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(1) Hercules

“I just don’t understand why they seem to use the Greek names for every gods damn character except for the hero,” Annabeth muttered, her arms crossed over her chest. “It’s inaccurate.”

“That’s your problem?” Nico exclaimed, his hands thrown in the air, “What about my father who is all of a sudden blue and evil. When would this ever have been an accurate representation of the underworld?”

“Psh, all movies need a villain,” she waved her hand, dismissing his concerns.

“He is rather c*nty though,” Leo said, “Like he is slaying on the screen.”

He was met with stony silence, everyone staring at him with their mouths agape. “What?”

“Glad to see you’re letting your flamboyant side out a bit more,” Piper piped up. “And you’re right. He is c*nty!”

“Isn’t that basically a slur,” Hazel whispered to Frank. “Like a really bad word.”

Frank shrugged in response, “They’re absolutely feral over there.”

“Hey!” Leo protested. “And it hasn’t been really bad in like a year. Now it's a compliment!”

“Can you even imagine if the Muses sang songs about our lives like this?” Percy exclaimed, though he was met with sour looks from every other demigod in the room. “What?”

“I think they do, Perce,” Hazel said gently.

“Huh?” he blinked, trading glances with Annabeth, the daughter of Athena smirking at him.

“You’re a hero, like almost the classical kind. They’re gonna write songs about all of your exploits. Hades , they’ve even sung them to you before.”

“They have?”

Di immortales , your boyfriend is unobservant, Annabeth. You should break up with him and date me,” Piper sighed into Annabeth’s hair.

Percy squawked, nostrils flared. “Stay away from my girlfriend!”


“Zeus is way too present in this! He should be up in Olympus, brooding!” Leo said.

“I think the most unrealistic part is that they made Zeus a good father,” Percy muttered, eyes glued to the screen, “Like what’s that about?”

Thunder rumbled ominously in the sky, the loud sounds completely dominating over the movie, so much so that the music could not be heard. A bolt of lightning flashed across the street, which Percy could see through the window, though he only rolled his eyes at the dramatics.

“Percy, you’ll get us killed!” Annabeth admonished, tapping his chest with the back of her hand.

He only shrugged, looking over at Jason, who seemed to be holding in his own laughter. “You agree, right, dude?” Percy asked.

Jason continued to focus on the screen in front of them, “I will say nothing on the matter.”

Percy snorted, “Romans are too disciplined to have fun with.” He refocused on the tv, watching Hercules run around with a pegasus.

“Why is the son of Poseidon relaxing with Heracles! He needs to stay away from my father’s domains!”

“This movie is Zeus propaganda I’ll tell you that,” Nico grumbled, being comforted by Will.

“Hera’s oddly nice in this too,” Will muttered.

“Probably because her husband isn’t a philandering slu*t,” Percy whispered.

After he got his words out, Percy immediately regretted them. Not enough to apologize, however, even as he gazed out to see the rapidly darkening sky, harsh rain pattering against the window, and the tree across the street burnt to a crisp.

He was stubborn after all.

“For f*cks sake, Percy!”

“Dude you can’t keep getting away from us!”

“Apologize before we all end up in the Underworld!”

“Jason, do something!”

“Why me?”

“Because he’s your dad. You should have son of Jupiter privilege!”

“Well, I don’t. I’ve probably spoken to him once in my life.”

Annabeth turned to the camera, “This was probably a terrible idea. Like comment and subscribe? I think that’s what we’re supposed to say?”

Demigods react to Disney’s Hercules (spoilers, its inaccurate)

7 Heroes of Olympus(675K subscribers)



Damn are you guys alive after this?


Hades IS c*nty and I’m glad we as a society are finally admitting it

(2) MCU

“This is ridiculously intense,” Percy muttered over to Annabeth.

The battle seemed to have been lost all together, their forces dwindled against the might of these blue people the heroes were fighting against. Blood and carnage were on both sides, but the heroes didn’t have the forces to hold off their enemies, and death seemed certain.

Then, complete silence. A bright light, an odd symbol covering the grass, and a bolt of lightning. Three figures appeared, clad in armor and ready to save the day.

“You guys are so screwed now!” A voice sounded off in the distance, followed by insane laughter.

“Bring me Thanos!” Thor yelled, jumping in the sky with his new weapon, radiating bolts of lightning all around, striking down dozens of enemies with a single tap, their bodies burnt beyond recognition.

“I hate to say it,” Percy stage whispered, now to the blond man to his right, “But why can’t you summon lightning like that?”

His blue eyes were tired, exhausted, “Do I look like the Norse god of thunder?” Jason responded.

“But Thor’s the son of the king of Norse gods, right? And you’re a son of the king of Roman gods? So where is your cool hammer and insane lightning ability? Imagine if we had that during our final stand? It would’ve been over before it started.”

“Do you want a Kansas rematch? Because I’ll show you the son of the king of the gods!” Jason said, like he wanted to start throwing lightning bolts.

“Are you going to ask your daddy for permission first,” Percy cackled.

Apparently, he did just that, a small bolt of lightning hitting Percy in the shoulder, just enough to jolt him out of his stupor.

Annabeth cackled next to Percy, eyes full of mirth. “You deserved that, Seaweed Brain.” Leo gave Jason a high-five before curling up on his shoulder, approval rumbling.

Percy grumbled, but agreed with her, tugging her closer to his body before he turned back to the son of Jupiter. “Next time I’ll douse you with a wave.”

Jason chuckled, “Alright bro, you can try.”

Annabeth turned attention back to the TV, “Too bad Thor doesn’t really look like that,” she whispered, mostly to herself. “Apparently he’s a ginger.”

“Wait, have you met Thor? He exists?” Jason exclaimed, angling his body towards the other couple.

The daughter of Athena shook her head, “Nah, but my cousin has, because he’s a Norse demigod.” She shrugged.

“Wait, wait, wait,” Leo interrupted, sitting up suddenly. “You’re telling me that you have a biological cousin on your mortal side that attracted the attention of a whole different pantheon?” He looked on with glee as Annabeth nodded slowly and cautiously. “Man, what is your mortal side doing to consistently get with deities?”

She rolled her eyes. “Clearly you’ll never know. I’m never suggesting a double date movie night again.”

Annabeth blinked, her eyes returning from the screen to the blinking red light on the other side of the room. “We might have to edit that part out, I’m not sure if we can talk about other pantheons.”

“There’s more?” Jason exclaimed. “Wait, how do you know about this?”

Demigods watch MCU Movies for 5 days straight (Marathon)

7 Heroes of Olympus ( K Subscribers)


Thank you NordVPN for sponsoring this video!

Join Percy, Annabeth, Leo, and Jason (we’ve realized that too many of us together at once creates natural disasters) as they embark on their Marvel Cinematic Universe journey!



Wait so thor is real? And he doesn't look like chris hemsworth 😭

Reply to @dont_duck_swans

A travesty definitely


So are we going to talk about the confirmation of other pantheons? Where my norse girlies at!?!?

(3) The Little Mermaid

“Wait, so if Ariel is Triton’s daughter, and Triton is your brother, doesn’t that technically mean that Ariel is your niece, Percy?” Leo asked, as they watched a young Ariel dream of land.

“Wait, can you introduce me?” Piper begged, grasping his arm tightly.

“Is this an accurate depiction of Atlantis? Do all the sea creatures sing songs about how nice it is under the sea?” Leo continued, and Percy could barely look at the others, his cheeks red with embarrassment.

“And most importantly, what do we have to do for you to get a tail like that ?” Annabeth asked, her blonde hair laying on his chest. She crawled up his body, “You’d look good with a tail like that,” she whispered directly into his ear.

And now his cheeks were the color of a tomato, but for a different reason.

“I don’t think I’d ever be allowed out of the water again, if I somehow grew a tail.”

“Not to talk down on our favorite Greek white boy—” Piper started.


“But why are all these mermaids and sea creatures people of color, and you’re just … you?” she finished, laughter in her voice.

“I take offense to this!” Percy grumbled.

“We love you, even with your limitations,” Annabeth said, patting his thigh.

“We’re rocking with Mark,” Piper agreed, nodding her head.

Percy rolled his eyes, focusing back on the movie with a small grin covering his face.

“So, are sea witches real?” Leo admonished. “Do I have to worry about them coming to steal my voice?”

“You’re not a mermaid, Leo,” Annabeth said.

“It’s still a valid fear, I think!”

“I’m not even allowed to mention this movie near Triton,” Percy groaned, his arms crossed over his body. “He gets pissy. And honestly so do I, because they seemed to make Triton so much like Poseidon. Like, yes he has a trident, but that’s not his symbol of power.”

“And he only has one tail in this!” Percy exclaimed, “And he looks a billion years old!”

Annabeth squinted, “He is a billion years old. Or a few thousand years old at least.”

“Not the point!”

Greek Demigods watch The Little Mermaid (and complain nonstop)

7 Heroes of Olympus (845K subscribers)



Percy really is the token white boy of sea children 😭 no other magic ocean person is white in modern remakes

The Little Mermaid, the Descendants movies, Aquaman, Moana

What a struggle for him tbh


You’re telling me triton is a prince and doesn’t dick down a mermaid in each of the seven seas, resulting in seven daughters? My life is a lie

(4) DCU

“This is the most inaccurate representation of Atlantis!” Percy cried indignantly, pointing to the screen.

“And tell us how exactly because you won’t take any of us to Atlantis ever,” Frank said. “Even though we’re like cousins.”

Percy rolled his eyes, “Well first of all, why does everyone just have legs? If they’re really Atlanteans, they should have tails. And the architecture is ridiculously modern for an Ancient city. Like, even with Olympus redesigns, shoutout to my perfect girlfriend, it still has a classical vibe.”

“You hear that! Hire Percy for the next movie if you want it to be more accurate!” Frank called to the camera.

“It makes sense that Aquaman has legs, because his dad’s mortal. But where are the tails for everyone else?” Hazel said.

“Exactly! Thank you!” Percy cheered. “It’s merphobic I say! The only people with tails were the overly advanced merpeople, and while I’d say that’s the closest Hollywood has ever gotten, it’s not enough.”

“Percy’s my favorite merpeople rights activist to be honest,” Hazel said with a smile. “Well he’s the only one I know, but still.”

“Does this mean that Percy is our version of Aquaman?” Frank wondered aloud.

Percy snorted. “I’m a lot cooler than him, though.”

“Look, I know everyone falls in love with you immediately when they meet you, Percy. But you’re not Jason Momoa,” Hazel placated.

“I feel like I should take offense to that, but honestly he’s such a perfect specimen I’d think he was a powerful demigod too. Even if he is absolutely terrible at waterbending. The king of Atlantis should be better at it!”

“Well what would you do?” Frank asked.

“I don’t know, not take ten minutes to create the smallest whirlpool known to man. Even Triton’s better at it than him!” Percy protested.

“You talk about your godly half brother like he’s the runt of the litter,” Hazel realized.

Percy held his hands up, “Hey, you said it, not me!”


“I just want to say it took these Amazons years to finally defeat Ares, but I did it in like a week, when I was 12, with absolutely no training,” Percy sat up straight, beaming.

Frank rolled his eyes, “One day, he’ll stop telling that story.” Did Frank have a deep connection with his father? Absolutely not. Did he love Percy? Definitely. But one day that son of Poseidon was going to get smited.

“Never!” Percy admonished. “Don’t be mad that I can kick your dad’s ass any day, any time.”

“By all means, go ahead,” Frank muttered, mostly to himself.

Percy turned away from Frank, who was staring Percy down, and turned back to the red light. “You hear that, Ares? I’ll—”

“Alright!” Hazel interrupted. “Before he appears, we actually have to witness this duel once more. We’re so far from an ocean that it may be catastrophic.”

“And another thing!”

Alaskan Demigod Trio Watch DCU Films

7 Heroes of Olympus (934K subscribers)





Reply to @__kenyanprincess

Get him again queen!


Petition to remake aquaman and hire real merpeople, it would be epic

(5) Hadestown

“Everyone knew I’d be the best daily vlogger which is why I have the camera,” Leo was saying, constantly checking the digital image on the screen. “And it’s my invention that is so slim yet produces such a perfect image and sound and I don’t want anyone else to use it.” He waved his hand before turning the camera around, showing the bright lights and billboards of Broadway Ave.

The camera focused in on the group of demigods with him, as well as Dionysus, who was leading the charge, looking less of a mess than usual. The camera zoomed in on the sign for Hadestown, the musical demigods had been invited to see by executives.

“This video is going to be a little different than our usual demigods react videos, because you can’t legally record in the theater,” he said to the camera, but was interrupted by Piper.

“Off the record, I do enjoy a good slime tutorial every now and then,” she said, her smile bright.

Leo stopped walking, pulling Piper to a stop and staring her down. “Is your dad not a rich celebrity? Why do you need slime tutorials?”

“Why do you know what a slime tutorial is?” Piper countered, sauntering away.

Leo shrugged, smiling at the camera again. “We’ll catch you up after the show, for the good and the bad.”


“Look, I don’t want to be gay on main but Jordan Fisher is so f*cking hot,” Leo said to the camera. “He can absolutely [REDACTED] .” There was a loud beep edited over the video, stopping anyone from hearing whatever vile words Leo had thought of to describe Jordan Fisher. It was absolutely necessary.

“Yeah, we’re going to have to cut that out,” Jason said, pushing Leo out of frame, jokingly. He stared into the camera with a shy smile, and said, “But I agree. And he has the voice of a child of Apollo.”

Piper blinked, “You don’t think?”

Leo cleared his throat, returning to the frame. “Jordan, if you’re secretly a demigod, or even a legacy, let us know!”

“Anyway,” Jason turned to his cousin, who was hunched over himself like he wanted to be anywhere else besides this recording session. “Nico’s been sitting there, brooding, because his boyfriend didn’t want to be in the video but we forced him here to be our Underworld representative,” Jason said. “Thoughts?”

“Inaccurate,” the son of Hades gritted out, not looking at the camera at all.

“Nothing on the music? The cast? As a gay person, you should love Broadway,” Jason said, and was met with a glare, and shadows entered the room.

“You’re messing up the lighting!” Piper cried.

There was a sigh from the son of Hades. “Jordan Fisher has a beautiful voice and ‘Wait For Me’ is rather delightful.”

Jason smiled, “There we go.”

“Why does he always turn back!” Leo cried, “What a dummy! Keep walking stupid!”

“Nico, any insights as to where Orpheus is now?” Jason asked.

“Suffering for all eternity.”

“I’m 95% sure that was a joke, chat. Please don’t listen to him,” Piper said to the camera, before turning back to Jason. “He’s not invited back without his golden retriever boyfriend.”

[Gay] Demigods React to Hadestown

7 Heroes of Olympus (1.1M subscribers)



The title of this video is sending me OMG


Piper watching slime tutorials is on brand tbh


I would pay money to hear what Leo said because I KNOW in my heart it was absolutely scandalous and relatable

(+1) Harry Potter

“Wait, wait, wait,” Percy said. “So they take an entire year to figure out their issues, but meanwhile we have to do everything with a week deadline. How is this fair?”

Honestly, if people continued to call Percy the American demigod version of Harry Potter, he was going to lose it. Could he see the similarities? Possibly. Was he also sure that he could absolutely beat the British suburban kid to a pulp if necessary? Absolutely.

“Hey, they’re just kids,” Annabeth said.

“So were we! These wizards are weak as hell. Why don’t they run up on anyone ever?” Percy sighed. “I don’t know why everyone requested we watch these.”

“They’re kinda epic, honestly. If you ignore the centaur slander,” Annabeth said. “Let’s move onto the next one!”

“Are you becoming a Harry Potterhead? Embarrassing.”


“f*ck! f*ck!” Annabeth buried her face into Percy’s shoulder. “That’s terrifying. Disgusting. Who would ever create this monstrosity?”

Percy patted her back, “I’ll tell you when you can look, Wise Girl. But I agree, those are gross. And where was the spider trigger warning?”

She was shivering into his neck, her breath unsteady. “Are they gone yet?”

“No. This is a long scene. Don’t look.”

He’d protect her from spiders for the rest of their lives no matter what.


“And I don’t know why Snape was a good guy after all of this! Alan Rickman ate up his role, but like he was a hater for the first seven movies,” Percy complained. “I don’t care, I don't like him.”

“You’re right he was not cool, even if it was all part of ‘some plan’,” Annabeth used air quotes. “I don’t like someone deciding a plan without ever consulting the most important people in the plan.”

Yep, we definitely have Hera trauma , Percy thought to himself. Instead of saying anything, he only stared down at Annabeth, his grin shy.

“You know, he’s kinda relatable. Walking to his death because he thinks that’ll save the world,” Percy chuckled. “I mean, we’ve all been there, amiright?”

Annabeth hid a smile, “Ok, that was dark. And your experiences are not universal.” She sighed, “Uh, we’ll see you next time for Avatar… I think? I don’t think I have anything else to add before we sign off for the next few weeks after this movie marathon. Percy?”

“Reminder not to financially support the author because she’s a TERF!” Percy called. “We pirated these. And if any government official wants to come after us for the crimes I may have just admitted, I will remind you that I have diplomatic immunity and my father is the god of earthquakes.”

Demigods watch the Harry Potter Series feat. Percy “Chosen One” Jackson

7 Heroes of Olympus (1.3M subscribers)



And if i said that Percy Jackson is Harry Potter with a backbone


Percy jackson is a snape anti, take that snape stans!


Honestly Percy shielding Annabeth during the sp*der scenes is couple goals. Aphrodite really ate when making them.


Would it be a percy jackson interaction without the random trauma dumping? I don’t think so.

like, comment, and subscribe? - starrey_night - Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2024)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.