jaxon, Tina and Decimo said.

Jaxon soon hugged her, “Thank goodness you’re okay!”

“Yeah, sorry about worrying you.” Dream said as she had a smile.

Charlie gasped as her eyes sparkled, “Is this the human you were telling me about?”

“Oh---” Dream said as she looked at her, “---Are you that Princess from the TV?”

“I am~” Charlie said as she cupped Dream’s cheeks, “Aww, you are soo cute! I could just eat you up!”

“Hi, nice to meet you!” Dream said while her face was all squashed up.

“Did anyone hurt you?” Tina asked.

“I’m gonna need names, addresses and last known location stat.” Decimo said as he had a notebook while writing notes just as he set up a drone with a mini machine gun. “Can’t have those people out and about.”

“Don’t worry, I’m okay---” Dream said, “---That nice demon I was telling you about ended up finding me and saved my life from those guys that were chasing us earlier!”

“Who’s said ‘nice demon’ Decimo asked as he was getting his drone ready for flight.

“Been meaning to ask who---” Jaxon started to say before he, and Charlie heard the sound of a radio. They looked up and noticed…

… The Radio Demon had stood before them; their faces paled up.


SLAM ---Went the door Charlie had shut which confused Dream. She appeared to take a moment to process the info before she opened the door again.

“--lo!” He finished before she slammed the door again.

“Whoa, whoa, hey!” Dream said, “What’s wrong?”

“Dream---” Jaxon said, “---That guy didn’t hurt you did he?”

Dream looked a bit confused before she answered, “... No? He didn’t. In fact I had a cut and he fixed it for me.”

Decimo ‘s expression changed as he got out 5 grenades ready.

“WOAH WAOH!” Dream said , trying to calm the teen down. “ Decimo, It’s okay! He’s not a bad demon!”

“Vaggie!” Charlie said.

“What?” Vaggie said.

“The---Radio Demon is at the door!” Charlie said.

WHAT?!” Vaggie yelled.

“WHAT?!” Yukito shouted.

“Who?” Angel said.

WHAT SHOULD I DO!?” Charlie asked.

“Well---Don’t let him in!” Vaggie said.

“Don’t let him in? But he saved my life--” Dream said, “--And he said he wanted to---”

“Dream you might wanna stand behind me.” Decimo said. “That’s NO Nice demon..”

“Normally I would disagree because of his DOOM Phase but Decimo’s right!” Tina said. “The Radio Demon is BAD news!”

Charlie looked at the door as she pondered a bit. Though much to their surprise… She opened the door.

“May I speak now?” Alastor said.

“... You may.” Charlie said before---

“Alastor!” He soon said, “Pleasure to be meeting you sweetheart, quite the pleasure!” He soon stepped inside as they could hear the sound of cheers at one point, “Excuse my sudden visit, but I saw your fiasco on the picture show! And I just couldn’t resist! What a performance!”

Decimo pulled the pins and tossed the grenades in his direction---or so he thought as he missed. Instead of hitting him,, it hit the wall, the floor, the table, on their side as it rolled to Vaggie and Yukito and even tossing outside before it rolled down the sewer before it exploded on contact as they heard another scream.

“..You know boys like you shouldn’t be playing with toys like these!” Alastor told Decimo as he picked up one.

Decimo laughed nervously. “S-Sure..” he held his gun at him despite his hand shaking.


“Seriously, what’s with you?” Dream asked.

“Nothing! I’m fine!” Decimo said as he took the shot---is what would happen when he shot another demon, this time she was a mother of three.

MOMMY!” one of them cried.

Decimo immediately shot the kids after as he panted with Dream having a shock look.

“What?! You know what they say about Kids with dead parents!” Decimo told her.

“Stop right there, cabrón hijo de perra!” Vaggie said holding a spear to Alastor though he didn’t look phased, as Yukito held her weapon, “I know your game! And I’m not gonna let you hurt anyone here, you pompous cheesy talk show sh*t lord!”

“I suggest you walk out that door and go back where you came from!” Yukito said.

“B-Before I-it gets m-me-messy!” Decimo said as he got his machine gun ready to fire only for Jaxon to stop him

LET’S---not have another birthday incident again...” Jaxon said

Alastor laughed, “If I wanted to hurt anyone here---”

Much to their own fear---Radio dials formed in his eyes as he spoke with his voice deteriorating---


Everyone looked stunned by this sort of thing, while Decimo ended up fainting right on the spot, at the sight of Alastor’s demonic form as Jaxon took the Machine gun right on time before he could pull the trigger. Alastor seemed to snap out of it, “No! I’m here because I want to help!”

Charlie, Vaggie and Yukito looked a bit stunned by this.

“Say what?” Charlie said.

“Help!” Alastor repeated as he held his microphone, “Hello? Is this on?” He tapped on the mic, “Testing! Testing!”

Well I heard you loud and clear! ” The Microphone suddenly said, making Dream look at it with awe.

“You want to help with---” Charlie said, “---What exactly?”

“The Redemption Project!” Dream clarified, “He told me earlier when we were at the cafe!”

“Like hell---” Jaxon said as he put Dream behind him.

“Oh--But the young lady is telling the truth!” Alastor proclaimed, shocking them, “I want to help the Princess run it!”

Charlie looked skeptical, “But… Why?”

Alastor chuckled, “Why does anyone do anything? Sheer! Absolute boredom!” He soon rested his elbow on Vaggie’s head much to her annoyance, “I’ve been lacking inspiration for decades, my work became mundane, lacking focus---” He shoved Vaggie a side causing her to crash, “---ANGUISH! I’m looking to crave for a new form of entertainment! Hahaha!”

“Did he just say anguish?” Dream whispered.

“... Does---Getting into a fistfight with a reporter count as entertainment?” Charlie asked.

Alastor laughed, “It's the purest kind, my dear: Reality! True passion! After all, the world is a stage and the stage is a world of entertainment….”

“Then you must believe in her right?” Dream asked, as Alastor looked to her, “You think it’s possible to rehabilitate a demon?”

Charlie gasped as her eyes sparkled, “You believe in my cause?”

“Of course!” Dream said as Charlie looked so happy, though it had been short lived when Alastor had replied with---

“Of course not! That’s wacky nonsense!” Alastor said as Charlie slouched while Dream looked a bit surprised, “Redemption, oh the non-existent humanity!” He shook his head, “No, no, no, no. I don't think there's anything left that could save such loathsome sinners---!”

Of course, he had been referring to Jaxon, Vaggie, and Decimo.

“Hey!” Jaxon said offended.

Decimo got up as he got a gun, specifically two twin pistols as he shouted “BITCH WHO YOU CALLING LOATHSOME?!

“You recovered fast…” Tina said.

“---The chance given to them was the life given to them before---!” Alastor said ignoring Decimo entirely as he gestured to the hotel, “---Their punishment is this! There is no undoing what is done!”

“Wait, wait, wait, wait---” Dream said, “---So, why would you want to help out if you don’t believe in her?”

“Consider it an investment dear!” Alastor said as he patted Dream’s head, “An ongoing entertainment for myself!”

“An---Investment?” Dream said a bit confused.

Alastor looked a bit surprised despite his smile, “You’re not well educated are you?”

“When you say investment---” Charlie said, “---What do you mean by that?”

“Well it’s simple---” Alastor said as he spun Charlie before he snapped his fingers, “--I want to watch the scum of the world struggle to climb up the hill of betterment---” His face soon turned dark, “--- ONLY FOR THEM TO REPEATEDLY TRIP AND TUMBLE DOWN TO A FIRE PIT OF FAILURE…

The group couldn’t help but look shocked by this.

RIGHT ….” Charlie said, still looking skeptical.

“Yes indeedy--!” Alastor said before he went over to the side taking Charlie with him, “---I see big things coming your way and who better to help you than I?”

“... This guy is REALLY unhinged…” Dream said, stunned as she looked to the others, “... So---Why are you really scared of him?”

“Dream---” Jaxon said, “---I know it’s only been a short time but… There’s a lot of things you don’t understand about how things work down here.” He soon sighed as he calmed himself, “That guy---Is someone you don’t want to mess with. And the fact he found out you were a human is going to make things worse.”

“Why?” She asked.

“... He’s---Known as an Overlord.” Tina said.

“... Overlord?” She said as she tilted her head.

“They rule a certain part of Hell and keep people in line.” Tina said, “They do that by owning their souls---what little life they have left! Alastor is known as the Radio Demon who mysteriously appeared in Hell years ago and built his way to the top. I don’t know how but whatever he did to do that, every demon even some Overlords are scared of him. He’s among the powerful demons, no one dared to cross or mess with someone like him. Anyone that does---They don’t live to tell the tale.”

Dream looked over to Alastor as he continued to speak to Charlie. “If you’re not careful--” Tina said, “---He’ll own your life too.”

“... Tell me at least one thing---” Jaxon said, “---Did he try to make a deal with you?”

Dream immediately shook her head, “No, he’s just been friendly with me. And treated me nicely---He even said he wouldn’t tell anyone that I was a human.”

“What?” Jaxon, Tina, even Vaggie and Yukito said.

“... That isn’t his style.” Yukito said, “And you said earlier he saved your life, didn’t he?”

Dream nodded in reply.

“He DOESN’T save people.” Decimo told her. “You sure he has NO hidden Motive? No schemes?”

“Dude, I just met him.” Dream said, “And in any case I have a sixth sense about people. I didn’t feel what I like to call the tingle like the kind you get in a stranger danger scenario.”

“You sure?” Decimo asked as he picked up one of the grenades he tossed on the floor before giving it to Angel who chucked it outside as it exploded in the air.

“I don’t know about you guys---” Angel said, “---But he looks like a Strawberry Pimp!”

“... Pimp?” Dream said confused.

“Don’t ask.” Jaxon and Tina said.

“Well in any case---” Vaggie said, “---I still don’t trust him!”

“To be fair, do you trust any man?” Angel asked with a raised eyebrow, “Any men?”

Vaggie only rolled her eye before she went over to Charlie as she pulled her aside, “Charlie! Listen!” Vaggie said, “You can't believe this creep! He isn't just a happy face! He's a deal-maker! Pure evil! He can't be redeemed! ...And is most likely looking for a way to destroy everything we're trying to do!”

“She’s right.” Yukito said, “It’s best if we turn down his offer and let him walk out of that door. And now with the human child here, we can’t put her livelihood at risk.”

“I---” Charlie said as she looked to Alastor, and then Dream, “---We don’t know that. And we don’t know if he’s going to hurt her. Okay--I know he’s bad and he probably doesn’t want to change. But---The whole point of this hotel is to give people a chance, and have faith things will be better. How can I just turn someone away? I can’t! It goes against everything I’m trying to do---” She soon placed her hands on Vaggie’s shoulders giving her and Yukito a reassuring look, “---Everything I believe in… Trust me… I can handle myself. And---” She soon looked over to Dream, “---Maybe, he can help Dream get back to the Human World. If he helped her before, maybe he’ll do it again.”

Yukito sighed, “... If you say so.”

“Just---” Vaggie said, “---Whatever you do, don’t make a deal with him.”

“Don’t worry---” Charlie said, “---I picked up one thing from dad! You don’t take sh*t from other demons!”

“At least he got that one right..” Decimo said as he loaded up his shotgun.

She soon went over to Alastor before she took a breath, “Okay, so, Al. You're sketchy as f*ck and you clearly see what I'm trying to do here as a joke---But I don’t! I think everyone deserves a chance that they can do better, so I’m taking your offer to help! On the condition that there be no tricks or voodoo tricks! No strings attached!”

“So---” Alastor said as he spun his cane, “---It’s a deal then?”

Each of them were taken aback by a sudden green light; their eyes had been blinded as Alastors hand glowed red. Though---Charlie immediately brushed his hand aside, “Nope! No deals! No handshakes! So---” She groaned before she looked to Dream again, her expression softening.

“As Princess of Hell---” She soon said, “---And heir to the throne! I hereby order you help with this hotel, and assist with finding a way home for our Human guest!” She soon forced a smile, “For as long as you desire! Does… That sound fair?”

Alastor pondered before he looked over to Dream, as she gave a somewhat shy look. “Fair enough.” Alastor said almost immediately, making Charlie sigh with relief.

“Cool beans…” Charlie said with her thumbs up.

“... That---Was surprisingly easy.” Jaxon said as they watched Alastor examine the lobby of the Hotel, humming to himself.

“He’s… A lot more cooperative then I thought.” Tina said.

“Wait, you’ve never met him in person?” Dream asked.

“No, I only heard him through rumors from other sinners and imps!” Tina said.

“I----had a run in once..” Decimo said as he had a look of horror. “ KILLING HIM MIGHT TAKE A CENTURY..

“... Has anyone here ever told you to take a chill pill?” Dream said.

“We tried--he decided to ice someone at their birthday party instead.” Tina told her.

Justa s Decimo was about to reply they were shocked by the sound of explosions as Decimo shoot the ceiling of the hotel.

“DECIMO!” Vaggie shouted.

“I didn’t even toss another grenade----yet!” Decimo said just as one fell from his pocket before he kicked it back to Angel who once again took it and tossed it out the window though it landed on a car intentionally killing another demon.


“How was I supposed to know it would blow up?!” Angel told her.

“So where is your hotel staff?” Alastor asked Charlie.

“Uh----Well---” Charlie started to say before she gestured to Yukiko and Vaggie who both glared at him.

“Oh-ho-ho---” He laughed fixing his monocle, “---You’re going to need more then that.”

He soon took notice of Jaxon, Decimo and Tina as he sparked an idea. He suddenly appeared in front of them, which made the three of them jump and Decimo pointing the shotgun at him though Alastor didn’t look phased.

“You three look like they know a thing or two about the hotel itself!” Alastor said with his wide grin while moving the shotgun away from his face, “What are your names?”

“Uh---Jaxon Masen?” He said.

“Ti-Tina Winterwood?” Tina replied nervously.

“Decimo Jackson-Armando what’s it to ya?” Decimo said.

“Jaxon, Tina and Decimo---” Alastor soon said as he seemed to recognize Jaxon, “---How would you three like a job here as part of the staff?”

SAY WHAT?!” Jaxon, Tina and Decimo exclaimed.

SAY WHAT?!” Charlie, Vaggie, Yukito and Angel Dust shouted.

“Woah woah woah! No way I’m working in Hell of all places!” Decimo said. “My normal Job is just fine!” he turned to the window as he sniped another demon who this time was a grandfather walking his grandson.

GRANDPA!” the demon boy shouted before Decimo shot him as well.


“I did them a favor!” Decimo said as he set the drone with 4 cases of dynamite to fly somewhere. “You know how these grudges go when you kill someone’s family!”

Alastor laughed, “I wouldn’t expect anything less from the Teenage Hitman I’ve been hearing so much about! Which is exactly why---”

With a snap of his fingers Decimo had suddenly been in what looked to be a security outfit in a shade of red, complete with a baton, a stun gun and even a hat.

“---You are now the official head of security of the Hotel!” Alastor said gleefully, “Congrats!”

At this Decimo’s eyes practically sparkled, “ HEAD OF SECURITY???

“... Oh no.” Jaxon said as he facepalmed himself.

“You realize he’s 15...right? Aka a minor?” Tina asked. “You can’t POSSIBLY expect him to---”

I’LL DO IT!” Decimo suddenly shouted as he raised his baton.

THAT FAST?!” Tina exclaimed.

“Good man!” Alastor said as they could hear an audience recording filled with applause and cheers.

“Well--at least he won’t be aiming to kill us..” Vaggie said before she avoided a bullet from Decimo’s pistol. “Ay Mierda! spoke too soon..”

Jaxon only had a look as he said “I’m SOO glad his brother is not here to see this right now..”

“How about you dear?” Alastor asked Tina as she looked nervous, “What are your talents?”

“O-Oh, well uh---” Tina said as she gulped, before she regained her composure, “---I dabbled in the kitchen sometimes. I often cook for my kids. I don’t want to brag but I cook a mean eggs benedict, some spaghetti and meatballs and salmon burgers.”

“Aha you’re a cook!” Alastor said, “Then I’ve got just the job for you!” He soon snapped his fingers again as a chef’s hat appeared on her head, a red apron with a cute little design of a key and read “Don’t kiss the cook”. Her whole outfit consisted of an entire chef's outfit in a red color scheme.

“There you are!” Alastor said, satisfied.

“Wow---!” Tina said as she looked herself over. She took her hat off and noticed what it read, “--Head Chef! And it even has my name embroidered on it! This is amazing!”

Alastor turned to Jaxon who flinched “Last but not least in this trio--You Jaxon!”

“Oh---” Jaxon said, “---Look I’d appreciate you wanting to help out Charlie---Kind of---But I really don’t think I would be qualified to work here.”

“Nonsense! I’d figured since you know the Princess personally you would be a perfect addition!” Alastor said as he put his arm around his shoulders, “You my friend would be perfect with the role as---”

With a snap of his fingers Jaxon suddenly found himself in a red suit, a white dress shirt with a black bowtie, red khaki pants and black dress shoes. Even his hair had been combed back revealing his face.

“---The hotel receptionist!” Alastor said.

“Damn boy!” Dream said in shock and awe.

“Whoa-ho-ho!” Tina said as her eyes sparkled, “You look so cool Jax!”

“... Well I do have to admit that it shows your best side.” Yukito said.

Decimo had said as his jaw dropped, “You could literally snag a lot of baddies with that look.”

“Whoa, hang on I really don’t think---” Jaxon said.

Charlie soon took his hands before she shook them, making him stumble, “I’m looking forward to working with you! It’ll be like old times!”

Jaxon laughed nervously, “R-Right---Old times…Yaaay.”

Alastor soon went over to Angel, “And what can you do my effeminate fellow?”

“I can suck your dick.” Angel immediately said before they heard a---

SCREECH ---The sound of it made them jump.

HA! No!” Alastor immediately said.

“Your loss!” Angel said.

“As for the rest---” Alastor said as he pondered, “---I suppose I could cash in a few favors to liven things up!” He soon looked to the fireplace that Dream had been standing by.

“Ah--You might want to step aside sweetheart.” Alastor told her.

Dream looked confused though did just that. He snapped his fingers again as the fireplace became lit with a burst of flames making them jump. At first they noticed a strange silhouette roll out before Alastor picked it up. They soon noticed a single eye open up that had been a light yellow iris, with thick eyelashes, and a hot-pink sclera with a yellow gradient.

POOF ---It went revealing a very small girl.

Her red-pink hair had a slightly messy bob cut with swirls on each side, and a single light yellow streak located at the top. Her mouth has sharp light yellow teeth inside and black lips, and small hot-pink dots on each of the corners. She had on attire that had a black neckerchief around her neck, and a 1950s red-pink maid dress under a white apron with three hot-pink dripping splotches. She also wears long black gloves which covers most of her hands and arms, along with matching-colored tights.

Dream gasped as her eyes lit up and sparkled, “KAWAII~!

“This little darling is Niffty!” Alastor introduced as he dropped her.

She face planted on the ground though stood up without harm. “Hi there!” She said with a wave, “I’m Niffty! It’s nice to meet you!”

“Oh God.” Decimo said as he paled before hiding himself so he won’t be noticed

IT’S BEEN AWHILE SINCE I MADE NEW FRIENDS--- ” Nifty said with a creepy smile though calmed when she pointed out, “---Why are most of you women?”

Despite her size she was able to pick up Dream with ease as she had been looking for something, “ARE THERE ANY MEN HERE?!

DAMN GIRL YOU’RE STRONG!” Dream couldn’t help but shout.

“Oh! A human girl!” Niffty said before putting her down, “Sorry if that’s rude! OH MAN! ” She had looked around the hotel noticing how filthy it was, “This place is filthy! It could really use a ladies touch! Which---Is weird because you’re ladies no offense…” She soon broke out the duster, “... OH MY GOSH THIS IS AWFUL! GOTTA CLEAN! GOTTA CLEAN!

As fast as the wind she started to clean up and kill a few bugs like there was no tomorrow… Making most minus Alastor watch in shock.

“Huh… Guess you got people like that down here too…” Dream said.

Of course in the midst of cleaning, it relieved Decimo’s hiding place as he opened his eyes. “Oh Mierda..”

Niffty’s eye widen before it sparkled as she said “DECI!

“Wait a second, do you know her?” Vaggie asked.

“yes---Regrettably..” Decimo said as he got a shotgun to shoot at Niffty. Though she quickly moved out of the way. This of course caused Decimo to run as he shot at the little imp to keep her away.

“...I’m REALLY REALLY Glad his brother is not here to see this..” Jaxon said as Decimo kept shooting

Dream soon noticed something out of the corner of her eye as she couldn’t help but did a double take. “Hey uh---Was that bar always there?”

“Bar?” Most of them said before they took notice of something that had been really out of place in the hotel. There had indeed been a bar complete with a poker table and darts, and even decorated from every tavern that Dream had seen sometimes on TV.

Though they soon took notice of---A cat man with a black top hat?

His fur had been taupe-colored, overlayed with white on his face, torso, feet, and upper arms. The insides of his ears were white with a red tip at the point and red heart in the center. A black tuff of fluff protrudes from each, creating the appearance of small hearts.

He had a darker shade of taupe encircling his ankles, mimicking spats. His tail was taupe and long, ending with a large spray of "plume-like" fur or feathers, which are dark pink with black and white stripes. He had yellow-orange hearts underneath the paws on his hands.

His wings were large and red, with dark taupe on the undersides. The undersides of his wings were decorated with black stripes which feature red and white roulette wheel dot markings. The outside of his wings are decorated with more black stripes, which wrap around the joints and run around a row of white roulette wheel dots.

They noticed he wore black pants with black suspenders over his shoulders and a red bowtie. He also wears a black top hat that has a red hat band and a golden button-like decoration.

He didn’t seem to notice where he was as he had been playing a game.

HA!” He said, “Read em and weep full---” He didn’t have a chance to finish his sentence as he had been taken back by what appeared to be eyes watching him as he could hear whispers. Though he had gotten his composure back.

“The hell?” He said realizing his surroundings, “What the f*ck is this?”

It was then---He noticed Alastor. Immediately he had a glare as his tone turned dark, “ Y O U…

“Ah, Husker my good friend!” Alastor said cheerfully, “Glad you could make it!”

The cat--Husker or rather Husk growled, “Don’t you ‘Husker’ me you son of a bitch---I WAS ABOUT TO WIN THE WHOLE DAMN POT!!” He had been gesturing to some coins and cards that vanished instantly.

“... Holy crap it talks…” Dream said as she couldn’t help but approach Husk and poke his ears a little.

HEY!” Husk said as he swatted her hand away, “Don’t touch my ears you little---” He soon looked over Dream as he had been taken back by what she was, “---Human kid?”

“Hi there!” Dream said with a casual wave.

“Good to see you too!” Alastor said.

“I guess that must be one of the people he’s got in---A Deal with?” Jaxon said softly.

Decimo in the middle of his run aimed the shotgun at husk and fired at the demon only for him to move.

“What the f*ck?!” Husk asked before he noticed “Oh Shi--” he turned to Alastor as he said “SERIOUSLY, YOU GOT THE TEENAGE HITMAN? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US!? YOU MIGHT AS WELL HIRE HIS BROTHER, THE BRAWLING TERROR!”

Nifty stopped as she asked with a heart in her eye “Where?!” She dodged another bullet from Decimo.

“Ah good, I don’t need to introduce you to the new head of security!” Alastor said.

Husk had facepalmed himself, “... What the hell do you want with me this time?”

“This time?” Jaxon said in confusion.

“My friend---” Alastor said as he placed his arm around his shoulders, “---I am doing some charity work so I took it upon myself to volunteer your services! I hope that's okay!”

Husk’s jaw dropped, “Are you sh*tting me?!”

“Hmm---” Alastor pondered---Or at least pretended too, “---No I don’t think so!”

Husk’s eye twitched before he shoved him off of him. He looked less than thrilled, “You thought it'd be some kind of big f*cking riot just to pull me out of nowhere?! You think I'm some kind of f*cking clown?!”

“... Maybe.” He replied after a brief pause, making Husk growl again.

“I ain’t doing no f*cking charity job!” He stated as he crossed his arms.

Alastor suddenly teleported behind him, making him jump, as he gestured to the bar, “Well, I figured you would be the perfect face to man the front desk of this fine establishment! With your charming smile and welcoming energy, this job was made for you!”

The group looked at Husk as they noticed… He wasn’t even smiling.

“... He doesn’t even have that energy…” Yukito couldn’t help but say softly.

“... I don’t even think he can smile…” Tina whispered.

“Aww, he’s like one of those grumpy cats from back home!” Dream commented as Jaxon, Tina, Yukito, Vaggie and even Decimo gave her a look.

“What the f*ck is wrong with you?” Decimo asked as he continued shooting at Niffty.

“What? They’re cute.” She said.

“Don’t you worry my friend!” Alastor said, walking over to the bar, “I can make this more welcoming… If you wish.”

Out of thin air, most were shocked to see that he made a bottle of booze appear; a bottle that read “Cheap Booze”. Husk appeared to look offended, “What? You think you can buy me with a wink and some cheap booze!?”

“Huh---Well it looks like he’s out of the---” Dream started to say before---

“Well you can!” Husk immediately said as he drank from the bottle.

THAT’S ALL IT TOOK?!” Dream and Decimo shouted in confusion.

“... Huh… A bar---In a Hotel meant for redemption and getting into Heaven…” Tina said, “... Anyone else sensing the irony here?”

“Whoa, hey no!” Vaggie said to Alastor, “No bar! No alcohol! In case you haven’t noticed this is a place that is supposed to discourage sin!”

“Yeah!” Yukito added, “It’s not like a brothel man cave---”

SHUT UP! ” Angel Dust shouted as he shoved Yukito to the ground, “Shut. UP . WE ARE KEEPING THIS!

“... Of… Course.” Jaxon said as he shook his head.

“Hey~” Angel soon said as he went to the bar and flirted with Husk.

“Go f*ck yourself.” Had been his response.

“Only if you watch me~” He said, making Husk flinch back.

“Oh my gosh!” Charlie said excitedly, “Welcome to the Happy Hotel! You are going to--LOVE IT HERE!

“... I lost the ability to love years ago.” Husk said as he drank up the booze.

“... That’s---Kind of sad.” Dream said before she introduced herself, “I’m Dream by the way. Dream Tokunaga.”

“... Husk.” He said as he didn’t bat an eye to her, though she looked relieved to know that he at least told her his name.

“So---Whaddya think?” Alastor asked.

“This---Is---Amazing~!” Charlie said excitedly.

“... It’s… Okay.” Vaggie said.

“Are you kidding?!” Dream said, “This is so cool! I can’t believe stuff like this is actually real and actually happening! And in Hell of all places!”

“I have to admit---Even though you scare me--” Tina said, “--You have good taste! Plus I---” She soon had an embarrassed look, “---I never actually had a real job before.”

“Well--it’s not bad.” Decimo said as he kept shooting at Niffty, though she managed to hug his leg making him shriek. “GET OFF! GET OFF!!

NEVER~” Niffty said.

SERIOUSLY GO DO THIS FREAKY sh*t WITH MY BROTHER! NOT ME!” Decimo said as he bangged his leg on the wall trying to get her off.

YAY! PAIN!” Niffty said despite getting new injuries.

Decimo used the shotgun as a pryer to get her off as he was ready to shoot again only for Vaggie to take the shotgun.

“Seriously, No weapons.” Vaggie said.

“Are you gonna stop me?” Decimo said as he took out a pistol and pointed it at her head..

Dream looked at Tina as he asked. “How--”

“Don’t ask. Not even I know where he gets his weapons from.”I stopped asking the moment he got an RPG.” Tina added.

“Well---” Jaxon said, “---I guess it wouldn’t hurt to stick around here a little longer.”

Alastor laughed as he got him, Dream, Decimo, Charlie, Jaxon, Vaggie, and Tina in on a group hug, “This is going to be very entertaining!”

Vaggie and Decimo got out of the hug before Alastor chuckled. Suddenly he manifested a flame before tossing it on the air; in a blink of an eye his outfit changed to a tux and top hat. He soon danced with Charlie and Dream as he started to sing, and even put them in dresses while fixing their hair with only a wave of his finger.

You have a dream, you wish to tell!

And it's just laughable, but hey kid---What the hell?!

He soon tossed Charlie in the air before he danced with Charlie and slid down the stairs railing as they landed on the floor before he snapped his fingers. The rest of the group's outfits changed into 90s outfits---With each of the guys dressed in their own suits, and Tina, Yukito, Vaggie and Niffty in dresses of their own.

Cause you're one-of-a-kind!

A charming demon belle!

Now--Let’s give these old fools a place to dwell!

Take it boy's!

Several little demons seemed to appear from the cracks and holes of the hotel as they started to play on their instruments with a jazzy tune. Alastor soon took Dream’s hand as he guided her down the line of the demons, and even at one point slapped Vaggie’s butt which pissed her off while Yukito had a look of shock. He soon tapped dance with Dream as she had been enjoying herself.

Inside of every demon is a lost cause!

But we'll dress 'em up for now, with just a smile!

And we'll chlorinate this cesspool with some old redemption flair!

And show these simpletons some proper class and style!

With a twirl with Dream, he manifested a shadow clone of himself. “Class and style~!” It said before Alastor snapped it away. He soon started to dance with Charlie again as most of them just looked stunned by what he was doing.

Here below the ground, I’m sure your plane is sound!

They’ll spend a little time!

Down at this Hazbin Ho---

BOOM ---The door went suddenly knocking away Niffty and almost Dream---Were it not for Vaggie pulling her out of harm's way.

WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!” Dream shouted in a panic.

They soon looked out the door as they noticed a strange steampunk blimp. Dream soon jumped at the sight of a snake---Though some of them were more then familiar.

IS THAT A SNAKE MAN?! ” Dream shouted, “ DRIVING A BLIMP!?

“Oh no…” Jaxon said as he rolled his eyes, “... Not him…”

HA!” Sir Pentious shouted, “Well, well, well---Look who it is harboring the striped freak! We meet yet again Alastor!”

“Oh yeah.” Decimo said as he looked at his list which had Dead or alive with the alive part crossed out, “He’s on my most wanted list to kill.”

WHY?!” Tina yelled.

“... Do I know you?” Alastor asked as the group looked shocked.

Sir Pentious though looked offended, “OH YES YOU DO! ” He went over to the captain's chair as he pulled the lever, “And this time I have the art of--- SSSURPRISE!!

Suddenly a canon revealed itself as it made the group jump.


“Guys---! This snake guy is making me very scared!” Dream said. It was then she noticed the Egg Bois running around, looking as though thy were prepared to fire their own weapons.

“... But also VERY hungry!” She couldn’t help but say as she drooled a little.

Decimo began to load up a rocket launcher as he aimed it at the blimp. “Target sighted.”


“You gonna stop me?” Decimo asked.

SNAP ---They soon heard, as they realized it had been from Alastor snapping his fingers. All of a sudden a portal opened as large dark tentacles appeared. It grabbed the blimp sending Sir Pentious and the Egg Bois crashing into each other as all they could hear were screams of terror. It seemed to destroy the ship from both the inside and out as Alastor himself looked to be enjoying himself.

With only a clench of his hand the ship suddenly exploded as Alastor himself had a look of satisfaction. Everyone had a look of shock. Even Decimo had dropped his rocket launcher as each remained in silence, until----

“Well I’m starved! Who wants some Jambalaya?”

( Ending Theme: Soul Eater Ending 2-Style Performed By Kana Nishino )

The Rainbow Bridge - Chapter 4 - TenshiWarrior (2024)


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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.