My Personality Analysis for BTS Members (2024)

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Disclaimer: I wrote this in September 2016 and some things may have changed already, but one thing’s for sure: our boys would always be the humble and sweet boys they’ve always been and forever will. 🙂

For the purpose of self-realization, I’ve been researching about the different types of personalities or temperaments. This also includes introversion and extroversion. There are actually four types of temperaments studied in the psychological field such as the sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, and melancholic. I’m an introvert and melancholic myself. But I’ve been wondering about the personalities of theBangtan Boys (BTS), so I wanted to analyze our own boys’ temperaments. However, I cannot find much analyses or blog posts about their personalities so I’m just doing this one based on my own assumptions. I won’t explain anymore the descriptions for each temperament I mentioned above, so if you’re not yet familiar about them or you still don’t know your own temperament, you may take the test or check the descriptions on the Internet or just go here. Learning about the differenttypes of personality and temperaments is a good way to fully understand oneself, and as to why people act the way they act or think. This is also a good way to get to know better your friends or family members. For this post, I will try to figure out who amongthe BTS members are introvert or extrovert, and choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, or melancholic.

Disclaimer: I’m not a psychologist or a medical practitioner myself, so I’m just doing this entirely based on my assumptions. I also do not personally know the members of BTS (I wish I did.), so I’m just basing all my assumptions from just watching and observing them. I’ve watched a lot of their videos already that pretty much show their real personalities on and off cam such as the Bangtan Bombs, V Live videos, variety shows, radio and TV guestings, BTS Kkul FM celebrations, Twitter and Vines video clips, Summer Packages, BTS Now, season greetings, concert videos and fancams, and a lot of behind-the-scenes clips. I’m also basing my assumptions from their selfies, and from the photos they post on Twitter. I’ve also seen them live in their Epilogue concert so I have quite a few knowledge on how they act liveas they werephysically present right in front of me. I’ve been spending the past nine months since the beginning of this year BTS-trashing, meaning watching BTS almost 24/7 and basically losing sleep. So I’m using my stock knowledge of BTS to do this for fun only! 🙂 Please do not be offended also by my categorization or labeling of the members as I just want to know their personalities deeper because I love them and I find these interesting.Let’s go!

My Personality Analysis for BTS Members (1)

KIM SEOKJIN(ambivert/choleric)

Okay, I’ll start with our precious Jin because he is the oldest. When I was categorizing them based on introversion or extroversion, it was Jin whom I found the most difficult to categorize because I’m not really sure if he prefers to be alone or to be sociable. So, I ended up categorizing him as ambivert, or probably I haven’t watched enough videos of our Jin alone. Jin is also vague because he’s mentioned that he’s been trying to get along with and fit in the groupsince he’s five years older than their youngest. He can be both introvert and extrovert for the hyung and maknae lines respectively. Besides, Jin can survive both with his motionless roommate Suga and with the noisy maknae line. He’s generally quiet but can be very playful with his members. The members even say that Jin mightbe the oldest but he acts like he’s the youngest one. Jin also seems to be the member next to Taehyung who has lots of celebrity friends as well. He loves cooking and Super Mario toys, but still this won’t help me figure our his tendency to like being in a social setting upto whatextent. But one thing I’m quite sure about is that he is acholeric.Choleric people are pretty much leaders or the most dominant among the four temperaments. I’m probably getting this from the fact that Jin is the oldest hyung and he tends to be the disciplinarian in the group. Jin is like the alphamember of BTS. Suga may seem to be BTS’ alpha member but he too would bow down to Jin. Jin’s alsothe first one to wake up (although sometimes it’s Suga) and he tends to scold the other members as well. He also has a high self-importance, confidence, and esteem. This is also what I like about Jin as he inspires me to love myself as well. He tends to become a bitch at times because he has the you-dont-mess-with-me-or-i-will-hit-you attitude.

My Personality Analysis for BTS Members (2)

MIN YOONGI(introvert/phlegmatic)

Our badass Min Suga obviously has the strongest personality among the BTS members. He knows what he likes and he does what he wants to do. And if he doesn’t like to do something, he will not do it and he knows how to get through it. He does not care. Basically, he does not give a sh*t, and he does not give a f*ck. That is our Min Suga, and honestly that is my personality goal, hahaha. But behind thatnevermind-type of mindset and personality lies the soft and hurt Min Yoongi. We all know after listening to AgustD all the hardships and challenges in life that our Yoongi had to face that made him the strong and thick-skinned person he is right now. Obviously, Yoongi is a full-time introvert. Nobody can argue on that. He loves to sleep. He admitted himself in one of their Dangererainterviews that he is really lethargic, but he himself is also surprised on how he can suddenly turn very energetic on stage. He loves to stay in his recording room alone making music and creating songs that could once again shatter the entire world. He hates noise, and so he could never have J-Hope as his roommate, most especially the maknae line. Even the noisy maknae line will have to keep quiet when they’re stuck with Suga in a car or in a room alone. He’s the type of person to ditch a party and to just stay at home working on hismusic or of course, sleeping.I think he might also bea combination of choleric because of his highly dominant personality and phlegmatic, but I’m going with the phlegmatic for Yoongi. Phlegmatic people generally have the i-dont-mess-with-you-so-dont-mess-with-metype of personalitythat fits our Min Suga very much. They are introvert, emotionless, independent, andrelaxed. Suga seems to be aloof most of the time, but he really seems to have a soft spot inside of him especially to the people important to him. I feel like he’s also as fragile as the other members who need to be taken care of, be appreciated, and be loved.

My Personality Analysis for BTS Members (3)

JUNG HOSEOK(extrovert/sanguine)

The noisiest and the most optimistic member of them all– your angel, your hope, J-Hope is definitelyextrovertandsanguine.He is for me the easiest one to type. But I was doubting before because sometimes I could see him being quiet and alone with his phone in some of their Bangtan Bombs, but if you provoke him, he’ll start screaming and squeaking and doing aegyo all the way. But regardless if it’s J-Hope or Jung Hoseok, he’d be jumping and doing unnecessary noises and facial expressions randomly (not to mention his ㅅ mouth). J-Hope is very cheerful, happy, always smiling, positive, and friendly. When I saw him live, he was really the most energetic member even if they were just doing ments. Introverts cannot be this active and energetic all the time; take it from me. He said in one of their BTS Kkul FM celebrations that his name fits him very well because he aims to always give hope to the members and to us ARMYs as well. Such a cutie pie. Sanguine people are as positive as this. They are always happy and they create the lively mood. According to Fighunter, “Sanguine people are boisterous, bubbly, chatty, openly emotional, social extroverts.”The members sometimes express their sentiments on how noisy J-Hope could tend to be or how he nags the other members to take a shower already or to wash their clothes and such. Only extroverts could handle an energetic person like J-Hope,althoughthis is why I’m still rooting for YoonSeok because they balance out each other’s aura–they’re like the Yin and Yang of BTS (*coughs* SOPE *coughs). Nevertheless, everybody needs a J-Hope intheirlives.

My Personality Analysis for BTS Members (4)

KIM NAMJOON(introvert/melancholic)

Our leader is definitelyintrovert.You can also never argue on this and I am 101% sure about this. His hobbies include reading books, watching movies, listening to music, observing things, making deep thoughts, composing music, and writing lyrics. These are definitely no other than an introvert’s sources of energy. Most of these are also my hobbies being a passionate and loyal introvert myself, and I could relate to Kim Namjoon in a highly spiritual level in its deepest form. In fact, 90% of their Bangtan Bombs, or their time in general, you can see our leader Namjoon wandering, observing the environment, thinking by himself, listening to music, using his phone, or just merely sleeping (with his mouth open hihi). What I also love about him is that he likes to be in nature. Being an introvert myself, I like submerging myself in solitude and peacefulness in a park or garden or anywhere else where there are trees, strong and cold wind blowing, some birds maybe, and just a few quiet people. This is the best time for an introvert to recharge himself, get away from the noise of the world, be alone with himself, think about some of the things that bother him or just completely clear the mind from clutters. I also think that Namjoon has amelancholic temperament. People with this type of personality are the rarest, deepest, and loneliest. I’m also a melancholic myself so I would know this very well. We tend to become depressed more than the other three temperaments because we always analyze things too much and we set high standards for ourselves. Just like Namjoon, he’s into these philosophical thoughts and he could get into very deep thinking which you could notice every time he makes his inspirational speech in their concerts. Melancholic people are extreme worriers. Namjoon was also voted as the member who worries the most during one oftheir Shimshimtapa guesting. He worries a lot about what the fans think about him. Similarly, he also loves to do introspection–something an introvert and melancholic person would do a lot. Melancholic people are quiet, emotional, sensitive, analytical, and perfectionist. These traits of Namjoon are what makes him a great leader for he knows how to make things intact and organized. The melancholic persona of Namjoon also helpsRap Monsterto become who he is right now because people with this temperament are highly passionate, artistic, creative, empathetic, and always wanting to improve.

My Personality Analysis for BTS Members (5)

PARK JIMIN(introvert/melancholic-phlegmatic)

Our cute and fluffy Mochi now oozing with hotness and sexiness, my ultimate bias,Park bagel boy with killer eye smile Jimin. This guy has the most controversial personality for me. Jimin used to be very very noisy and immature at some point, especially when they were just plain rookies. He would play around so much with the other noisy V and J-Hope, which even made me think that J-Hope was also part of the maknae line because technically they were thenoisy line. I fell in love with this noisy and playful Jimin, most importantly to his eye smile and puffy cheeks. But the Jimin we see right now is quite different from the Jimin we used to see before–in a good way of course. But what I mean is that he’s not as noisy right now as he was before. He’s more reserved now and it’s probably because he’s maturing already. I’m just skeptical if it’s something natural, or something he decided by himself or if it’s just an image that Big Hit is trying to impose on him because of their current or future concept, but who knows. Nevertheless, I know that it’s still the same Jimin and this guyis more than just his abs and coolness. This person is really nice, sweet, caring, thoughtful, generous, kind, fragile, and precious. This angel has a golden heart–a genuine and warm personality. Jimin is a kind of friend everyone would ever want in their lives.

I can only say good things about this person, and I haven’t even started talking about his type of personality and temperament yet. I can talk about Jimin for the whole day because he’s my ultimate bias and I love him so much. Anyone who would know our Jimin for the first time might suddenly think that he is an extrovert, and that’s what I also thought before. But as time went by and when you’ll get to know him better, you’ll realize that Jimin might actually be an introvert. Jimin may seem to be very sociable but he’s only like that–noisy, bubbly, and playful–with his close friends particularly his own members, and with the ARMYs. Some introverts are like this. They prefer to be alone or to be only witha small group of friends. They prefer to have few real friends over many acquaintances. Jimin is actually very shy and self-conscious at times. It’s really ironic how this hot and sexy boy (I cannot call him a man yet. It’s too overwhelming for me haha) can exude so much self-confidence, strong aura, coolness and charm, and audience impact on stage but deep inside, he’s shy, naive, and worried about what others might think about him. Jimin is the type of person to seek for attention and tend to become self-centered on stage while at the same time tries really hard to please people, when only his existence is already enough to make people happy and I don’t think he even realizes that. As what I can see, Jimin has the most complex personality for me because he is very reserved and secretive. I could feel and I know that he has a very warm personality inside but he’s trying to show a cooler and stronger image. Ugh my baby Jimin is really givingme a hard time figuring out his temperament because he is a lot of combinations and I don’t even know which one is true or dominant.I think he’s pretty much a combination of a little bit of sanguine (when he’s with his members especially during their rookie days), and a mixture of melancholic and phlegmatic. He seems quiteemotional, reflective, sensitive, and perfectionist to reach the goals he set for himself which makes him melancholic. But even though he’s hurt already by something, he still hides it by smiling or bygiving the impression that he’s shrugging it offwhich makes him look like a phlegmatic, but still he seems to be really hurt deep down inside. Besides, Namjoon also told that Jimin has the highest tendency to hold grudges.He’s calmer these days but he also used to be very boisterous like J-Hope. I can really feel stonger sense of melancholic traits from him, but why do I feel like he’s trying to be carefree and worry-less like the phlegmatic? I’ll keep an eye on my beloved Jimin more and see if he’s really more of a melancholic or a phlegmatic, or something else, as we all mature at the same time. Nevertheless, it pains me that I do not personally know Jimin but I really wish I do because he seems to be a very nice and interesting person, and a good friend above all else. I wish he could express himself more and he won’t be scared to show his true feelings more just like what he does in his logsbecause I believe that he has so much to show the world and he will create more andbiggerimpacts to the lives of many people.

My Personality Analysis for BTS Members (6)

KIM TAEHYUNG(extrovert/sanguine)

Now let’s go to my most favorite personality of them all–to the most 4D Kpop idol I’ve ever seen in my eight years in Kpop, to the friendliest and to the mostout-of-this-world Kim Taehyung a.k.a. V. He’s also called an alien for so many outrageous reasons, but I’ll never call him alien again because he himself told us that he doesn’t want to be called alien. Personally, I’ve never seen such interesting, eccentric, and unique person like our Taehyung. V is the charming and growling member of BTS who is so full of charisma, but behind his tantalizing eyes and rude tongue lies ourTaehyungie who is totallynaive, funny, down-to-earth, and very carefree. I’m not sure if it was Tony or Nate who said that V is like the dumb blonde of the group, and yes he is. He’s like pabo most of the time who even gets Korean words mixed up, although a lot of times he is also able to give bright and surprising ideas. He has the body and looks of a 20 year old, a voice of a 50 year old, and a mind and behavior of a 5 year old. He’s like the most immature among the members and he acts more like the maknae of BTS than Jungkook. I really like his personality because he’s very carefree and he doesn’t worry too much. The melancholic Namjoon also once said that he admires the carefree attitude of the sanguine Taehyung. All the members have also voted that Taehyung is the weirdest member, and I can attest to that. He talks to himself most of the time by acting alone or creating his own monologue with dual characters. He talks to a piece of rope and asks for its name. But this guy loves kids and plays with them very well. He can also survive just by talking to and entertaining his own self by making such silly facial expressions. He unintentionally takes his own bathroom break in the middle of a broadcast (He’s done this twice so far hahaha!). Just like Suga, he also does what he likes to do and he seems to never really care about what will other people think about him. If he’s happy or in a good mood, he’ll show it, and if he’s tired or in a badmood, you’ll notice it too that he’s a bit more quiet than usual. He’s usually seen hyperactive and bubbly, and if we suddenly see him quiet or not talking, the fans would suddenly feel like there might be something wrong. Taehyung is generally open and expressive of his feelings. Nevertheless, Taetae is actually more than his crazy 4D-image because as I can observe, he has the highest filial piety for his family. He is the member who I always see or hear mentioning and honoring his parents almost all of the time. He also loves his grandparents so much, and he’s always seen calling his parents or grandparents before or during their travels. I highly think that Taehyung would make a great father in the future.

I’m pretty sure Taehyung is an extrovert because this guy should never ever be left alone because he might end up burning the house or making the baby cry because he’s eatenall the baby food already–and things like that. But more than that, I feel like Taehyung gets his energy more with being with his friends. Among the BTS members, it’s usually Taehyung who’s always seen with a friend, like watching a movie with Park Bogum during their free time and other else. He’s also the BTS member who’s always acknowledged or mentioned by other celebrities as one of their idol friends, such as EXO’s Baekhyun and Suho, BTOB’s Sungjae, Got7’s Mark, Kim Minjae, and Park Bogum, to name a few. Taehyung seems to be really friendly and sociable, even to strangers. Taetae is the ultimate social butterfly! This makes me assume that he’s also a sanguine like J-Hope who is very cheerful, just less loud than our Hoseok. These two definitely belong to the sunshine-line of BTS, including Jimin and Jungkook.

My Personality Analysis for BTS Members (7)

JEON JUNGKOOK(introvert/phlegmatic)

Last but definitely our Golden Maknae, Jeon Jungkook also has a quite confusing personality but not as much as Jimin. Jungkook is generally shy and quiet which makes me think that he’s anintrovert. Just like Jimin, he only opens up hisplayfulness and youthful acts with his own hyungs. But he tends to get really shy in front of other people, sometimes even with ARMYs. You can remember that he was said to be really shy with his hyungs when they were just trainees even when they debuted already, but he’s also quite different now as he’s now become more relaxed and comfortable with his hyungs. Jungkook also has the hobbies of what an introvert would usually love to do such as drawing, landscapephotography,learning or playing the guitar, listening to music with loud volume in his room, reading comics on his tablet, or playing computer games. I think he’s also the type of person to just stay in his room rather than socialize with other people. Although what he did when he went to roam around Hongdae alone was quite confusing also as the place had a lot of people but as I could see it, he was like an introvert who wanted a breath of fresh air with strangers and not with a bunch of close friends or in a noisy bar that’s something an extrovert Taehyung would most likely do. Just like his Jimin hyung, our Jungkook also has a personality that’s hard for me to decipher because he seems also to be private about his own personal feelings that only few selected people would know about. He’s usually quiet when they are gathered as a group, probably because he’s the maknae or could also be because he just prefers to listen or to observe when in a small social gathering. However, when Jungkook is asked to speak, the members seem to be anticipating so much about what he has to say because I feel like his members themselves want to hear more from the usually non-talkative Kookie, and true enough, Jungkook usually speaks with a lot of sense and wisdom even with a young age. But, he said in one of their radio guesting that he really has a different personality on and off cam because he said that he’s actually noisier and talkative when off cam, and the members also seem to agree on that. Nevertheless, I’m thinking if our muscular boy Jungkook is possibly be choleric or like the alpha member as well because the hyungs seem to be scaredof him for his rebellious acts as maknae, disobedience to his hyungs, and of course not to mention, whenever he hits or throws his hyungs. Some sunbaenims of BTSthink that Jungkook is an innocent bunny but he’s actually the most sangnamja.But I cannot make a conclusion out of it yet because it’s being overshadowed by the fact that he is still the maknae, and I’m not sure if he would still seem to be a choleric when he’s alone or independent. So this boils down to him being either melancholic or phlegmatic. But I’m thinking that Jungkook is more likely to be phlegmatic because he rarely shows emotions that would usually define a melancholic person. Aside from beingreserved and calm outside, he alsoseems to be really carefree about things on the inside, and he does not seem to be that sensitive or to be someone who would hold or think about grudges or pain like a melancholic person. This is unlike Jimin who is very confusing because he seems to fitboth the melancholic and the phlegmatic description.

My Personality Analysis for BTS Members (8)


Kim Seokjin / Jin– Ambivert – Choleric
Min Yoongi / Suga– Introvert – Phlegmatic
Jung Hoseok / J-Hope – Extrovert – Sanguine
Kim Namjoon / Rap Monster– Introvert – Melancholic
Park Jimin / Jimin – Introvert – Melancholic-Phlegmatic
Kim Taehyung / V – Extrovert – Sanguine
Jeon Jungkook / Jungkook – Introvert – Phlegmatic

So there you go! I really had fun doing this and figuring out the personalities of each BTS member!Some of these assumptions of mine might be wrong, and others I might gotten correct or at least accurate. I could relate so much to the songs of BTS and most especially I could relate to their current experiences as a young twenty-year old something who is still on his journey of reaching his dreams. This is why I also wanted to get to know them better and on a more personal level as closer as I could get. But writing this blog post analyzing their personalities makes me feel like I already know them very well and it makes me love, appreciate, and support them even more. I want to know them even better. BTS is such a funny and interesting group composed of seven silly boys with seven different personalities and upbringing in life, but together they are bulletproof. I know that we are all still young and a lot of things can still change, but one thing that will never change for sure is the innate goodness of our hearts. I know that BTS was formed by fatedespite their individual differences and talents because together as seven, they can leave a markon the hearts of peopleand shakethe entire world of Kpop music.

If you agree or disagree with anything I said, or if you would like to add something or maybe argue withanything I mentioned above, I would love to know so please let’s talk in the comments below! Thank you!! 🙂

My Personality Analysis for BTS Members (2024)


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