LOW PRICES ¡FELIZ DIA DE LAS MADRES! EVERY DAY!! · ¡Feliz Día de las Madres [10 de mayo en México y 14 de mayo en EEUU]! Página 2 La Prensa May 12, 2017 Happy Easter! HAVANA, - [PDF Document] (2024)

LOW PRICES ¡FELIZ DIA DE LAS MADRES! EVERY DAY!!· ¡Feliz Día de las Madres [10 de mayo en México y 14 de mayo en EEUU]! Página 2 La Prensa May 12, 2017 Happy Easter! HAVANA, - [PDF Document] (1)


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Classified? Email [emailprotected] de mayo, 2017 Weekly/Semanal 16 Páginas Vol. 61, No. 11








“El que calla otorga.”—Rico de La Prensa quoting Mexican proverb.



Our Lady of Guadalupe Center opens at new venue, Page 13

Comité Centro Mexicano: Festejando 5 de mayo en Cleveland. También...¡Feliz Día de las Madres [10 de mayo en México y 14 de mayo en EEUU]!

LOW PRICES ¡FELIZ DIA DE LAS MADRES! EVERY DAY!!· ¡Feliz Día de las Madres [10 de mayo en México y 14 de mayo en EEUU]! Página 2 La Prensa May 12, 2017 Happy Easter! HAVANA, - [PDF Document] (2)

La Prensa May 12, 2017Página 2

Happy Easter!

HAVANA, May 3, 2017(AP): One of the highest-profile members of Cuba’sruling family says the coun-try could be surprised bythe person who succeedsher father as president.

Mariela Castro’s uncleFidel Castro led Cuba fora half century before he was

WASHINGTON, DC,May 2, 2017 (AP): A newreport says Black Americaheld steady and Hispanic/Latino America improvedslightly during former Presi-dent Barack Obama’s finalyear.

But the National UrbanLeague says progress maybe in danger under DonaldTrump.

Its State of Black Americareport uses an equality in-dex, with 100 percent beingfull equality with whites. Theequality index for blackswas 72.3 percent in 2016, asmall increase from 2015’s72.2 percent. The equalityindex for Latinos was 78.4percent, which is an increasefrom 77.9 percent in 2015.

National Urban LeagueCEO Marc Morial says he isconcerned Trump could re-

SPRINGFIELD, Ill.,May 4, 2017 (AP): IllinoisSenate President JohnCullerton’s plan to pro-tect undocumented immi-grants from what propo-nents consider federal ha-rassment has won ap-proval.

The Democratic-con-trolled Senate voted 31-21 Thursday to approvethe “TRUST Act.” It pro-hibits local or state police

AUSTIN, Texas, May 3,2017 (AP): The Texas Legis-lature on Wednesday passeda ban on so-called “sanctu-ary cities” that allows policeofficers to ask about aperson’s immigration statusand threatens sheriffs andpolice chiefs with jail time ifthey don’t work with federalauthorities.

Republican Gov. GregAbbott has pledged to signthe bill into law, whichcould now come quickly.

The GOP-led Senatepassed the bill Wednesdaydespite objections fromDemocrats, who call thebill a “show-me-your-pa-pers” measure that will beused to discriminateagainst Latinos.

The term “sanctuary cit-ies” has no legal defini-tion, but Republicans wantlocal police to help federalimmigration agents crackdown on criminal suspectsin the U.S. without docu-mentation.

The bill allows the stateto withhold funding fromlocal governments for act-ing as sanctuary cities.

Republicans have astrong majority in the Leg-islature and shoved asideDemocratic objections topush the bill, even asDonald Trump’s efforts towithhold federal fundingfor sanctuary cities havehit roadblocks in federalcourts.

The Texas bill allowspolice to inquire about theimmigration status of any-one they detain, a situa-tion that can range fromarrest for a crime to beingstopped for a traffic viola-tion. It also requires localofficials to comply withfederal requests to holdcriminal suspects for pos-sible deportation.

“We do not want illegalcriminals back on thestreet. This is about the ruleof law. It’s always beenabout the rule of law,” saidbill sponsor Sen. Charles

Perry, a Republican fromLubbock. He dismissed theconcerns of racial profilingand harassment as“fearmongering.”

Texas doesn’t currentlyhave any sanctuary cities, butthat hasn’t stopped Abbottand Republican legislativeleaders from pushing aggres-sively to ban them.

Sally Hernández, the sher-iff of Travis County, whichincludes liberal Austin, en-raged conservatives by re-fusing to honor federal de-tainer requests if the suspectsweren’t arrested for immigra-tion offenses or serious crimessuch as murder. Ms.Hernández softened herpolicy after Abbott cut fund-ing to the county, sayingdecisions would be made ona case-by-case basis. She hassaid she will conform to thestate’s ban if it becomes law.

Republican Lt. Gov. DanPatrick said the bill “willensure that no liberal localofficial can flaunt the law.”

“There is no excuse forendangering our communi-ties by allowing criminalaliens who have committeda crime to go free,” Patricksaid.

Fierce resistance has comefrom Texas Democrats andimmigrants’ rights organiza-tions, as well as from some inlaw enforcement and top busi-ness lobbies. Opponents say itopens the door to discrimina-tion and intimidation. Manysheriffs and police chiefs inheavily Democratic areas warnthat it would make their jobsharder if immigrant commu-nities—including crime vic-tims and witnesses—becomeafraid of the police.

“We don’t want walkingwhile brown to become rea-sonable suspicion,” said Sen.Sylvia García, a HoustonDemocrat.

Abbott has long promisedto sign a sanctuary cities banbut his office did not imme-diately comment on the bill’spassage Wednesday.

Opponents are expected to

attempt suing to block thelaw.

“Finally, Gov. Abbotthas gotten what he askedfor: a hateful, anti-immi-grant bill that will tear fami-lies apart, make us less safe,negatively drag Texas intothe national headlines andresult in years of costly liti-gation at the taxpayer’sexpense,” said Rep. EddieRodríguez, an AustinDemocrat and chairman ofthe Mexican American Leg-islative Caucus.

Legislatura de Texasaprueba ley sobre“ciudades santuario”

AUSTIN, Texas, 3 V 17(AP): La legislatura deTexas aprobó el miércolesuna iniciativa de ley sobrelas “ciudades santuario”que permite a los policíaspreguntar a las personas suestatus migratorio yamenaza a los jefes depolicía con penas de cárcelsi no colaboran con lasautoridades federales.

El gobernadorrepublicano Greg Abbottse ha comprometido apromulgar el proyecto deley, lo cual podría ocurrirpronto.

El Senado encabezadopor los republicanosaprobó la propuesta a pesarde las objeciones de losdemócratas, que le dieron ala medida el nombre“muéstreme sus papeles” ydicen que será utilizadapara discriminar a loslatinos.

El término ciudadessantuario carece de unadefinición legal, pero losrepublicanos desean que lapolicía local ayude a losagentes federales deinmigración a procesar a lossospechosos de delitos quese encuentren ilegalmenteen Estados Unidos.

El proyecto de ley lepermite al estado retenerfondos a los gobiernos lo-cales si es que se desempeñancomo ciudades santuario.

from cooperating withfederal authorities who areinvestigating immigrantsbut do not have a criminalwarrant.

The measure would putIllinois in company with atleast five other states ad-dressing the issue. Cullertonsays immigrant communi-ties are worried because ofrecent federal raids and anti-immigrant rhetoric.

It would prohibit immi-

grants being held in localjails on federal detainersand speed up proceduresto benefit immigrants whocooperate with police in-vestigations.

Republicans com-plained there are reasonsto intervene short of acriminal investigation.They say national secu-rity sometimes demandsshort-term detention.

The bill is SB31.

succeeded at president by herfather, Raúl Castro.

Raúl Castro has said heplans to step down in Febru-ary. International and domes-tic observers widely expecthim to be succeeded by 57-year-old First Vice PresidentMiguel Díaz-Canel.

When asked on Wednes-

day about the successionprocess, Mariela Castrosaid: “Sometimes you’regoing in one direction andsuddenly you look overhere and go, ‘Wow, howinteresting, I hadn’t focusedon this person.’”

She concluded that“there are always surprises.”

verse some of the gains fromthe Obama era.

He says the first full reportcard of blacks and Hispanic/Latino America under Trumpwon’t come out until next year.

Reporte: Comunidadnegra en EEUU, estable; lalatina mejora

WASHINGTON, DC, 2 V17 (AP): Un reporte de unaorganización de derechosciviles en Estados Unidos diceque las condiciones de lacomunidad negra en el país semantuvieron estables,mientras que las de loshispanos mejoraronligeramente en el último añode la presidencia de BarackObama.

Pero el reporte de la Na-tional Urban League dice queel progreso conseguidopudiera estar en peligro con la

llegada a la Casa Blanca deDonald Trump.

Su reporte State of BlackAmerica usa un índice deigualdad, en el que 100% esigualdad plena con lapoblación blanca. El índicede igualdad para los negrosen el 2016 fue de 72,3%, unpequeño incrementorespecto al 72,2% registradoen el 2015. El índice para loslatinos en el 2016 fue de78,4%, comparado con77,9% en el año previo.

El director general de laNational Urban League,Marc Morial, dice que lepreocupa que Trump reviertaalgunos de los avances de laera de Obama.

El primer reportecompleto sobre negros ehispanos bajo el gobiernode Trump no saldrá hasta elaño próximo.

New report: Black America steady, Hispanic/Latino America improvingBy JESSE J. HOLLAND, Associated Press

Cuban president’s daughter: His successormay be surpriseBy MICHAEL WEISSENSTEIN, Associated Press

Illinois Senate votes for ‘TRUST’ withimmigrant community

Texas Legislature passes ban on ‘sanctuary cities’By JIM VERTUNO, Associated Press

LOW PRICES ¡FELIZ DIA DE LAS MADRES! EVERY DAY!!· ¡Feliz Día de las Madres [10 de mayo en México y 14 de mayo en EEUU]! Página 2 La Prensa May 12, 2017 Happy Easter! HAVANA, - [PDF Document] (3)

La Prensa12 de mayo, 2017 Page 3LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221

WASHINGTON, DC, 4 V17 (AP): Los legisladoresrepublicanos aprobaron eljueves en la Cámara deRepresentantes su propuestade ley de salud, su paso másimportante para desmantelarla ley conocida comoObamacare, una de lasprincipales metas delpresidente Donald Trump.

Los congresistasconsiguieron la aprobacióntras superar sus propiasdivisiones, que hundieron lapropuesta hace seis semanas.

Vencidos, pero sin rendirse,los demócratas insistieron enque los republicanos pagaránel precio en las urnas por anularcláusulas fundamentales de laley.

El presidente Trump elogióla aprobación en la Cámara deRepresentantes y dijo que está“muy confiado” en quetambién pasará en el Senado.

La medida fue aprobadapor votación de 217-213.Todos los demócratas y lamayoría de los republicanosmoderados votaron en contra.Una derrota habría sidopolíticamente devastadorapara Trump y el presidente dela cámara baja Paul Ryan.

Pero la aprobación fueproducto de un fuerte cabildeode la Casa Blanca y líderesrepublicanos, además demodificaciones de última horaque consiguieron los votosque necesitaban.

“Muchos de nosotrosestamos aquí porque noscomprometimos a emitir este

CARACAS, 2 V 17 (AP):La decisión del presidentevenezolano NicolásMaduro de convocar a unaasamblea para modificar laconstitución desató elmartes nuevasmanifestaciones contra elgobierno ycuestionamientos de variospaíses, mientras la oposiciónllamó a desobedecer elproceso.

Centenares de opositoresbloquearon algunas vías deleste y oeste de Caracas conbarricadas de basura, árboles,escombros, metalesretorcidos y hasta banderasvenezolanas de variosmetros de largo que fueroncolgadas entre los postes deluz. Las protestas seextendieron a otras ciudadesdel país.

“Estaremos en las calleshasta que el Estado entiendala inconformidad con laAsamblea Constituyente”,dijo Jorge Luis Olivares, uneconomista de 55 años,mientras caminaba frente auna barricada levantada porun grupo de vecinos enmedio de una avenida quecomunica el este de la capi-tal con la localidad de ElHatillo.

“La gente desea uncambio más rápido”, agregóOlivares al asegurar que elproceso constituyente podríaextenderse por 25 meses yque los “venezolanos noestamos dispuestos a esperartanto tiempo”.

En algunas barriadas declase media y popular deleste de la ciudad decenas deguardias nacionaleslanzaron gaseslacrimógenos hacia losedificios y casas paradispersar a los manifestantes,lo que generó problemas deasfixia entre los habitantesde esas zonas.

La Fiscalía Generalindicó que durante unamanifestación que se registróeste martes en la barriadapobre de Petare, al este de lacapital, resultaron heridoscinco guardias nacionales,un jefe policial, y dos civiles.Las manifestacionescallejeras que se iniciaron a

finales de marzo han dejado29 muertos y más de 400heridos.

La mayoría opositora de laAsamblea Nacional rechazódurante una sesión especial lainiciativa del mandatarioalegando que la convocatoriaa la Constituyente es“fraudulenta” porque seaprobó sin realizar unreferendo previo, tal comocontempla la constitución.Los congresistas opositoresinstaron al resto de los poderespúblicos y los militares a queno apoyen la acción deMaduro que fue consideradacomo un “golpe de estadocontinuado”.

La convocatoria a laConstituyente fuecuestionada por Brasil, Ar-gentina, Chile, EstadosUnidos y el secretario generalde la OEA, Luis Almagro.

El subsecretario adjuntode Estado para Asuntos delHemisferio Occidental,Michael Fitzpatrick, dijo a laprensa que Washington tieneprofundas preocupacionessobre las motivaciones de laasamblea, y planteó que elproceso “erosiona aún más”la democracia venezolana.Fitzpatrick indicó queEstados Unidos se reserva laposibilidad de hablar conotros países de la región paraevaluar posibles “sancionescoordinadas”, y considerarmás sanciones individuales amiembros del gobierno. ElDepartamento del Tesorosancionó en febrero alvicepresidente Tareck ElAissami quien fue acusado denarcotráfico.

Maduro instó la noche dellunes a sus seguidores aemprender una “gran batalla”para avanzar en la elección delos candidatos que integraránla Asamblea Constituyente.Al explicar los alcances delproceso el mandatario dijoque se buscará ampliar elsistema judicial, promovernuevas formas de“democracia participativa” ygarantizar la defensa de lasoberanía e integridad de lanación.

El abogado HermannEscarrá, cercano aloficialismo, negó que el

proceso implique unasustitución de laconstitución de 1999 queimpulsó el fallecidopresidente Hugo Chávez yplanteó, en una entrevistaen la televisora estatal, quese buscará adecuar el textoconstitucional a las “nuevasrealidades”.

Pero el abogado yacadémico José IgnacioHernández dijo a The Asso-ciated Press que de acuerdocon la “fraudulenta”interpretación que realizóMaduro de la constitución,el Congreso y el resto de lospoderes no podrán impedirni controlar las decisionesde la Asamblea NacionalConstituyente.

Hernández indicó queesa situación será utilizadapor el gobierno paraconsolidar la “usurpación defunciones” del Legislativo.

El académico agregó queeste proceso le permitirá algobierno diferir laselecciones regionales,pendientes desde el añopasado, y cualquier otraelección hasta que seapruebe una nueva carta ma-gna, situación que podríaafectar también laselecciones presidencialesque están previstas para elpróximo año.

Maduro adelantó que laAsamblea NacionalConstituyente estaríaintegrada por 500 miembros,de los cuales la mitad seránelegidos por los gremios detrabajadores y lascomunidades y el resto enestructuras territoriales queno precisó.

La oposición ha acusadoa Maduro de utilizar a lospoderes Judicial y Electoralpara postergar las eleccionesy evitar una derrota ante elcreciente descontento haciael gobierno por la crisis queenfrenta el país.

Las periodistas de TheAssociated Pres Eva Vergaraen Santiago de Chile,Almudena Calatrava enBuenos Aires, y Luis AlonsoLugo en Washington, y elfotógrafo Fernando Llano enCaracas, contribuyeron enesta nota.

voto precisamente”, dijo Ryan.“¿Vamos a mantener laspromesas que hicimos, o vamosa flaquear?”, agregó.

La propuesta enfrenta ahorauna suerte incierta en el Senado,donde incluso los legisladoresrepublicanos dicen queprobablemente requierecambios importantes.

En un comunicado, el líderde la mayoría en el SenadoMitch McConnell calificó lavotación en la cámara baja como“un paso importante” pararevocar la ley de salud deObama, y dijo que “el Congresocontinuará legislando paraproporcionar más opciones ylibertad en las decisiones deatención médica”.

La enconada lucha porderogar y reemplazar la ley desalud que impulsó el expresidente Barack Obamadominó los debates en elCongreso, incluso cuando sedisponía a aprobar la asignaciónde 1 billón de dólares paramantener el gobierno federalen funcionamiento hastaseptiembre.

Los republicanosprometieron anular la reformade salud de Obama desde supromulgación en el 2010, peroeste año—con Trump en la CasaBlanca y control pleno delCongreso—es su primeraoportunidad real de lograrlo.

No obstante, las encuestasmuestran que el público rechazalas gestiones de anulación y unalza en la popularidad de lamedida promulgada por Obama.

Los demócratas _opuestos

sólidamente a la nuevapropuesta—dijeron que losrepublicanos pagarán elprecio en las eleccioneslegislativas del año próximo.

“Si votas por esta medida,pasarás de moderado a radi-cal”, dijo la líder de la minoríademócrata en la cámara baja,Nancy Pelosi, quien advirtióa los republicanos que losvotantes van a castigarlos.

Ryan canceló en marzo lavotación sobre la medidaporque los conservadoresdescontentos decían que erademasiado débil, y losmoderados dijeron que losrecortes eran demasiadoprofundos.

El líder republicanoabandonó un segundo intentode votación la semana pasada.Hasta el martes, The Associ-ated Press contabilizaba 21legisladores republicanos encontra, uno menos de la cifraque hubiera matado lainiciativa si todos losdemócratas votaban “No”.

Durante las últimassemanas, el proyecto de leyfue modificado para atraer alos conservadores de línea másdura y a algunos legisladoresrepublicanos de centro. En unmovimiento táctico final, loslíderes agregaron un modestofondo de dinero para ayudar acubrir el seguro de gastosmédicos a personas concondiciones médicaspreexistentes, unapreocupación que ocasionóuna rebelión casi fatal entrerepublicanos en días recientes.

Avanza reforma a la ley de salud en EEUUPor ALAN FRAM y ERICA WERNER, Associated Press

BUENOS AIRES, 4 V 17(AP): Las Madres de Plaza deMayo anunciaron el jueves quepedirán juicio político contralos jueces de la Corte Supremade Justicia que la vísperadictaminaron un fallo que ben-eficia a un represor condenadopor delitos de lesa humanidad altiempo que denunciarán alEstado argentino anteorganismos internacionales porconsiderar que la decisión es unretroceso en materia de derechoshumanos.

En el dictamen, la Corte leconcedió al represor Luis Muiña-sentenciado en 2011 a 13 añosde prisión por secuestro y torturasdurante un operativo militar en1976- el beneficio de una leyque computaba doble los días enprisión sin condena firme, esdecir cuando la pena ha sidoapelada. La norma en cuestión,ya derogada, nunca había sidoaplicada a condenados pordelitos de lesa humanidad, sinosolo a presos comunes.

“Creo que los jueces que hanfirmado este fallo deben serefectivamente llevados al juiciopolítico por mal desempeño”,dijo el abogadoconstitucionalista EduardoBarcesat en rueda de prensaconvocada por las Madres en lahistórica Plaza de Mayo, lamisma donde reclaman por sushijos desaparecidos desde hace40 años. Barcesat tambiéncuestionó la idoneidad de losmiembros de la Corte porprivilegiar una norma procesalderogada a favor de “genocidas”por encima de tratadosinternacionales de derechoshumanos.

Si bien el dictamencorresponde a un solo caso,serviría de precedente para otroscondenados por sus accionesdurante el régimen de 1976 a1983. Hasta marzo de este año

ascendían a 755 los sentenciados.Un día después del

controvertido fallo, las Madresrealizaron su habitual rondaalrededor de la pirámide de laplaza. A paso lento, caminabancon los clásicos pañuelos blancossobre su cabeza -queoriginariamente eran los pañalesde tela de sus hijos desaparecidos-y sosteniendo una pancarta quedecía: “Ni olvido, ni perdón, nireconciliación. 1000 años deprisión”. A los costados, variasdecenas de personas las alentarona no darse por vencidas.

La dictadura militar cobró lavida de más de 6.000 personas,según cifras oficiales, pero parafamiliares de las víctimas yorganismos de derechoshumanos, los desaparecidosfueron 30.000.

Hebe de Bonafini, líder de lasMadres, afirmó que el fallo no lasorprendió y recordó que durantela dictadura “los jueces fuerongrandes cómplices que sabíanque nuestros hijos morían y pormás presentaciones que hicimosnunca invadieron un lugar ohicieron lo que las madres lespedíamos, que salvaran a algunode ellos”.

Al respecto, Barcesat insistió:“Los que han cometido hechosaberrantes que hieren laconciencia jurídica de lahumanidad, que son crímenes delesa humanidad, merecen sertratados como lo dicen lasconvenciones del genocidio.Para ellos no hay beneficio deamnistía, ni indulto, niconmutación de pena y muchomenos una norma procesalderogada”.

Otros abogadosconstitucionalistas, en cambio,se han manifestado a favor delfallo. “El voto mayoritario respetael principio de imparcialidad enla aplicación de las leyes”, opinóJorge Vanossi. “La aplicación de

la ley penal más benigna debeser extensiva a todos los delitos,sin distinción alguna”.

El plan de acción de losorganismos de derechoshumanos también incluirápresentaciones ante organismosinternacionales, como laComisión Interamericana deDerechos Humanos (CIDH), quesesionará en Buenos Aires a partirdel 24 de mayo durante tres días.

No obstante, losrepresentantes legales de Madresadvirtieron que la Corte Supremade Argentina dictaminó aprincipios de este año que noestá obligada a acatarresoluciones de organismosregionales.

La denominada ley “dos poruno”-a una persona detenida másde dos años sin condena se lecomputaba doble cada día deprisión preventiva- fuesancionada en 1994 en mediode una grave crisis carcelaria y encoincidencia con la reforma dela Constitución a partir de la cualel país dio rango constitucionala los tratados internacionales.La norma fue derogada en 2001,cuando empezó a regir un nuevocódigo procesal.

Los jueces Horacio Rosatti,Carlos Rosenkrantz y ElenaHighton de Nolascoargumentaron que a Muiña lecabe el principio de ley penalmás benigna y que la aplicaciónde la mencionada norma “resultaextensivo a todos los delitos, sinrealizar distinción alguna”. Losjueces se basaron en un artículodel código penal según el cualninguna ley se puede aplicar enforma retroactiva salvo que seamás benigna.

Muiña, que debía cumplircondena hasta 2024, vioreducida su sentencia en ochoaños a partir de este beneficio yya goza del beneficio de lalibertad condicional.

Madres de Plaza de Mayo rechazan fallo deCorte en ArgentinaPor DÉBORA REY, Associated Press

Convocatoria a constituyente desata protestasen VenezuelaPor FABIOLA SÁNCHEZ, Associated Press

LOW PRICES ¡FELIZ DIA DE LAS MADRES! EVERY DAY!!· ¡Feliz Día de las Madres [10 de mayo en México y 14 de mayo en EEUU]! Página 2 La Prensa May 12, 2017 Happy Easter! HAVANA, - [PDF Document] (4)

La Prensa—Michigan May 12, 2017Página 4

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DETROIT, May 1, 2017(AP): More than 20 His-panic/Latino immigrantworkers at an industrialplant in southeast Michi-gan say they were fired af-ter taking part in the DayWithout Immigrants pro-tests in February.

The workers have fileda charge with the NationalLabor Relations Boardsaying they were unjustlyfired by EZ Industrial So-lutions in ChesterfieldTownship for taking partin a political protest, theDetroit Free Press (http://on.freep.com/2p0JKQD )reported.

The charge filed by at-torney Tony Paris said em-ployees were threatened theday before the protests witha one-week suspension, butwere instead fired. Paris saidsome of the workers marchedin rallies that day in Detroit,while others skipped workin protest.

The charge also saidthat a company supervisorthreatened to report the

ANN ARBOR, May 4,2017 (AP): A southeastMichigan county hasgiven initial approval tonew policies to help im-migrants—both legal U.S.residents or those livingin the country withoutdocumenta t ion—feelwelcome.

The WashnetawCounty Board of Commis-sioners voted Wednesdayon a package of three reso-lutions, the Ann ArborNews (http://bit.ly/2pcHSV9 ) reported.

The first resolutionurges US Congress toadopt immigration re-forms that restrict depor-tation actions to peoplecharged with aggravatedfelonies and expand op-portunities for legal im-migration.

The other resolutions

LANSING, May 3, 2017:Gov. Rick Snyder today an-nounced the appointment ofHansel Monroy of Ann Ar-bor to the Hispanic/LatinoCommission of Michigan.

Housed within the Michi-gan Department of Licens-ing and Regulatory Affairs,the 15-member commissiondevelops and maintains aunified policy and plan ofaction to serve the needs ofMichigan’s Hispanic/Latino residents.

“I thank Hansel for hiscommitment to serving onthis commission. I am confi-dent he will be a positivevoice for the Hispanic andLatino communities here in

support the national Welcom-ing America initiative, whichpromotes cooperation and re-spect between foreign- andnative-born people in theU.S., and providing equalservices regardless ofethnicity, immigration sta-tus or physical characteris-tics.

Taxpayer money is ex-pected to go toward programsto aid immigrants, includingthose living in the U.S. with-out documentation whomight face deportation. Aspecific dollar amountwasn’t provided, but a memoaccompanying the packagesays the board’s actions willresult in appropriations ofabout $135,200 from thegeneral fund’s cash reserves.

The county has nearly44,000 foreign-born resi-dents, according to a memofrom Commissioner Conan

fired workers to immigrationauthorities.

“A worker said: A supervi-sor came to my house asking,‘How are you affording an at-torney? Don’t you know thecompany is going to send ICE,have ICE be involved?’” Parissaid, referring to the federalImmigration and Customs En-forcement.

On its website, EZ Indus-trial Solutions says it “spe-cializes in secondary opera-tions for the automotive fas-tener and stamping industry.Our services include fastenervision sorting/hand sorting,fastener head painting, as-semblies, and packaging/kitting.”

The workers at EZ Indus-trial Solutions earned justabove minimum wage, about$9 to $12 an hour, assortingscrews and other small items,working an informal routinethat allowed for absences,Paris said. He said the NLRBinvestigators interviewedthe workers in a church,where they felt comfortablespeaking out. Some may be

Smith, D-Ann Arbor. Smithargued that roughly25,800 of those immi-grants live in the U.S. with-out documentation andare the most vulnerableunder current tactics byU.S. Immigration and Cus-toms Enforcement.

“Washnetaw Countydenounces expanded im-migration actions by thefederal government thatdestabilize our communi-ties by creating an atmo-sphere of fear and isola-tion for our residents fromother countries and theirfamilies regardless of theirimmigration status,” oneresolution reads.

Final approval for theresolutions is scheduledMay 17. Information from:The Ann Arbor News,http://www.mlive.com/ann-arbor

undocumented immi-grants.

EZ operations managerJordan Yoder said thecompany stands by its de-cision.

“The law is quite clearthat employees can’t justnot show up to work whenthey’re expected, and alsothat they are not free toparticipate in political,non-work-related protestsduring their work day with-out consequences,” Yodersaid. “We therefore denyany wrongdoing and areconfident that the chargewill be dismissed.”

Paris said the workers atEZ didn’t have a regularschedule, so not showingup was never grounds to befired. He also said the com-pany had only warned of asuspension, not a firing.

The charge has been sentto the labor board’s Wash-ington, D.C., office for fur-ther review.

Information from: De-troit Free Press, http://www.freep.com

Immigrant employees “fired over protest”

County to financially aid immigrant community

Michigan,” Snyder said.Monroy will serve a three-

year term to expire Decem-ber 10, 2019. His appoint-ment is subject to the adviceand consent of the Senate.

Gov. Rick Snydermakes appointment tothe Board of Nursing

Gov. Rick Snyder todayannounced the appointmentof Tori Sachs of Okemos tothe Board of Nursing.

Housed within theMichigan Department ofLicensing and RegulatoryAffairs, the 23-memberboard establishes qualifi-cations for nurse licensure,approves standards for

Gov. Rick Snyder makes appointment to theHispanic/Latino Commission of Michigan

nurse education pro-grams, and takes disci-plinary action against lic-ensees when the health,safety, and welfare of thepublic has been adverselyaffected.

“I thank Tori for her com-mitment to serving and Iam confident her back-ground will provide theskills needed to positivelyinfluence the nursing pro-fession in Michigan,”Snyder said.

Sachs will serve the re-mainder of a four-year termexpiring June 30, 2018. Herappointment is subject tothe advice and consent ofthe Senate.

¡Feliz Cumpleaños Carla Soto Cruz, 25 de octubre!

Saturday, May 13 ~ Eddie González andMothers Day Celebration

Saturday, May 20 ~ Los AztecasSaturday, May 27 ~ Sensación

LOW PRICES ¡FELIZ DIA DE LAS MADRES! EVERY DAY!!· ¡Feliz Día de las Madres [10 de mayo en México y 14 de mayo en EEUU]! Página 2 La Prensa May 12, 2017 Happy Easter! HAVANA, - [PDF Document] (5)

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LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221

The Toledo Zoo is nowhome to a koala! The cap-tivating, tree-huggingcreature has been on ex-hibit in the Aviary as ofMay 5, 2017.

The new koala,Coedie, was brought tothe Zoo through the SanDiego Zoo’s Koala LoanProgram, which hasplaced koalas in morethan 85 cities and 12 coun-tries across the globe.

San Diego’s senior ko-ala keeper, and previousToledo Zoo koala keeper,Jenny Roesler, accompa-nied Coedie on his trans-fer and stayed to help trainstaff and acclimate thekoala to his new home, anewly- renovated exhibitin the historic Aviary.

Coedie, whose namemeans “boy” in aborigi-nal, is 3½ years old andweighs approximately 16pounds. Interestingly,Coedie is the son ofMundooie, the first malekoala born at the ToledoZoo in 2000. Through itsparticipation in the KoalaLoan Program, ToledoZoo is also supporting ko-ala habitat conservationin Australia.

Koalas (Phascolarctoscinereus) are easily rec-ognized by their uniquephysical characteristics:large, leathery nose andlean yet rounded bodywith long limbs for sup-port and balance, big earsand no visible tail. An-other fun fact is that likehumans, koalas have in-

dividual fingerprints.Koalas are naturally

solitary and basically sed-entary creatures that residein eucalyptus forests andwoodlands, along the east-ern coast of Australia. Be-cause their diet of euca-lyptus leaves and a smallamount of dirt to aid indigestion does not providemuch nutritional value andtakes a long time to digest,koalas sleep between 18and 22 hours a day and areactive at night.

Eucalyptus, the onlyfood in a koala’s diet, isharmful to most animals.However, in their digestivetract koalas have a specialbacteria that breaks downthe harmful compounds,allowing one to eat one totwo pounds of eucalyptus

leaves a day.The IUCN Red List for

Threatened Species listskoalas as vulnerable withdeclining populationnumbers due to loss ofhabitat, predation fromdogs, disease and the ef-fects of climate change.Current estimates are thatmore than 80% of koalahabitat has disappearedand it is thought there areonly 43,000 to 80,000 ko-alas left in the wild.

In addition to visitingCoedie, Zoo guests canalso support koala con-servation by taking thenew Oceania Conserva-tion Tour around the Zooto learn more, purchasinga koala Zoo PAL sponsor-ship or koala merchandisein Zoo gift shops.

Spend Koala-ty Time at the Toledo Zoo

GenoaBank has an-nounced the appointmentof Brian Picknell as Assis-tant Vice President, Com-mercial Loan Officer for theSylvania Branch in Ohio.He has over 35 years of ex-perience in the banking in-dustry.

“Brian brings a greatamount of expertise to ourCommercial Lending De-partment. We are confidenthe will serve our customerscommercial lending needs,while increasingGenoaBank’s lending abil-ity across all areas,” saidMartin P. Sutter,GenoaBank’s President andCEO.

Mr. Picknell is based in

the bank’sSylvania branchbut will be avail-able to providecommercial lend-ing at any of thebank’s otherbranches. He willbe serving thecommunities inNorthwest Ohioand SoutheastMichigan.

Mr. Picknellattended TheUniversity of To-ledo, specializ-ing in Business Finance. Heis actively involved in thecommunity, including boardmember for the SalvationArmy. He was former

Chairman for Ann Ar-bor Hospice and March ofDimes Walk America. Heis married and the father offour children.

Brian Picknell is new AVP, Commercial LoanOffice, for GenoaBank

Experience the Sounds of 19th Century SailingWorking Songs on the Niagara:A Concert, featuring the Boys of Bay CitySaturday, May 20, 2017, 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Join us for a family friendly concert by the Boys of Bay City featuring historic19th century sea shanties. Enjoy the music from the dock as the musicians performthese songs in their natural habitat, aboard the U.S. Brig Niagara! The Niagara willbe open for deck tours following the concert, until 8:30pm.

Ticket Prices: Adults: $10 for NMGL Members; $12.50 for Non-members;Youth (6-17): $7.50 for NMGL Members; $10 for Non-members; Children 5 andunder: Free; Special Family Package (2 adults and all children under 18 inhousehold): $30 for NMGL Members; $35 Non-members.

Tickets are available at nmgl.eventbrite.com or by calling 419.214.5000 ext. 200

May 8, 2017: OwensCommunity College hasannounced a new Boardof Trustees Scholarshipto replace the AcademicExcellence Scholarshipand the AcademicAchievement Scholar-ship.

The new scholarshipwill award $1,000 per se-mester, for up to fourconsecutive semesters.Students enrolling atOwens in the fall semes-ter immediately aftergraduating from a highschool in the Owens le-gal district, and whohave a high school GPAof 3.7 or above, will beeligible and must sub-mit official high schooltranscripts on or afterJanuary 1 of their senioryear to be considered.

Students who meet oneof the following qualifi-cations may also apply forthe scholarship:

• A high school se-nior attending a highschool located in the

Owens legal district, whohas a high school GPA of3.0 - 3.69, demonstratesstudent motivation, andenrolls in the fall semesterimmediate ly fol lowinghigh school graduation.

• A high school gradu-ate, who has not been inhigh school for at least oneyear, or a GED recipient(applicants may not haveattended Owens for at leastone year); resides in theOwens legal district; dem-ons t ra tes mot iva t ionthrough exceptional workor public/community ser-vice (including militaryservice), academic perfor-mance, other demonstratedleadership, or other expe-rience as related to a ca-reer path; and enrolls forthe fall semester immedi-ately following the awardof the scholarship.

All recipients must meetthe following criteria:

• Apply for admissionto Owens as a regular stu-dent;

• Pursue a degree or cer-

Owens announces new Board of TrusteesScholarship

tificate with the intentto complete at OwensCommunity College;

• Maintain full-timeenrollment at a mini-mum of twelve credithours each semester;and

• Maintain a 3.0 cu-mulative grade pointaverage to continue eli-gibility for each semes-ter at Owens, for a maxi-mum of four total con-secu t ive semes te rs(summer optional).

For more informa-tion regarding Owens’schola rsh ips , v i s i tw w w . o w e n s . e d u /financial_aid/scholar-ships.

LOW PRICES ¡FELIZ DIA DE LAS MADRES! EVERY DAY!!· ¡Feliz Día de las Madres [10 de mayo en México y 14 de mayo en EEUU]! Página 2 La Prensa May 12, 2017 Happy Easter! HAVANA, - [PDF Document] (6)

May 12, 2017Page 6 La Prensa

AKRON, May 1, 2017(AP): As the buildings of aformer tuberculosis facilitywere torn down, two uni-versity professors set out tofilm a documentary captur-ing the personal stories ofpatients and the history sur-rounding it.

“Takin’ the Cure” is thenext documentary project byUniversity of Akron commu-nications professor KathleenEndres and her husband, KentState University professoremeritus Fred Endres, theAkron Beacon Journal (http://bit.ly/2qlTI2Q) reported onMonday.

The idea for the docu-mentary came as KathleenEndres looked over hand-written patient discharge

NEW YORK, May 1,2017 (AP): Filmmaker andactivist Michael Moore istaking his tough politicaltalk to Broadway.

The Academy Award-winning director of “Bowl-ing for Columbine” willperform the one-man show

ST. LOUIS, Missouri, 3V 17 (AP): Las autoridadesexhortaron el miércoles alos habitantes de unapequeña comunidadaledaña al río Missouri aevacuar y suspendieron lacirculación a lo largo de unaimportante sección del ríoMississippi cerca de St.Louis, debido a quepersisten las lluvias y haypronósticos de másprecipitaciones en la región.

Las fuertes lluvias hanprovocado que muchos ríosalcancen niveles históricosen Missouri, Illinois y Ar-kansas. Se atribuyen almenos cinco muertes a lasinundaciones en Missouri,mientras que cientos de per-sonas han sidodesplazadas, y miles más

podrían resultar afectadas.No quedó esclarecido

cuándo se reabrirá a lacirculación de un tramo de23 kilómetros (14,5 millas)del Mississippi, una vía cru-cial para el transporte deproductos agrícolas y otrosbienes. La Guardia Costeraindicó que la medida eranecesaria debido a los altosniveles del agua y las fuertescorrientes.

“Nuestra prioridadcolectiva es la seguridadpública”, dijo el capitánMartin Malloy, comandantedel sector del Alto Missis-sippi de la Guardia Costera.

La mañana del miércolesreventaron dos diques enpartes rurales del este de Mis-souri y el noreste de Arkan-sas, aunque no se reportaron

víctimas ni daños mayores.Las lluvias azotaron la

región durante el fin desemana, seguidas de dosdías sin precipitaciones,pero los meteorólogosprevén que la zona registreentre 5 y 10 centímetros (2y 4 pulgadas) de lluvia eljueves.

Las nuevas lluvias noprovocarán que los nivelesde los ríos aumenten, perosi mantendrán los nivelesdel agua peligrosamenteelevados, indicó elhidrólogo del ServicioMeteorológico NacionalMark Fuchs.

La reportera de Associ-ated Press Jill Bleed en LittleRock, Arkansas,contribuyó con estedespacho.

“The Terms of My Surren-der” at the Belsaco Theatrestarting July 28 for 12 weeks.

Moore on Monday prom-ised a very topical show thathas a subversive, urgent tone.Not all of it will be scriptedand it may have guests andinteractive elements.

Michael Mayer will direct.While not all of the

show will be an extendedrant against PresidentDonald Trump, Moorecalled it a “comedy shiv”pointed at the administra-tion and only a few blocksfrom Trump Tower.

files from the former Spring-field Lake Sanatorium. TheSummit County facility,which opened in 1915, caredfor more than 6,000 peoplesuffering from tuberculosisnearly 30 years before a curewas discovered.

“Most of them were dis-charged because they haddied or were going home todie,” she said.

To tell the stories, theEndreses leafed through 100boxes of financial recordsand 16mm films rescuedfrom destruction by a Sum-mit County retention worker.The county granted theEndreses access to the build-ings to film, but black moldand fleas forced the film crewto wear hazmat suits with

respirators.The documentary was

funded through a $10,000grant from the Universityof Akron Faculty ResearchCommittee.

While the Endreses willproduce an hour-longdocumentary for WesternReserve PBS, they saidthey have enough mate-rial to write a book.

The Endreses were com-pletely dedicated to thefilming, even on their wed-ding anniversary.

“What else would youdo on your wedding anni-versary?” Kathleen Endressaid.

Information from:Akron Beacon Journal,http://www.ohio.com

Couple filming documentary on formertuberculosis facility

Missouri: Inundaciones provocan desbordes yevacuacionesPor JIM SALTER, Associated Press

Michael Moore to take on Trump onBroadway this summerBy MARK KENNEDY, AP Entertainment Writer

GRAND RAPIDS, MI: Conel objetivo de cuidar a losniños y jóvenes para quecrezcan sanos, porque ellosson nuestro legado, fue creado“Niños del Sol”, un programacultural enfocado en eldesarrollo de las habilidadesde los niños de escasosrecursos, fortalecimiento dela unidad, aprendizaje de susraíces e integración con gruposdiversos.

Reyna García, fundadoradel proyecto, informa: “Tengovarios años trabajando encomités educativos tales comoorganizaciones culturales y decolaboración de Great Start,me he dado cuenta de lanecesidad que existe ennuestra comunidad de trabajaren desarrollar las habilidadesde nuestros niños. Es de sumaimportancia crear un espacioseguro para nuestros hijosdonde puedan aspirar asuperarse, porque esta sociedadnecesitará una nuevageneración de líderes”.

García destacó queactualmente hay centros quetrabajan con niños, pero selimitan a prestar apoyo en áreasde vida limitadas, por lo tanto,dejan de lado a otrascomunidades. “Considero desuma importanciaproporcionar y dar acceso a unsector más amplio para recibireste tipo de apoyo”.

Niños del Sol está orientadoa grupos minoritarios de lacomunidad y se basa en lanoción de que el arte es unaherramienta para mejorar susposibilidades de éxito en laescuela y en la vida. Esto selogrará a través de lassiguientes áreas:

• Musicoterapia. Se creamúsica donde los niñospuedan decir lo que sienten ylo que les afecta, es una músicade lucha social para queexpresen lo que sienten.

• Gastronomía. Creaciónde platillos típicos para que losniños puedan conocer la cocinaque caracteriza a los latinos.

• Escultura. Se trans-forman las experiencias enobras de arte. Se cuenta con unprofesor especializado entrabajo con niños para quepuedan expresar lo que sienten

a través de una escultura.• Pintura. Se divide en dos

partes, en la primera los niñostienen la oportunidad decontar sus historias para quepuedan estar bien ubicadoscon ellos mismos. Es decir,para que se conozcan mejor.En la segunda parte se cubrirátodo el aprendizaje referente alas técnicas. Es impartida porReyna García.

Al final del curso, que seespera sea en la primera semanade agosto, se hará unaexhibición al público en gen-eral para que puedan apreciarel resultado del trabajo que sellevo a cabo. Actualmente seencuentran trabajando consiete niños pero hay capacidadpara más, ya que la idea en estaprimera etapa del programa, escrear un grupo pequeño dealrededor de 15 niños, para vercómo funciona yposteriormente, irlo creciendo.

“Una vez que concluyamosesta primera etapa, abriremosotro grupo porque es unproyecto con una visión a fu-turo. Es importante empoderara la mayor cantidad de niñosposibles porque se vienentiempos difíciles y en lugar deinculcar miedo e intimidación,tenemos que fortalecerlos”,señaló la fundadora delproyecto.

Reyna dice queactualmente hay muchosniños que están viviendo encasa diversas problemáticascomo alcoholismo, violencia,entre otros, que afectan de unamanera u otra su vida, por esola importancia de mostrarlestambién el lado positivo de lavida y ayudarlos a sacar sutalento, no esperar a que seanadultos para poder verlosrealizados, hay que trabajar yestar con ellos desde ahora.

Originaria deNezahualcoyotl, México,Reyna García es una madresoltera cuya inspiración sonsus hijos, así como apoyar sussueños y sus metas en su vida.“Creo firmemente quenuestros hijos son el futurotanto como son nuestropresente. He trabajadoprofesionalmente comoartista visual durante muchosaños y eso me ha dado unaforma de expresión. Tengouna profunda pasión por lascausas de la justicia social.

Soy activista cultural,organizadora de la comunidady defensora de los derechoshumanos”.

En su pasión por sacar a sushijos adelante y darles unamejor alternativa de vida, deseasalpicar a todos los niños de sualrededor y a sus familias. “Estees un proyecto para ayudar atoda la comunidad, en dondese involucran no solo los niños,sino los profesores y padres defamilia. Es por eso que tambiénvamos a tener actividades paralos padres”, comentó. “Aldesarrollar el talento y prestaratención a los sueños denuestros hijos, tendremos ungran impacto en su futuro. Esonos ayudará a disminuir la tasade abandono escolar yaumentará la graduaciónuniversitaria, impactando asíla tasa de jóvenes en el sistemapenitenciario. En resumen esteprograma generará másopciones de vida para nuestroshijos”.

Niños del Sol es unproyecto cultural realizado yenfocado por miembros de lacomunidad, por lo que elarranque no ha sido nada fácil.“Nos ha costado trabajo, haymucha gente quesupuestamente quiere ayudarpero no hemos visto nada con-creto”, compartió García.“Afortunadamente ya hay unaiglesia que se acerco a nosotrosy una organización nos dio unpequeño donativo, pero sinecesitamos de más apoyo parasacar este proyecto adelante.Estamos empezando sinrecursos pero seguros de quepodremos salir adelante”.

Por el momento, algunas delas actividades se llevan a caboen un centro comunitario queha abierto las puertas alproyecto. “Hay otros lugaresque también nos estánprestando su espaciodependiendo de la actividad,por ejemplo mi hija quiere serdiseñadora de modas ytendremos ciertascolaboraciones con lugaresque nos van a dar esos espacios.Es decir, estamos poco a pocoabriendo puertas”, concluyóla entrevistada.

Para donaciones y/o realizaralgún apoyo, así como paraformar parte del programa, fa-vor de contactar a Reyna Garcíaal (616) 724 80 23.

Niños del Sol fortalece las habilidades culturalesde los niñosInvitan a realizar donaciones para el apoyo del programaPor: Isabel Flores. La Prensa

LOW PRICES ¡FELIZ DIA DE LAS MADRES! EVERY DAY!!· ¡Feliz Día de las Madres [10 de mayo en México y 14 de mayo en EEUU]! Página 2 La Prensa May 12, 2017 Happy Easter! HAVANA, - [PDF Document] (7)

12 de mayo, 2017 Page 7

LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221

La Prensa

NUEVA YORK, 1 V 17(AP): Pese a que sonvarias las produccionesde cine o televisión quese han hecho o se preparansobre Joaquín “ElChapo” Guzmán, Katedel Castillo no desiste desus planes de realizar unapelícula sobre la vida delque fue el narcotraficantemás buscado de México.

La actriz mexicanadijo el lunes durante unaentrevista con The Asso-ciated Press que su interésen un largometraje sigueahí pero que “todo estáparado” hasta que elproblema legal quemantiene con la justiciamexicana se arregle.

“Solo tengo losderechos (del filme) hastaahora”, señaló.

Del Castillo mantuvouna reunión clandestina enMéxico con el exlíder delcartel de Sinaloa en el 2015mientras éste estabaprófugo, según ha dichocon el fin de hacer una

LOS ANGELES, May 2,2017 (AP): Authorities sayMexican singer LuisMiguel surrendered to U.S.marshals Tuesday in a caseinvolving a dispute inwhich he has been orderedto pay more than $1 millionto his former manager.

Deputy US MarshalMatthew Cordova says thesinger, whose full name isLuis Miguel GallegoBasteri, is scheduled toappear Tuesday afternoonbefore a federal judge inLos Angeles who has heldhim in contempt for failingto appear at court hearings.

The five-time Grammywinner does not have anattorney listed in the courtcase and his record labeldeclined comment.

Miguel was ordered topay his former manager,William Brockhaus, morethan $1 million in July2016 by a federal judge inNew York. Brockhaus’ at-torneys sought to enforcethe judgment in Los Ange-les, where Miguel owns ahome. In January, a judgeordered the singer to turnover a 2013 Rolls Royce tohelp satisfy the judgment.

Brockhaus sued Miguelin Texas in 2014, claimingthe singer failed to pay himbased on a 2012 manage-ment contract they signed.

Court records state thesinger refused to acceptcourt summons and did notappear for court hearings to

LOS ANGELES, 1 V 17(AP): Gaby Natale ganó elpremio Emmy Diurno almejor talento en unprograma en español por“SuperLatina with GabyNatale” y se lo dedicó a la“gente que está resistiendoinjusticias, misoginia,xenofobia y el aumento de laintolerancia”.

“No permitan que nadieles diga otra cosa: ladiversidad es Hermosa”,expresó la periodista ypresentadora nacida en Ar-gentina al aceptar elreconocimiento el domingopor la noche.

“The Ellen DeGeneresShow” ganó el premio almejor programa de tertuliade entretenimiento 20 añosdespués de que su anfitrionarevelara al mundo que eragay en la serie de comedia“Ellen”.

“Lo hizo porque era locorrecto”, dijo MaryConnelly, productoraejecutiva de “Ellen”, sobrela decisión de DeGeneres deabrirse sobre su sexualidad yhacer lo mismo por supersonaje en 1997.DeGeneres no estuvopresente en la ceremonia deldomingo; Connelly aceptóel galardón en su nombre.

“General Hospital” fuehonrado como mejor seriede drama matutina, mientrasque los principales premiosactorales fueron para Scott

Clifton de “The Boldand the Beautiful” yGina Tognoni por“The Young and theRestless”.

Steve Harvey noasistió a la gala peroganó dos galardones:mejor anfitrión de con-curso por “FamilyFeud” y mejoranfitrión de unprograma de tertuliainformativo por“Steve Harvey”.

“Good MorningAmerica” se llevó eltrofeo al mejor programamatutino y “The Dr. Oz Show”el de mejor talk showinformativo. “Jeopardy!” fuehonrado como mejorprograma de concurso.

Sheryl Underwood, quienpresentó con Mario López laceremonia transmitida en vivopor internet, también recibióel Emmy a la mejor anfitrionade un programa de tertulia deentretenimiento por “TheTalk”, junto a copresentadorasque incluyen a Sara Gilbert.

“Entertainment Tonight”fue nombrado mejor programade noticias deentretenimiento, y laexpresentadora de “ET” MaryHart fue honrada con el premioa la trayectoria.

Hart recordó elescepticismo con el que “ET”fue recibido a principios delos 80, cuando lanzó el ahoraboyante género de noticieros

de TV de Hollywood.“No somos algo de

relleno”, dijo al rememorarlos inicios del programa.“De haber sabido lo quevendría, habría dicho ‘Nosomos noticias falsas’”.

Hart también le pidió ala gente, ya sea en lasuniversidades o en elgobierno, que haga unesfuerzo por escuchar otrospuntos de vista.

La ceremonia se realizómientras negociadores delSindicato de Guionistas deEstados Unidos (WGA, porsus siglas en inglés) y losproductores intentanalcanzar un acuerdo paraun nuevo contrato y evitaruna huelga que pudieraafectar la programacióntelevisiva diurna y delhorario y las produccionesde cine. El contrato actualvence el lunes por la noche.

determine his ability to pay.Miguel, who has also won

four Latin Grammys and isknown as “El Sol de México”(The Sun of Mexico,) has soldmore than 100 millionrecords worldwide and en-joyed a successful career inmultiple genres, includingpop, mariachi, ballads andboleros.

Luis Miguel en libertadtras pagar fianza enLos Ángeles

LOS ANGELES, 2 V 17(AP): Luis Miguel pagó unafianza el martes y quedó enlibertad poco después deentregarse a las autoridadesde Los Ángeles, donde erarequerido en relación con uncaso presentado por suexrepresentante por el cualse le ordenó pagar más de unmillón de dólares.

El cantante cuyo nombrecompleto es Luis MiguelGallego Basteri, se entregóel lunes por la mañana ycompareció ante un juez fed-eral en Los Angeles quienordenó que permanecieradetenido por desacato trasno presentarse en audienciasprevias, dijo a The Associ-ated Press el subjefe de policíaMatthew Cordova.

El cantante no tenía unabogado listado en el casode la corte y representantesde su disquera, WarnerLatina, dijeron que no teníancomentarios.

Fue liberado el martes porla tarde tras pagar una fianza,

película. Laactriz coordinóuna entrevistaque el actorSean Penn lehizo a Guzmánmientras ellae s t a b apresente.

La reuniónimpulsó unainvestigaciónde la justiciamexicana. Enenero, unaportavoz de lafiscalía del paísdijo a la AP queno hay ninguna orden judi-cial contra Del Castillo y quela actriz solo ha sido“mencionada” eninvestigaciones criminales.

Aun así, la estrella delas series “La Reina delSur” e “Ingobernable” noviaja a su país natal.

¿Qué debe ocurrir paraque la situación legal sesolucione?

“Pues que deje deatacarme el gobierno

mexicano, que terminen lasinvestigaciones que tienenabiertas”, dijo Del Castillodurante la entrevistatelefónica.

El proyecto del filme, sinembargo, no parece urgente.

“La verdad, prisa notengo”, señaló la actriz,quien habló con motivode la presentación de unpodcast bilingüe en el queparticipó recientementecomo narradora.

dijo Cordova. La cantidadde la fianza no fue reveladade momento.

En julio de 2016 un juezfederal de Nueva Yorkordenó a Luis Miguel pagarmás de un millón de dólaresa su exmánager WilliamBrockhaus. Los abogadosde Brockhaus buscaronejercer la orden en LosÁngeles, donde LuisMiguel es propietario deuna casa. En enero un juezordenó que el cantanteentregara un Rolls Royce2013 para cerrar el caso.

Brockhaus demandó aLuis Miguel en Texas en2014, afirmando que elcantante no le pagó loacordado en un contrato derepresentación quefirmaron en 2012.

Según los documentosjudiciales, el cantante senegó a recibir notificacionesy no se presentó en lasaudiencias para determinarsu capacidad para pagar eladeudo.

El llamado Sol deMéxico es uno de losartistas más populares deLatinoamérica, con más de100 millones de discosvendidos de génerosdiversos como pop, bole-ros, baladas y mariachi,incluyendo títulos como“Romance” y “México enla piel”. Entre otrosreconocimientos, ha sidogalardonado con cincoGrammy y cuatro LatinGrammy.

Gaby Natale gana un Emmy Diurno por“SuperLatina”Por LYNN ELBER, Associated Press

Luis Miguel surrenders to authorities onarrest warrantBy MICHAEL BALSAMO, Associated Press

Kate del Castillo: Quiero hacer mi películasobre “El Chapo”Por CLAUDIA TORRENS, Associated Press

LOW PRICES ¡FELIZ DIA DE LAS MADRES! EVERY DAY!!· ¡Feliz Día de las Madres [10 de mayo en México y 14 de mayo en EEUU]! Página 2 La Prensa May 12, 2017 Happy Easter! HAVANA, - [PDF Document] (8)

May 12, 2017La PrensaPágina 8

LA PRENSA SALES: TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 • CLEVELAND 216-688-9045

LOW PRICES ¡FELIZ DIA DE LAS MADRES! EVERY DAY!!· ¡Feliz Día de las Madres [10 de mayo en México y 14 de mayo en EEUU]! Página 2 La Prensa May 12, 2017 Happy Easter! HAVANA, - [PDF Document] (9)

La Prensa Página 912 de mayo, 2017LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND/LORAIN 419-870-2797 or 216-688-9045 or 440-320-8221

LOW PRICES ¡FELIZ DIA DE LAS MADRES! EVERY DAY!!· ¡Feliz Día de las Madres [10 de mayo en México y 14 de mayo en EEUU]! Página 2 La Prensa May 12, 2017 Happy Easter! HAVANA, - [PDF Document] (10)

May 12, 2017La Prensa Page 10

May 4, 2017:Songwriting Made Simplefeaturing JonathanKingham and Ryan SheaSmith will take the stage at10 a.m. Friday, May 19, 2017at the Stocker Arts CenterCirgliano Studio Theatre atLorain County CommunityCollege (LCCC).

Kingham and Smith areback again. They will per-form with area students whohave written amazing newsongs with them during theweek’s songwriting work-shops. LCCC Early CollegeHigh School students andalumni will participate.

Additionally, 8-year-oldAvery will return to the stagewith her mother, Tori Lam-bert. The Elyria second-grader was called onto thestage at a recent St. Jude Jambenefit and entertained thegroup with her sing-along

with Chris Janson. She plansto share a song she wrote aboutbest friends.

With diverse musical stylesranging from folk, pop and jazzto R & B, the concert is allabout great songs. Kinghamwrote his first song in 1996 andsince then, has won first placein The Unisong InternationalSong Contest, has twice placedin the top five of the JohnLennon Song contest, won firstin the USA Songwriting Com-petition in the folk category aswell as the Overall Grand Prizeout of 33,000 entries, and wasawarded first place in the gos-pel category of the ISCsongwriting contest.

Kingham’s singing hasbeen featured in films, soapoperas and on “Felicity.” Basedout of Nashville he splits histime between touring the coun-try and writing, recording andproducing. In addition to his

solo career, Jonathan cur-rently plays keyboard andsteel guitar for Toad the WetSprocket.

Seattle native Ryan SheaSmith is also a veteransongwriter and recipient ofmultiple songwriting awards.His musical skill has beenhoned through jazz studiesat the University of Washing-ton and a steady touringschedule. He is known for hissinging voice and has an im-pressive command of key-board and guitar. Smith’ssophom*ore release “StayAwhile” is a John Lennonsong contest winner.

For more information ortickets, call the Stocker ArtsCenter box office at (440)366-4040 or visitwww.stockerartscenter.com.Tickets are $5 each for thisone hour Student MatineeSeries concert.

Stocker Arts Center presents ‘SongwritingMade Simple,’ May 19th

CLEVELAND, May 4,2017: More than 80 com-panies with job openingswill recruit new employ-ees during a career and jobfair from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.Monday, May 22, 2017,at Cuyahoga CommunityCollege (Tri-C®).

Employment opportu-nities are available in avariety of fields, includ-ing nursing and healthcare, manufacturing, infor-mation technology, pri-vate security and law en-forcement, trucking, hos-pitality, project manage-ment and others.

The Tri-C WorkforceCareer and Job Fair will beheld at the Advanced Tech-nology Training Center,located at 3409 WoodlandAve. in Cleveland.

The event is sponsoredby the Tri-C Workforce,

Community and EconomicDevelopment Division.

“Our goal is to connectNortheast Ohio’s skilledworkers with employerslooking to hire,” said Wil-liam Gary Sr., executivevice president of theCollege’s workforce divi-sion. “Every job Tri-Chelps fill contributes tostronger households,stronger communities anda stronger regionaleconomy.”

Aside from networkingopportunities, the careerand job fair will offer freeworkshops throughout theday to assist job seekers.Topics include:

• How to create a résuméand profile for USAJobs.gov(8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.);

• Exploring career oppor-tunities with Cleveland

Employment opportunities at Tri-C Careerand Job Fair, May 22nd

Executive Director at theHispanic Alliance. “We arevery proud of these verycommitted and talentedyoung people, who havemanaged so many otherdemands to completeHALDI.”

HALDI has contributedto developing the leader-ship skills of many Latinopublic safety officials, en-trepreneurs, aspiringelected officials, law stu-dents, and administratorsthroughout the region.

A reception willimmediately follow theceremony.

CLEVELAND: TheHispanic Alliance willhost its Hispanic AllianceLeadership DevelopmentInitiative’s [HALDI’s]fifth commencement cer-emony Wednesday, May10, 2017, 5 – 7:30 PM, atTri-C’s Jerry Sue ThorntonCenter, 2500 East 22nd

Street, Cleveland.

The Hispanic Allianceis a Cleveland-basedcommunity organizationwhose mandate is to:

• create community andcivic engagement oppor-tunities for residents;

• produce demographi-cally-based surveys andposition papers; and

• promote civic and cul-tural pride and awarenessfor all Latinos.

HALDI willrecognize thefollowing nine-teen individualswho completedthe nine-month,intensive leadership class:Hilda Abreu, RoyalAntongiorgi, TeresaAsevedo, Rachel Batista –Cedeño, Diana de la Rosa,Carolina DeJesús, DouglasDietzel, María Estrella, RosaGonzález, Carlos Laboy,Rosie Larrea, Sonia Monroy,María Ritchie, MyraRosario, Elizabeth Román,Dulce Sánchez, AnaSantiago, Annette Santos,and Patricia Tousel.

“This is our largest classsince HALDI’s inception in2011, seventeen women andtwo men will be graduating,”said Juan Molina Crespo,

Hispanic Alliance graduates its fifthleadership class, May 10th

CLEVELAND, May 4,2017: More than 80 com-panies with job openingswill recruit new employeesduring a career and job fairfrom 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon-day, May 22, 2017, atCuyahoga CommunityCollege (Tri-C®).

Employment opportuni-ties are available in a varietyof fields, including nursingand health care, manufactur-ing, information technology,private security and law en-forcement, trucking, hospi-tality, project managementand others.

The Tri-C Workforce Ca-reer and Job Fair will be heldat the Advanced TechnologyTraining Center, located at3409 Woodland Ave. inCleveland.

The event is sponsoredby the Tri-C Workforce,

Community andEconomic Develop-ment Division.

“Our goal is to con-nect Northeast Ohio’sskilled workers withemployers looking to hire,” saidWilliam Gary Sr., executive vicepresident of the College’sworkforce division. “Every jobTri-C helps fill contributes tostronger households, strongercommunities and a stronger re-gional economy.”

Aside from networking op-portunities, the career and jobfair will offer free workshopsthroughout the day to assist jobseekers. Topics include:

• How to create a résumé andprofile for USAJobs.gov (8:30a.m. and 12:30 p.m.);

• Exploring career opportu-nities with Cleveland Clinic (10a.m. and 1:30 p.m.);

Tips to maximize LinkedIn

during a job searchfrom ASMGi (9a.m., noon and3:15 p.m.);

• Résumé de-velopment by

OhioMeansJobs (9 a.m.,10:30 a.m., 1 p.m. and 2:30p.m.); &

• Finding money for jobtraining by College NowGreater Cleveland (10:45 a.m.and 2 p.m.).

Attendees will be able tolearn about in-demand careersthrough interactive exhibits;information will be availabledetailing career training andprofessional developmentprograms available at Tri-C.

Job seekers who plan toattend are encouraged to reg-ister online at www.tri-c.edu/workforcefair.

For more information, call216-987-4391.

Employment opportunities at Tri-C Careerand Job Fair, May 22nd

May 18, 2017 - El Centro Food Pantry – In collaboration with Second Harvest Food Bankof North Central Ohio at El Centro from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Income eligible households(below 200% of the poverty level) are given one box of food on a first-come, first-served basis– FREE. Photo ID and proof of residency required. (This event occurs every third Thursdayof each month at the same time).

Other Events and Activities:May 20- Legal Aid Society will be hosting a FREE Brief Advice & Referral Legal Clinic (civilmatters only, not criminal) at Catholic Charities, 203 West 8th Street, Lorain, from 10:00 a.m.to 11:30 a.m. First-come, first-served. Bring important papers with you por favor!

Coming soon:June 2017 – City Fresh brings local fruits & vegetables direct from the farms to you! Dropoff will be every Thursday from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at El Centro. Family shares (feed 3-4 people) and single shares (feed 1-2 people). Prices are $18 for family share and $10 for asingle share. You can order for additional dates at any time. Ohio Direction Card/SNAPaccepted for payment.To place your order you can go online at www.cityfresh.org or call 216.469.0904. (This willrun from June 2017 – October 2017).

July 22 - Mobile Mexican Consulate will be providing information and services on passport,protection cases, education and health information along with other services. This event isorganized by El Centro, Sacred Heart Chapel, and “LOIRA” Lorain Ohio Immigration RightsAssociation and will be seen by appointments only.*To schedule an appointment please call 1-877-639-4835*

El Centro de Servicios SocialesUpcoming EventsMay 2017

Clinic (10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.);• Tips to maximize

LinkedIn during a job searchfrom ASMGi (9 a.m., noonand 3:15 p.m.);

• Résumé developmentby OhioMeansJobs (9 a.m.,10:30 a.m., 1 p.m. and 2:30p.m.); &

• Finding money for jobtraining by College NowGreater Cleveland (10:45a.m. and 2 p.m.).

Attendees will be able tolearn about in-demand ca-reers through interactive ex-hibits; information will beavailable detailing careertraining and professionaldevelopment programsavailable at Tri-C.

Job seekers who plan toattend are encouraged to reg-ister online at www.tri-c.edu/workforcefair.

For more information,call 216-987-4391.

LOW PRICES ¡FELIZ DIA DE LAS MADRES! EVERY DAY!!· ¡Feliz Día de las Madres [10 de mayo en México y 14 de mayo en EEUU]! Página 2 La Prensa May 12, 2017 Happy Easter! HAVANA, - [PDF Document] (11)

La Prensa—NE OHIO Page 1112 de mayo, 2017

CLEVELAND, May 5,2017: Cuyahoga Com-munity College (Tri-C®)President Alex Johnsonhas joined the board ofdirectors at Achievingthe Dream to help guidea national reform move-ment for student successin higher education.

The nonprofit organi-zation announced theappointment while cit-ing Dr. Johnson’s lead-ership and accomplish-ments, including therecord number of gradu-ates during his tenure atTri-C.

“Dr. Johnson’s exten-sive experience leadingcommunity col leges,his commitment toaffordable access tohigher education and histrack record of strength-ening student successmake him an outstand-ing addition to the boardof Achieving theDream,” said Karen A.Stout , president andCEO of the organization.“We feel fortunate thathe will be helping toguide ATD as we beginto focus more on stu-

dents’ eco-nomic mobil-ity and oppor-tunity.”

Dr. Johnsonbecame presi-dent of Tri-Cin July 2013after serving aspresident ofthe Commu-nity College ofA l l e g h e n yCounty inPittsburgh andchancellor ofDelgado Com-munity Col-lege in NewOrleans.

Earl ier inhis career, he served aspresident of Tri-C’s Metro-politan Campus in Cleve-land from 1993 to 2003.

Dr. Johnson said he hasseen the results of Achiev-ing the Dream’s vital work.

“Tri-C has been anAchieving the Dream par-ticipant and Leader Col-lege for more than a de-cade,” Dr. Johnson said.“The organization hashelped us and other two-year institutions build path-ways to success in higher

education through hands-on work that improvedstudent outcomes. I amhonored to be selected asa member of its board ofdirectors.”

The Achieving theDream network includesmore than 200 commu-ni ty col leges , 100coaches and advisors, 15state policy teams andnumerous investors andpartners. The organiza-tion is based in SilverSpring, Maryland.

‘Achieving the Dream’ selects Tri-C PresidentAlex Johnson for National Board

Dr. Alex Johnson

vance studies. Col-laboration betweenfaculty and advisorsfrom Tri-C and CSUwill enhance the stu-dent experience andact as a bridge betweenthe institutions.

The Mandel ContinuingScholars Program buildsupon academic initiativeslaunched at Tri-C and CSUin recent years through thegenerosity of the MandelFoundation.

CSU created the MandelHonors College in 2014 af-ter receiving a $3.6 milliongrant from the Mandel Foun-dation. The highly selectivehonors program has gradu-ated more than 400 studentssince its inception.

A year later, Tri-C estab-lished the Jack, Joseph andMorton Mandel HumanitiesCenter — the home of theCollege’s Mandel ScholarsAcademy — after receivinga $10 million gift from theMandel Foundation. Thecenter promotes the study ofthe humanities to expandcritical thinking and leader-ship skills.

The new Mandel Con-tinuing Scholars Programcreates a process where aca-demic talent nurtured at Tri-C can mature at CSU, lead-ing to graduates ready toenter the workforce and as-sume leadership positions inthe community.

The Mandel ContinuingScholars Program grant willbe administered through theCuyahoga Community Col-lege Foundation and theCleveland State UniversityFoundation. Approximately$2 million will go to CSUand $1.5 million to Tri-C.

CLEVELAND,May 4, 2017: TheJack, Joseph andMorton MandelFoundation hasawarded nearly $3.5million to CuyahogaCommunity College(Tri-C®) and Cleveland StateUniversity to create a schol-ars program connectinghigh-achieving Tri-C stu-dents with CSU’s Jack, Jo-seph and Morton MandelHonors College.

The Jack, Joseph andMorton Mandel ContinuingScholars Program forges anew partnership between theacademic institutions in acollaboration that aims to bea national model for honorsstudent transfers betweentwo-year and four-yearschools.

“Our Foundation be-lieves in the mission of Tri-Cand Cleveland State and iscommitted to supportingthat effort,” said MortonMandel, chairman and CEOof the Mandel Foundation.“These schools change thelives of students who, in turn,make an impact on the city,the region, the nation and theworld. This grant is an invest-ment in all of our futures.”

This academic pathwaywill link students from Tri-C’s Jack, Joseph and MortonMandel Scholars Academyto CSU’s Mandel HonorsCollege, offering a seamlesstransition as they continuerigorous coursework in pur-suit of a bachelor’s degree.

The program will providestudents full-tuition schol-arships and stipends; sum-mer research workshops andtraining opportunities; anda peer mentoring network

and dedicated academic advi-sors to guide students throughgraduation.

“The Continuing ScholarsProgram established with thisgenerous gift from the MandelFoundation builds an environ-ment that promises to bringout the best in some of ourbrightest students,” Tri-CPresident Alex Johnson said.“This partnership reflects asteadfast commitment to ex-ceptional academic outcomesfor the betterment of the com-munity.”

“This significant invest-ment by the Mandel Founda-tion paves a pathway to suc-cess between Tri-C and Cleve-land State,” CSU PresidentRonald M. Berkman said. “Theinnovative collaboration be-tween the institutions and thenew level of student supportwill lead to honors graduateswho will be ready and moti-vated to transform the world.”

The grant agreement callsfor the first group of MandelScholars to transition betweenthe schools this fall. Studentsmust have at least a 3.5 GPA atTri-C to be considered. Thegoal is to transfer 25 studentsper year by 2020.

Transfer students will enterCSU as juniors after earning anassociate degree at Tri-C. Onceat CSU, they will be on courseto graduate with distinctionwithin two years.

The grant calls for jointcurriculum development andenrichment activities to ad-

Mandel Foundation awards Tri-C and CSU$3.5 million to create continuing scholarsprogram

CLEVELAND, May 5,2017: Get your band onthe road to the Rock & RollHall of Fame!

The Rock Hall HalfMarathon has issued a callfor musicians to entertainthe thousands of runners,walkers and spectatorsalong the 13.1-mile courseSunday, Aug. 20, 2017.The race — now in its thirdyear — starts and ends atthe Rock & Roll Hall ofFame in Cleveland.

Selected bands and DJswill receive the opportu-nity to showcase their tal-ent while powering runnersto the finish line. We’relooking for acts that rockhard enough to carry everyracer to a personal best time.

Acts chosen to play theRock Hall Half Marathonwill receive:

• Publicity through theRock Hall Half Marathon

website and so-cial media chan-nels;

• Rock HallHalf MarathonT-shirts for up totwo band mem-bers;

• Rock Hall-themed pintglasses for up totwo band mem-bers;

• Access to agenerator and10x10 pop-up tent at courselocation.

To apply, visit www.rock-ha l lha l fmara thon .com/bands and fill out the regis-tration form. Contacta n g e l a @ r o c k h a l l h a l f -marathon.com for additionalinformation.

The Rock & Roll Hall ofFame serves as title sponsorof the race, which is presentedby Greater Cleveland XC and

Second Sole with the gen-erous support of a growinglist of community sponsors.

The event includes a halfmarathon and half marathonrelay in addition to a 10Kand 5K, offering runnersmultiple distance optionson a loop course that high-lights downtown, theCleveland Cultural Gar-dens and the lakefront.

Register by visitingwww.rockhallhalfmarathon.com

Bands needed to ‘Rock’ the Rock Hall HalfMarathon




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LOW PRICES ¡FELIZ DIA DE LAS MADRES! EVERY DAY!!· ¡Feliz Día de las Madres [10 de mayo en México y 14 de mayo en EEUU]! Página 2 La Prensa May 12, 2017 Happy Easter! HAVANA, - [PDF Document] (12)

May 12, 2017La Prensa Page 12



Toledo Mud HensTHURSDAY, JULY 13TH

Bottom Photo: Annual “El Barrio” Clean-Up by various volunteersfrom Waite High School and elsewhere. Hosted by the Catholic Orderof Foresters (Cristo Rey Latino Court). Luncheon at SS. Peter and PaulHall followed clean-up. Visit: https://www.catholicforester.org/

Top Photo: Guisselle Mendoza McDonald, director of Adelante, Inc,thanks “all the runners, walkers, and donors who contributed to our 5Kand 1 mile walk. Funds raised from this fundraiser directly go to ourearly literacy program ‘Leamos Juntos!’”Annual event was on May 6, 2017 at Walbridge Park. Sam Melden, 33,was the winner of the 5K. Eugenio Mollo of ABLE was second, andCarlos Ruiz was third.


LOW PRICES ¡FELIZ DIA DE LAS MADRES! EVERY DAY!!· ¡Feliz Día de las Madres [10 de mayo en México y 14 de mayo en EEUU]! Página 2 La Prensa May 12, 2017 Happy Easter! HAVANA, - [PDF Document] (13)

12 de mayo, 2017 La Prensa Page 13

COLUMBUS, May 5,2017: The new Our Ladyof Guadalupe Center hasofficially opened its doorsand is ready to serve cli-ents on Columbus’ westside.

The opening was cel-ebrated with a ribbon cut-ting ceremony and openhouse event. ColumbusMayor Andrew Ginther,along with other local dig-nitaries and sponsors, par-ticipated.

“Our Lady ofGuadalupe Center haslong provided access tomuch needed services forour Hispanic community,”said Ginther. “I am pleasedto see the center expand itssize and to remain a vitalpart of the West Side neigh-borhood.”

The Guadalupe Centerwas originally founded in1999, as an extension ofthe programs and localoutreach of Catholic So-cial Services. Operatingout of a modest, 1,200 sfwarehouse facility, theGuadalupe Center quicklygained significant recog-nition as an innovative ap-

proach to serving Columbus’Hispanic community. In2016, the Center servedmore than 3,500 people andnearly 100,000 meals wereprovided through its foodpantry.

The new facility is locatedat 409 Industry Drive in a3,500 sf. Facility. Programsat the Guadalupe Center fo-cus on four key areas: Eco-nomic Development, Healthand Nutrition, FamilyStrengthening, and Commu-nity Building.

The Center will: partnerwith local businesses to offerjob-mentoring classes, ex-pand its food pantry, and offerESL classes, nutritionclasses, and preventativehealth screenings. The Cen-ter plans to provide casemanagement and increase

access to legal services forits clients. The Center’sgoal is to be a place ofwelcome, pride, and toserve as an inspiration tothe Hispanic community.

“The Guadalupe Cen-ter does what CatholicSocial Services does best –it helps people reach theirpotential. The expansionwill serve as a trampolineto people who want tobuild a better life for them-selves and their families,”says Rachel Lustig, presi-dent and CEO of CatholicSocial Services, “This newspace is the perfect placeto welcome our clients andsupport families on theWest Side of Columbusand help them thrive.”

On the Internet:www.colscss.org

Our Lady of Guadalupe Center opens at newvenue

DETROIT, MI, 1 V 17: Apartir del lunes 1 de mayoAeroméxico inicióoperaciones del vueloMonterrey-Detroit, estoocurre a un mes de haberseinaugurado el vuelo diario ydirecto de la Ciudad deMéxico-Detroit. Estas nuevasrutas incrementarán lasopciones de conectividadentre México y los EstadosUnidos.

Jorge Goytortua Bores,Director de VentasCorporativas en Aeroméxico,informó: “Como GrupoAeroméxico, el Acuerdo deCooperación Conjunta (JCA,por sus siglas en inglés) conDelta Air Lines nos hamotivado a incrementarnuestra presencia en EstadosUnidos. Además, existenalrededor de 100,000 perso-nas de México radicando enel estado de Michigan que sedesplazaban hasta Chicagopara volar a su país de origen.Por ello, consideramos es unárea de oportunidad quefacilita la movilidad denuestros connacionales”.

“También estuvimosmonitoreando el tráfico hacia/desde Detroit y observamosque había un porcentaje con-siderable de pasajeros querealizaban conexiones convuelos que no pertenecen aDelta o Aeroméxico, por loque decidimos aprovecharesta afluencia”, agregó elentrevistado. “Aunado a loanterior, Detroit es uno de loscentros de operación másimportantes para Delta y unárea industrial muy importanteespecíficamente en el sectorautomotriz.

Con estas nuevasopciones de conectividad seofrecen más de 3,000 asientospor semana a clientes queviajan por placer o negocios,quienes podrán aprovechar lasdiferentes conexiones. Desdela Ciudad de México sepueden conectar vuelosdomésticos e internacionalesy en Monterrey conecta conmercados de la industriaautomotriz como la zona delBajío, Chihuahua,Hermosillo, Puebla,Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, yToluca.

De esta manera, “connuestros vuelos no sóloofertamos Monterrey yCiudad de México, sino toda

una red de más de 40 destinosen México y 18 en Centro ySudamérica por lo que lasposibilidades de estimulartráfico son importantes”,destacó Jorge Goytortua.

“El tráfico local a México escada vez mayor, por lo que tienesentido que Aeroméxico quieratener presencia aquí en Detroit”,dijo el Director General delAeropuerto de la ciudad deDetroit, Joseph Nardone encomunicado de prensa. “En lamedida que se recupera Michi-gan, seguiremos viendo elinterés de más aerolíneas enDetroit, lo cual es una noticiapositiva para nuestros negociosy para la comunidad”.

El vuelo de Monterrey esoperado con avionesEmbraer 190, mientras que elvuelo de la Ciudad de Méxicoes operado con equipos Boeing737-700 y 737-800, con lossiguientes horarios:

Monterrey – Detroit:8:39hrs con llegada a las13:16hrs. Diario

Detroit – Monterrey:14:45hrs con llegada a las17:40hrs. Diario

Ciudad de México- Detroit:09:01hrs con llegada a las14:20hrs. Diario

Detroit – Ciudad deMéxico: 15:35hrs con llegadaa las 19:05hrs. Diario

Las políticas de equipajeson variadas y dependen de laruta, los clientes de nivelesTitanio, Platino y Oro estánexentos de cargo pordocumentar una maleta entreEstados Unidos y México,además de beneficios comoascensos a Clase Premier,accesos a los salones VIP, entreotros. Estos beneficios se estánhom*ologando con Delta através del programa Club Pre-mier y/o Delta Sky Miles.

Aeroméxico lleva más de60 años atendiendo al mercadode los Estados Unidos y tieneuna fuerte presencia. Opera en19 ciudades de Estados Unidos,todas con un númeroimportante de poblaciónmexicana. “La región de Cali-fornia es probablemente la quemás destaca en poblaciónmexicana, ahí operamos aLos Ángeles, Fresno, Sacra-mento, San Francisco, Ontarioy próximamente operaremosen San José”, comentó el Di-rector de Ventas Corporativas

en Aeroméxico.“Adicionalmente, nuestra

presencia en Texas esrelevante con operaciones enSan Antonio, Houston, Dallasy Austin, que gracias anuestros códigos compartidoscon Delta podemos acceder adiversas ciudades con unacreciente población no solode connacionales, sino delatinoamericanos en general”.

Para concluir, elentrevistado compartió losplanes de la aerolínea: “Este2017 y en 2018 queremosconsolidar nuestros nuevosvuelos en Michigan. Somosuna empresa dinámica quesiempre está atenta a evaluaroportunidades y reaccionar deacuerdo a los resultados. Conrespecto al resto de EstadosUnidos, el 1° de julio estaremosiniciando operaciones en laruta Guadalajara-San José,California. Es importantedestacar que visualizamos unpanorama positivo a partir delsegundo semestre de 2017 ylos años siguientes a partir dela aprobación del JCA conDelta, ya que esto nos permitirácoordinar itinerarios,estrategias y rutas entreMéxico y Estados Unidos”.

Cabe destacar que para lainauguración de estas nuevasrutas, Aeroméxico recibió ungran apoyo del Consulado deMéxico en Detroit, y de otrosorganismos como Pure Michi-gan, la Oficina de Visitantes yConvenciones y la autoridadaeroportuaria de Detroit, laOficina del Consejo dePromoción Turística yProméxico, entre otros.“Nosotros creemosfirmemente en las alianzas poreso trabajamospermanentemente en lapromoción económica,turística y cultural tanto deMéxico como de EstadosUnidos”, finalizó JorgeGoytortua.

Aeroméxico inicia operaciones de vueloMonterrey-DetroitHace un mes inauguró el vuelo directo México-DetroitPor: Isabel Flores, Corresponsal La Prensa

Jorge Goytortua Bores

LOW PRICES ¡FELIZ DIA DE LAS MADRES! EVERY DAY!!· ¡Feliz Día de las Madres [10 de mayo en México y 14 de mayo en EEUU]! Página 2 La Prensa May 12, 2017 Happy Easter! HAVANA, - [PDF Document] (14)

Pa13e 12 May 12, 2017La Prensa—Classified Page 14

Part-Time Paralegal

MDP Immigration Law is hiring a part-time para-legal. This is a part-time position that will requireextensive preparation of immigration legal forms,legal writing, and communication with clients.

Individual must have a college degree, be astrong and creative writer, and proficient in Span-ish. Must be fast, efficient, and legal minded.Writing test will be administered to test for creativ-ity, efficiency and grammar skills.

MDP Immigration Law, PLLC19901 Dix-Toledo HwyBrownstown, MI 48183Phone: 734-479-4200


Lawn Care Professional Wanted

Looking for experienced, hard working, self-moti-vated and dependable employees.

Job Description: Mowing, Trimming, Edging, Mulch-ing, Ben Maintenance and Landscaping;

A Valid Driver’s License is required and experienceis preferred but not required.

Interested Applicants can Apply At:Blanchard Tree and Lawn

1530 Kieswetter Rd.Holland, Ohio 43528


WANTED: Drivers and EquipmentOperators with a class A or B CDL

Asphalt Contractor in Genoa, OH is in need offocused results-driven Men or Women with a desireto join our team Drivers and Equipment Operatorswith a class A or B CDL required 1 year constructionexperience preferred. Clean driving record pre-em-ployment drug test & current physical also requiredby DOT. Mail Résumés to PO Box 62 Genoa, OH 43430 or email to [emailprotected] EOE





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Production and Warehouse Workers

Production and warehouse positions on 1st and 2nd

shifts in Holiday City, OH. $2.00 hour shift premium.Additional $2.50 weekend bonus pay. Forklift, pro-duction, warehouse, and general laborers. Apply inperson at Menards Distribution Center, 14502 CountyRoad 15, Holiday City, OH 43554 or online atwww.menards.com/careers using job ID# 232775.

Help WantedWebber’s Waterfront Restaurant

6339 Edgewater Dr. In Point Place

Looking for enthusiastic Line Cook. Full time duringthe day and nights. Open availability during theweekends is necessary.

Please visit www.webbersrestaurant.com to fill outan application

Hourly pay based on experience. Min. 2 years expe-rience in high volume and fast past kitchen preferredbut not required. Willing to train the right applicant.

Benefits: holidays off, no late hours.


with theToledo Mud Hens


Seeking dedicated staff to assemblematerials, packaging, sequence

materials, or preparation of materialsfor distribution via mail, UPS, couriers

or carriers.Production Team Members, Digital Print Operators & Mail InserterOperators for day & afternoon shifts, WSG. Seeking dedicated staffto assemble materials, packaging, sequence materials, orpreparation of materials for distribution via mail, UPS, couriersor carriers. Inserter Operator will set up, operate, and trouble shootbasic operating problems on computer-controlled inserters and relatedequipment. Digital Print Operator will efficiently and effectivelyoperate assigned print devices to insure that top quality and productionstandards are met and exceeded on all production. High schooldiploma or General Education Degree (GED); or one to three monthsrelated work experience and/or training; or equivalent combination ofeducation and experience. Employee should be computer literate.Visit https://wolverinemail.applicantpro.com/ to apply.


Metroparks of the Toledo Area is looking for qualifiedindividuals for Park Maintenance at ProvidenceMetropark. HS Diploma or equivalent and validdriver’s license required. Moderate level of specialtymaintenance experience required. 40 hrs/wk. $17.17/hr. Go to www.metroparkstoledo.com for completejob requirements and to apply by May 18, 2017. EOE

With a commitment to improving the humancondition, The University of Toledo and

University Medical Center are seeking qualifiedcandidates for the following positions:

The University of Toledo offers an excellent salaryand benefit package, which includes the Ohio PublicEmployees Retirement System and State TeachersRetirement System for faculty with employer contri-bution, medical coverage, paid sick and vacationtime, tuition waiver is available to UT employees andtheir eligible spouses and dependents and 10 paidholidays.

• Academic Counselor• Surgical Technician• Staff Nurse• EMT Paramedic• Family Therapist• Nursing Assistant (student position)• University Law Enforcement Officer• Program Manager• Pharmacist• Physical Therapist• Physical Therapist Assistant• Clinical Dietitian• Advanced Practice Nurse, Cardiology

For a complete listing of our openings and desiredqualifications or to apply, please proceed to ourwebsite at https://jobs.utoledo.edu

We ask that applications and required documentsbe submitted electronically.

UT and UTMC are EO/AA employers andeducators M/F/D/V

Assistant Payroll Administrator

Based in Toledo, Ohio since 1982, GEM Inc. is a singular contracting resourceproviding mechanical, electrical, structural steel and boiler work for processmanufacturing and industrial customers. GEM is part of the Rudolph Libbe Groupwith offices in Cleveland, Columbus and Lima, Ohio; Ithaca, New York; andPlymouth, Michigan. For additional information visit RLGBuilds.com.

We are in search of an Assistant Payroll Administrator to work at our Walbridge,Ohio headquarters. In this role you will assist the Payroll Manager in all tasksnecessary to process weekly payroll accurately and timely, as well as meet allgovernmental and union reporting deadlines. Responsibilities include completingdaily and weekly time inputs; processing weekly payroll including reviewing thepayroll register; printing checks; updating the accounting records; processinglayoff checks as needed; setting up new hires and new unions in accountingsoftware; assisting with required reporting to various unions and taxing entities;balancing payroll and union reports to the general ledger and responding toassociate inquiries related to payroll.

The right candidate will have excellent communication skills and the ability to workwith a wide range of personnel; a working knowledge of accounting principles; anunderstanding of federal, state and local payroll taxes; the ability to workindependently; and strong computer skills. Payroll processing experience in theconstruction industry is preferred.

Interested candidates should submit their resume to [emailprotected].

The Rudolph Libbe Group is an EEO employer.



LOW PRICES ¡FELIZ DIA DE LAS MADRES! EVERY DAY!!· ¡Feliz Día de las Madres [10 de mayo en México y 14 de mayo en EEUU]! Página 2 La Prensa May 12, 2017 Happy Easter! HAVANA, - [PDF Document] (15)

12 de mayo, 2017 La Prensa—Classified Page 15

Have a Classified Ad? Email ad to [emailprotected] for cost! 419-870-2797





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Notice of Public Hearing

The Board of Commissioners of Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority is preparingto submit a significant Amendment to their 2017 Annual Plan, 2012 Five YearCapital Fund Action Plan and Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Plan to theDepartment of Housing and Urban Development.

The Plan is available for review at https://goo.gl/rbJFOv. LMHA invites you tosubmit comments during the next 45 days to [emailprotected].

You are invited to a public hearing at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 atMcClinton Nunn Community Room, 425 Nebraska, Toledo OH 43604, for adiscussion of these changes.

Should attendees require auxiliary aids due to a disability, please contact LMHA419-259-9400 or TRS 711, at least one week prior to hearing date.

Hugh W. Grefe, ChairmanMartin H. LaMar, President and Chief Executive Officer

Culto BilingüeWorship Service

Domingo9:00 am

United Community Church1301 Broadway

Toledo, Ohio 43609

(419) 242-3983

CLEVELAND, May 2,2017: Esperanza, Inc.,Cleveland’s leading advo-cate for education in the His-panic Community, has beenawarded a $52,000 grant fromthe Larry Doby Youth Fundto reduce youth violence byexpanding its middle school,high school, and collegementoring programs.

“We know that whenkids are in proximity to vio-lence – particularly in thehome – they are much morelikely to commit acts ofviolence. It is also proventhat mentoring programstruly do work in preventingat-risk youth from commit-ting violent crime,” saidVictor Ruiz, Executive Di-rector of Esperanza.“Through mentoring, weprovide the support andtools they need to handlethe challenges within theirown communities and man-age their own behaviors.”

Esperanza currently pro-vides mentoring support to230 Hispanic studentsthrough its high school andcollege programs. The or-ganization is also piloting

an in-classroom mentoringprogram at Luis Muñoz MarinMiddle School. The LarryDoby Grant will enableEsperanza to hire a full-timestaff member to directmentorship programs and toexpand its existingmentoring programs to anadditional 50 - or 280 total –Hispanic youth.

The Larry Doby YouthFund, which has raised $1million since it was createdjust six months ago by Cleve-land Indians Manager TerryFrancona, aims to curbyouth violence in Cleveland.Esperanza participants livein one of the most stressed,dangerous, and poor sectionsof the city, with 34 percent,or 3,000 children, living inpoverty. The area has thesecond highest crime rate inthe city, with 187 violentcrimes reported in a one-month period last year.

“Unfortunately, our kidswitness the effects of vio-lence and poverty everyday,” said Ruiz. “That iswhy it is so important thatwe provide a safe place forthe students to come to dis-

cuss and learn to managethese challenges. Our staffand mentor leaders are pas-sionate about helping thestudents stay out of troubleand stay in school, so theycan go on to create peace-ful, productive lives.”

In addition to providingacademic support,Esperanza’s mentoringprograms directly addressviolence, gun violence,conflict resolution, angermanagement, trauma fromviolence, domestic and re-lationship violence andhuman trafficking. Partici-pants also learn to commu-nicate and work with theCleveland police, FBIagents, and legal and judi-cial officials.

With the leadership ofEsperanza, high schoolgraduation rates for His-panic students more thandoubled, from 30 percentto 64 percent, since 2011.In addition, the graduationrate for students who par-ticipate in the Esperanza’smentoring, tutoring andleadership programs is over97 percent.

Esperanza, Inc. receives grant to combatyouth violence

LOW PRICES ¡FELIZ DIA DE LAS MADRES! EVERY DAY!!· ¡Feliz Día de las Madres [10 de mayo en México y 14 de mayo en EEUU]! Página 2 La Prensa May 12, 2017 Happy Easter! HAVANA, - [PDF Document] (16)

Página 16La PrensaMay/mayo 12, 2017LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND/LORAIN 419-870-2797 or 216-688-9045 or 440-320-8221

LATINO HERITAGE DAYwith the Toledo Mud Hens



City of Toledo hosts H2OEvent at ImaginationStation, May 6th

The City of Toledo Department of Public Utilitieshosted a special event on Saturday, May 6, 2017, from10 am to 2 pm, at Imagination Station to showcasehow important water is to ones daily lives. They alsocelebrated ‘National Water Week.’

Visitors learned what it takes to deliver high-quality H2O to homes and businesses every day:

• Water Distribution professionals demonstratedwater line tapping techniques, which showed how theutility connects individual service lines to largerwater mains.

• How the city uses technology to check the con-dition of underground piping with CCTV equipment.

• Children of all ages moved through educationalstations seeking answers to scavenger hunt questionsand earned a Toledo water bottle for their efforts.


LOW PRICES ¡FELIZ DIA DE LAS MADRES! EVERY DAY!! · ¡Feliz Día de las Madres [10 de mayo en México y 14 de mayo en EEUU]! Página 2 La Prensa May 12, 2017 Happy Easter! HAVANA, - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.