Exam English Reviewer for LET - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 8/9/2019 Exam English Reviewer for LET


    Competency Building CourseEnglish

    1. Which of the following terms describes the subject matter,style, tone and attitude ofliterature of ancient Greek andRome?

    A. RomanticismB. RealismC. ClassicismD. NaturalismE.Existentialism

    2. Platos idea about the art of poetry is expressed in treatise_________?

    A. The RepublicB. Poetics

    C. Ars PoeticaD. On The SublimeE. Ion

    3. He believes that reality exists when the thing or object oremotion is lasting.

    A. AristotleB. SophoclesC. PlatoD. LonginusE. Sappho

    4. It is a narrative technique utilized by Homer and Sophoclesin their plot scheme.

    A. flashbackB. media resC. unityD. foreshadowingE. discovery

    5. Longinus advanced his theory on poetry in which writings?

    A. IonB. The RepublicC. PoeticsD. On The SublimeE. ArsPoetica

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    6. He is a Spanish author who wrote the novel Don Quixote.

    A. Gustave FlaubertB. Joseph CondradC. Miguel de Cervantes

    D. D.H. LawrenceE. Herman Melville

    7. The following taboo phrases were used by which writer?

    I fart at thee, sh*t on your head, dirty bastard

    A. Ben JohnsonB. Henry JamesC. Ernest HemingwayD. ArnoldBronte

    E. Robinson Crusoe8. He believes that the poet is an inventorfor a better world.

    A. John DonneB. John DrydenC. William WordsworthD. John MiltonE.Emily Dickinson

    9. He said that a man is a product of his choices.

    A. Jean Paul SartreB. William ShakespeareC. Robinson CrusoeD.Herman MelvilleE. John Donne

    10. It is the movement in literature criticizing themarginalization of women and genderequality.

    A. FormalismB. FeminismC. StructuralismD. NaturalismE.Romanticism

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    11. It is a criticism that uses personal judgement.

    A. New CriticismB. FormalismC. Readers Response

    D. Psychoanalytic PoetryE. Binary Opposition

    12. It is the consequence of pity and fear among thespectators.

    A. hamartiaB. repentanceC. discoveryD. sufferingE. catharsis

    13. It is the consequence of a mistake in judgment.

    A. discoveryB. sufferingC. peripetyD. existenceE. tragedy

    14. Which among the following does not belong to Aristotles viewon plot?

    A. The plot should be single.B. The plot should have a twist atthe end.C. The plot should be complete.D. The plot should showsudden change in the heros fortune. E. The plot must have thebeginning, middle and end.

    15. When is a poem good according to Longinus?

    A. If it is beautifully crafted.B. If it elevates the reader togreater heights of feelings.C. If the poem can easily understand tothe readers.D. If it affects the reader through nobility of dictionand thought.E. If the message of the poem can be stated to thereaders.

    16. Who is presented as the most honest and moral of Chaucerspilgrims?

    A. The KnightB. The Parson

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    C. The ReeveD. The Wife of BathE. The King

    17. Out of the following four pilgrims, which is the mostcorrupt?

    A. The Sergeant /Man of LawB. The Wife of BathC. The ReeveD. ThePardonerE. The Knight

    18. In Herman Melvilles Moby Dick, what does the seaassociate?

    A. long life, freedom and rebirthB. strong reflection, life andrebirth

    C. searching, vision and rebirthD. spiritual mystery, death andrebirthE. life, death and rebirth

    19. He is an essayist who wrote against the rigidity ofPuritanism.

    A. Soren KierkegardB. Ralph Waldo EmersonC. Henry DavidThoreauD. Jonathan EdwardsE. Daniel Defoe

    20. Ulysses chronicles the passage of Leopold Bloom throughDublin during an ordinaryday, 16 June 1904.The title alludes toOdys seus, the hero of Homers Odyssey. Namethe author ofUlysses.

    A. Anthony TrollopeB. Kenneth GrahameC. Laurence StreneD. JamesJoyceE. Jonathan Swift

    21. He is a king who ruled with the help of the knights of theround table.

    A. King Henry IB. King ArthurC. King AlfredD. King George IVE.King Charles I

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    22. It is focusing on the outstanding feature of a person. A.FeminismB. NaturalismC. RealismD. Existentialism

    E. Romanticism23.Name the book which opens with the line Allchildren, except one grew up ?

    A. The Moby DickB. The Paradise LostC. The Adventures ofHuckleberry FinnD. Uncle Toms Cabin E. Peter Pan

    24. She is an American writer who made herself known for herextreme individualism in

    poetry. A. Elizabeth BrowningB. Emily DickinsonC. AnneBradstreetD. Emily BronteE. Sarah Fielding

    25. A philosophy advocating that man is a product offreedom.

    A. ImagismB. FormalismC .RomanticismD. ExistentialismE.Naturalism

    26. It is undoubtedly the simplest way of fleshing out thetheme.

    A. allegoryB. symbolC. imageD. structureE. form

    27. It is the study of the principles and rules for constructingsentences in naturallanguages.

    A. SemioticsB. SyntaxC. Semantics

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    D. PhoneticsE. Phonemes

    28. Oliver Cromwell belong to what party?

    A. royalistB. religiousC. peasantsD. round headE. landowners

    29. It refers to making art and literature accessible to themasses.

    A. PopularizationB. ImagismC. Formalism

    D. StructuralismE. Modern Criticism

    30. The play Hamlet is a ________.

    A. feministB. naturalistC. existentialistD. formalistE. none ofthe above

    31. It is also called The Apocalypse in Bible.

    A. GenesisB. ProverbsC. RevelationsD. PsalmE. Acts

    32. She was an English poet who wrote a variety of romantic,devotional, and childrenspoems.

    A. Emily DickinsonB. Edith HamiltonC. Anne BradstreetD.Christina Georgina RossettiE. Mary Shelley

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    33. The belief that the meaning or value of work may bedetermined by the authorsintention.

    A. TensionB. Intentional Fallacy

    C. Affective FallacyD. Organic UnityE. None of the above.

    34. What work contains these lines:

    There hurls in at the hall -door an unknown rider . . .Half agiant on earth I hold him to be.

    A. As You Like ItB. Morte Darthur

    C. Piers PlowmanD. Canterbury TalesE. Sir Gawain and the GreenKnight

    35. It is the repetition of words at the beginnings of neighborclauses.

    A. cataphoraB. anaphoraC. conjunctionD. ellipsesE.parallelism

    36. This is used to describe an expression that co-refers with alatter expression.

    A. conjunctionB. anaphoraC. cathaporaD. coherenceE. cohesion

    37. The repeated words with the same text.

    A. coherenceB. cohesionC. partial recurrenceD. recurrenceE.proform

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    38. A mark or series of marks that usually indicate anintentional omission of someparts.

    A. paraphraseB. ellipses

    C. coherenceD. subordinationE. conjunction

    39. Which of the following is a work of SAMUEL LANGHORNECLEMENS? A. Animal FarmB. Adventures of Huckleberry FinnC. TheScarlet LetterD. Uncle Toms Cabin E. The Cask of Amontillado

    40. A restatement of a text or passages. A. parallelismB.paraphraseC. ellipsesD. conjunctionE. subordination

    41. All of these statements are true except one.

    A. The Mohenjo-Daro civilization flourished on 3000-2500 BC.B.Inhabitants of these cities were dark-skinned.C. Africans believethat hope for a better Africa lies in its ability to integrate.D. APicture in the Cellar discusses about of keeping memoirs. E. Theeducated Africans are the hope of the African nations.

    42. He is an essayist exemplified Elizabethan ideal ofintellectual versatility in the 17 th Century.

    A. William ShakespeareB. Oliver CromwellC. John MiltonD. JohnDonneE. Francis Bacon

    43. Which of these statements is false?

    A. Edgar Allan Poe wrote dark novels.B. Ramayana is attributedto Valmki.C. Geoffrey Chaucer is the unofficial father of EnglishLiterature.

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    D. Rabindranath Tagore wrote Gitanjali. E. Next to Iliad,Mahabharata is the worlds longest epic.

    44. It carrying the sense of one line of verse over the nextline without a pause.

    A. enjambmentB. denouementC. catalexisD. antecedentE.allegory

    45. He is one of the exceptional writer in Philippine Literatureand also known asQuijano De Manila.

    A. Bienvienido SantosB. F. Sionil Jose

    C. Jose Garcia VillaD. Nick JoaquinE. Manuel Arguilla

    46. It is a dramatic expression of Zen Buddhism viewed by feudallords.

    A. SampiranB. HansiC. Noh PlayD. SelokaE. Suthon Phu

    47. He is a Chinese dramatic playwright who wrote The WestChamber.

    A. Seami MotokiyoB. Catherine LimC. Kahlil GibranD. Wang ShifuE.Confucius

    48. Which novel, eventually published in 1945, was rejected by aNew York publisherstating it is impossible to sell animal storiesin the USA?

    A. Animal FarmB. Black BeautyC. Watership DownD. The Tale ofPeter RabbitE. Moby Dick

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    49. This approach attempts to explain the hows and whys of humanaction and canexist side by side with any other critical method ofinterpretation.

    A. New CriticismB. Symbolism

    C. Modern CriticismD. Moral CriticismE. PsychoanalyticCriticism

    50. He translated The Fall of Princes from the French.

    A. William LanglandB. Sir Thomas MaloryC. Geoffrey of MonmouthD.John LydgateE. Giovanni Boccaccio

    51. The study and classification of language based on howmorphemes create words iscalled ____________?

    A. MorphologyB. PhonologyC. TypologyD. SemanticsE. Syntax

    52. How many Inflectional Morphemes are there in English?

    A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 7E. 8

    53. The study and classification of language based on howmorphemes create words iscalled ________________?

    A. Morphological TypologyB. Word Based MorphologyC. Lexeme BasedMorphologyD. Event SemanticsE. Linguistic Typology

    54. These words are created by adding affixes to roots.

    A. Word Borrowing

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    B. Compound WordsC. Trade NamesD. ClippingE. Blending

    55. It involves snipping a part of a word to create a shortenedform. A. Trade NamesB. Word BorrowingC. CompoundingD. BlendingE.Clipping

    56. The meaningful units of language are called____________?

    A. syntax

    B. phonemeC. allomorphsD. morphemeE. predicate

    57. Words formed from the first letter or letters of more thanone words is called __________?

    A. DerivationB. CompoundingC. BlendingD. ClippingE. Acronyms

    58. Which one is NOT an open class of words?

    A. nounB. adjectiveC. pronounD. verbsE. adverbs

    59. It is a relatively recently devised word/phrase that has notbeen accepted intomainstream usage.

    A. AllomorphsB. Back FormationC. Trade NamesD. CompoundingE.Neologism

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    60. It refers to the process of creating a new lexeme byremoving actual or supposedaffixes.

    A. Clipping

    B. Word BorrowingC. Back FormationD. BlendingE. Trade Names

    61. It is a morpheme that only appears as part of a larger wordand the one that canstand alone.

    A. Free MorphemeB. Bound MorphemeC. Inflectional Morpheme

    D. Derivational MorphemeE. Allomorphs

    62. It can function independently as words and can appear withother lexemes.

    A. Free MorphemeB. Bound MorphemeC. Derivational MorphemeD.Inflectional MorphemeE. Allomorphs

    63. It is the study of how languages change over time and therelationship amongdifferent languages.

    A. Applied LinguisticsB. Evolutionary LinguisticsC. StylisticsD.PsycholinguisticsE. Historical Linguistics

    64. It is a branch of linguistics that study of the cognitiveprocesses and representationsunderlying language use.

    A. NeurolinguisticsB. Historical LinguisticsC. StylisticsD.PsycholinguisticsE. Sociolinguistics

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    65. It is the study of the origin and subsequent development oflanguage by the humanspecies.

    A. Historical LinguisticsB. Developmental Linguistics

    C. Evolutionary LinguisticsD. SociolinguisticsE. AppliedLinguistics

    66. A branch o linguistics that study of natural as well ashuman-taught communicationsystems in animals, compared to humanlanguage.

    A. Applied LinguisticsB. Clinical linguisticsC.Biolinguistics

    D. NeurolinguisticsE. Stylistics

    67. A branch of linguistics which studies style in a scientificand systematic wayconcerning the manners or linguistic features ofdifferent varieties of language atdifferent levels.

    A. Applied LinguisticsB. PsycholinguisticsC. StylisticsD.SociolinguisticsE. Historical Linguistics

    68. The following choices is a linguistic description exceptone. Which is it?

    A. level of syntax/grammarB. level of semanticsC. level ofmorphologyD. level of lexisE. level of phonology/graphology

    69. It studies the choices of specific lexical items in a text,their distribution in relation toone another, and theirmeanings.

    A. PhonologyB. SemanticsC. GraphologyD. MorphologyE.Lexicology

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    70. It concentrating on the unique features of various literaryworks.

    A. Literary StylisticsB. General StylisticsC. Text

    D. RegisterE. Semiotics

    71. It concentrates on the general features of various types oflanguage used.

    A. General StylisticsB. RegisterC. Linguo-StylisticsD. LiteraryStylisticsE. Semiotics

    72. Which one of these sentences below is simple sentence? A.The students who came to the press conference are all from the sameschool.B. Jack wanted to go swimming, but his wife wanted to goshopping.C. We will be at the restaurant in twenty minutes.D. Thecat lived in the backyard, but the dog, who knew he was superior,lived insidethe house.E. Her son studies History; her daughtermajors in Chemistry.

    73. Which of the following is not a complex sentence?

    A. He walked as if someone was following him.B. The worksheet iswhere you have put it.C. All of the people enjoyed the concert andthe dinner that followed it.D. The score was thirty-six to nothing;obviously there was little hope that the hometeam could win.E. Wemust find a teacher who understands our needs.

    74. What process of words was used in the word brunch? A.ClippingB. CompoundingC. Word BorrowingD. BlendingE. BackFormation

    75. When a teacher wants to emphasize the learners needs toidentify why they arewriting and for whom, he/she can use the_________.

    A. process approachB. controlled writing approach

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    C. free writing approachD. communicative writing approachE.task-based approach

    76. A communicative competence area which is concern is oneknowing how to use and

    respond to language appropriately, given the setting, the topic,and the relationshipamong the people communicating.

    A. Discourse CompetenceB. Linguistic CompetenceC.Sociolinguistic CompetenceD. Strategic CompetenceE. LanguageCompetence

    77. This concept equates the idea of a learning task to alanguage learning techniquein itself.

    A. Transactional ApproachB. Communicative ApproachC. Learning ByTeachingD. Task-Based ApproachE. Communicative LanguageTeaching

    78. Cognitive skills necessary for the construction andunderstanding of meaningfulsequences of words.

    A. Linguistic CompetenceB. Grammatical CompetenceC.Communicative CompetenceD. Linguistic PerformanceE. CreativeCompetence

    79. Modern descriptive linguistics is based on structuralapproach to language.

    A. MalinowskyB. BloomfieldC. HallidayD. VineyardE. Chomsky

    80. Which statement is true?

    A. The phonological, morphological and syntactic aspect oflanguage change areseparate processors.B. Applied linguistics isconcerned with first language acquisition.C. Psycholinguisticscovers the non-cognitive process that make it possible to generateagrammatical and meaningful sentence out of vocabulary andgrammatical structures.

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    D. There are two components which contributes to languageacquisition, these areuniversal grammar and the environment.E.Morphological Typology has divided into two main types: theanalytic and semantic.

    81. Which of the following are places of articulation?

    A. nasalB. plosiveC. dentalD. fricativeE. palatal

    82. Which of the following statements are correct?

    A. happy is a hom*onym of sadB. finger is an antonym of hand

    C. blue is a synonym of colorD. soccer is a hyponym of sportsE.The White House is a metonym of The United States Government

    83. Which of the following is a common linguistic problem forsomeone learning asecond language?

    A. attitude of the learnerB. ageC. phonologyD. ability tohear

    E. cultural background84. Egyptian hieroglyphics can best becharacterized as

    A. a phonological writing system.B. a combination of a syllabicwriting system with symbols representing importantreligiousconcepts.C. a logographic writing system.D. a pictographic writingsystem.E. a combination of ideographic elements with symbolsrepresenting linguistic sounds

    85. Which of these sections of the brain plays an important partin languageproduction/comprehension?

    A. Wernicke's areaB. Johnson's areaC. Parietal lobeD. Broca'sareaE. Motor cortex

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    86. Mark those of the examples below which are minimal pairs inEnglish

    A. thick /sickB. sled / redC. rope / rose

    D. war / toreE. miner / minor

    87. Which one of the following demonstrates a sentence combiningwith a subordinator?

    A. Although she wanted to go, she still had work to do.B. Shecould not go, nor did she want to.C. She promised that she wouldfinish the work.D. Her boss, Mr. Jackson, would expect the workdone properly.E. None of the above.

    88. Positive transfer occurs when:

    A. There is a misconception.B. A student finds similar elementsin two different ideas.C. There is a moral.D. Information has beenmemorized.E. When there is a twist at the end.

    89. It refers to the concept that there is a correct and anincorrect way to speak, write or

    sign is called _____________. A. Descriptive Grammar or SyntaxB.Prescriptive Grammar or SyntaxC. LexemeD. Simple SubjectE. CompoundPredicate

    90. It refers to the mostly subconscious rules of a languagethat one uses to combinesmaller units into sentence.

    A. Descriptive Grammar or SyntaxB. Compound SubjectC. SimpleSentenceD. Prescriptive Grammar or SyntaxE. Adverbial Clause

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    91. A word that names a person, a living thing, an object,etc.

    A. pronounB. adjectiveC. adverb

    D. nounE. preposition92. Words used to represent a noun iscalled ____________.

    A. adjectiveB. verbC. nounD. prepositionE. pronoun

    93. A word connecting words, clauses or sentences and asimultaneous occurrence of

    events. A. verbB. adjectiveC. adverbD. prepositionE.conjunction

    94. A part of speech that expresses an action, a process stateor condition or mode ofbeing.

    A. nounB. verbC. adjectiveD. pronounE. preposition

    95. A system of rules for speaking and in writing of language.A. sentenceB. phraseC. grammarD. pronunciationE. words

    96. It refers to spelling; that is, the relationship betweenphonemes and graphemes in alanguage.

    A. grammarB. sentenceC. orthography

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    D. syntaxE. semantics

    97. It is a writing system where the written graphemescorrespond to phonemes.

    A. Complex OrthographyB. Morpho-Phonemic OrthographyC. PhonemicOrthographyD. LexiconE. Graphology

    98. __________ are sentence which are very long but it is neededto divided.

    A. enjambmentB. run-onC. lexeme

    D. lexiconE. phoneme

    99. Which of the following is NOT an elements of the fields oforthography?

    A. capitalizationB. pronunciationC. word breaksD. punctuationE.hyphenation

    100. It is a branch of linguistic analysis that consists of thestudy of phonemes and oftenincludes a study of their allophone.

    A. PhoneticsB. PhonemesC. LexiconD. PhonemicsE. Semantics

    101. The branch of semantics that deals with the meaning ofwords.

    A. LexemeB. LexiconC. GraphemeD. LexicalE. Structural

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    102. The study of production and perception of speechsounds.

    A. PhoneticsB. PhonemicsC. Semantics

    D. SyntaxE. Semiotics

    103. Which of the following is NOT a function of language?

    A. Referential Function B. Conative FunctionC. Poetic FunctionD.Expressive FunctionE. None of the above.

    104. Which of the following is NOT a component of grammar? A.PhonologyB. MorphologyC. SemioticsD. SemanticsE. Syntax

    105. Which of the following sentences matches the sentencestructure in the diagram?

    A. He wanted to do homework.B. She did the homework.C. The girlwanted to do the homework.D. The boy did the homework.E. Theteacher went home early after her last subject.

    106. Which sentence is an example of hypercorrection?

    A. The meal was just right for you and I.B. You and I had agreat time at dinner.C. Our friends waited until you and I gotthere.D. Our friends are just right for you and me.E. You and meare true friends for life.

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    107. In etymology of words, which of the following words canbest describe as a form ofdrinking substance like wine?

    A. liquorB. liquid

    C. waterD. iceE. alcohol

    108. Which of the following sentence structure matches thesentence given above?

    Listening to the music as a hobby is enjoyable.

    A. Sentence = Noun + Preposition + Determiner + Noun +Conjunction+ Determiner +Noun + Auxiliary Verb + Adjective

    B. Sentence = Noun + Preposition + Auxiliary Verb + Noun +Determiner+ Conjunction+ Noun + Verb + AdjectiveC. Sentence = Noun+ Preposition + Auxiliary Verb+ Noun + Determiner+ Conjunction+Pronoun + Auxiliary Verb + AdjectiveD. Sentence = Noun +Determiner + Preposition + Noun + Articulation + Determiner +Noun +Verb + AdverbE. Sentence = Noun + Preposition + Auxiliary Verb +Noun + Conjunction+ AuxiliaryVerb + Noun + Verb + Adjective

    109. It is understood but they are not complete sentence.

    A. Grammatical PerformanceB. Eliptical SentencesC. GrammaticalCompetenceD. Run-onE. Compound Sentences

    110. In the teaching behavior, it includes what the teachersays, since instruction, mostof the time, is done throughspeech.

    A. Expressive BehaviorB. Performatory BehaviorC. LinguisticBehaviorD. Language BehaviorE. Teaching Behavior

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    111. It is a visual model and a pictorial device that presentsthe bands of experiencearranged according to degree of abstractionand not the degree of difficulty.

    A. Blooms Taxonomy of LearningB. Dales Cone of Experience

    C. Bruners 3 -Tiered Model of LearningD. Gagnes Outcomes ofLearning E. Carrols Model of School Learning

    112. According to hi m, the teachers role is to guide andfacilitate rather than to direct.

    A. HowesB. JacetotC. SilbermanD. PattersonE. Greene

    113. Which of the following is NOT an Effective Teaching?

    A. A strong supportive headB. Systems of monitoring studentsprogress C. High expectations for students achievement D.Available/ SustainableE. Level of Cognitive Instruction

    114. He is the proponent of the Three-Tiered Model OfLearning.

    A. Jerome BrunerB. Edgar DaleC. Eliot W. EisnerD. Noam ChomskyE.Robert Gagne

    115. It serve as the foundation of learning; first handexperiences through seeing,touching, tasting and smelling.

    A. Contrived ExperiencesB. Dramatic ExperiencesC. DirectPurposeful ExperienceD. DemonstrationsE. Exhibits

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    116. It serve as representative model or mock-up for reality soas to make the real lifeaccessible to students perception andunderstanding.

    A. Contrived ExperiencesB. Dramatic Experiences

    C. Direct Purposeful ExperienceD. DemonstrationsE. Exhibits

    117. These are educational visits to observe event that isunavailable within theclassroom.

    A. ExhibitsB. DemonstrationsC. Study TripsD. Visual Symbols

    E. Verbal Symbols118. These are displays for the spectators,consist of working models arrangedmeaningfully or photographs withmodels, charts, or posters.

    A. ExhibitsB. DemonstrationsC. Study TripsD. Visual SymbolsE.Verbal Symbols

    119. These are highly abstract and no longer in realisticreproduction of physical thingslike charts, graphs, maps anddiagrams.

    A. ExhibitsB. DemonstrationsC. Study TripsD. Visual SymbolsE.Verbal Symbols

    120. It shows how things are done to visualize explanations o afact, idea or process byuse of photos, drawings, films, displays,or guided motions.

    A. ExhibitsB. DemonstrationsC. Study TripsD. Visual SymbolsE.Verbal Symbols

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    121. It is the process of gathering data of information to solvea particular or specificproblem in scientific manner.

    A. ReadingB. Research

    C. DemonstrationD. FormulationE. Explanation

    122. This research studies the relationship of variables.

    A. Quantitative ResearchB. Qualitative ResearchC. DescriptiveResearchD. Historical Research

    E. Experimental Research123. This asserts that there is nosignificant difference or relationship between thevariables.

    A. ExplanatoryB. Null HypothesisC. SynthesisD. ConclusionE.Hypothesis

    124. This type of research studies the effects of the variableson each other.

    A. Quantitative ResearchB. Qualitative ResearchC. DescriptiveResearchD. Historical ResearchE. Experimental Research

    125. It is the process of systematically examining past eventsto give an account of whathas happened in the past.

    A. Developmental ResearchB. Qualitative ResearchC. DescriptiveResearchD. Historical ResearchE. Experimental Research

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    126. This uses understanding human behavior and the reason thatgovern suchbehavior.

    A. Qualitative ResearchB. Descriptive Research

    C. Developmental ResearchD. Experimental ResearchE. QuantitativeResearch

    127. This serve as answer to the questions raised to thebeginning of the investigation.

    A. HypothesisB. SynthesisC. Research ProblemD. ConclusionE.Theoretical Framework

    128. It is a document or physical object which was written orcreated during the timeunder study.

    A. Primary SourcesB. Secondary SourcesC. Related StudiesD.Related LiteratureE. Research Problem

    129. It interprets and analyses the primary source and thesesources are one or moresteps removed from the event.

    A. Primary SourcesB. Secondary SourcesC. Related StudiesD.Related LiteratureE. Research Problem

    130. It focuses on the discussion regarding a certain phenomenathat could be testabledescriptively or experimentally.

    A. Primary SourcesB. Secondary SourcesC. Related StudiesD.Related LiteratureE. Research Problem

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    131. It is for the reason that students become familiar withmany different linguisticforms, communication functions andmeanings.

    A. Literature for cultural enrichmentB. Literature as a valuableauthentic material

    C. Literature for language enrichmentD. Literature for personalinvolvementE. Literature as a venue for learning for otherskills

    132. It is for the reason that a work explains how communicationtakes place in suchcountry.

    A. Literature for cultural enrichmentB. Literature as a valuableauthentic materialC. Literature for language enrichment

    D. Literature for personal involvementE. Literature as a venuefor learning for other skills

    133. It is for the reason that a text can introduce a wide rangeof individual lexical orsyntactic items.

    A. Literature for cultural enrichmentB. Literature as a valuableauthentic materialC. Literature for language enrichmentD.Literature for personal involvementE. Literature as a venue forlearning for other skills

    134. For this reason, a student begins to inhabit the text or heis drawn into it.

    A. Literature for cultural enrichmentB. Literature as a valuableauthentic materialC. Literature for language enrichmentD.Literature for personal involvementE. Literature as a venue forlearning for other skills

    135. This characteristic is done by establishing lifelongreading habits.

    A. Encourages his students to read and motivates a positiveoutlook towards it.B. A creative, innovative, inquisitive, andprudent teacher.C. Practices what he preaches.D. Establishes anappropriate environment on learning.E. Appreciate literature as anart.

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    136. The teacher seems to have read all books and knows whatsuits the students.

    A. Encourages his students to read and motivates a positiveoutlook towards it.B. A creative, innovative, inquisitive, andprudent teacher.C. Practices what he preaches.

    D. Establishes an appropriate environment on learning.E.Appreciate literature as an art.

    137. Here, the teacher guides the students as a community oflearners to explore andfind meaning in their reading.

    A. Encourages his students to read and motivates a positiveoutlook towards it.B. A creative, innovative, inquisitive, andprudent teacher.C. Practices what he preaches.D. Establishes anappropriate environment on learning.E. Appreciate literature as anart.

    138. Here, she has an in- depth knowledge of the subject matter;she observes studentsbehavior and preferences, gathers data andanalyzes the findings to improve learning.

    A. Encourages his students to read and motivates a positiveoutlook towards it.B. A creative, innovative, inquisitive, andprudent teacher.C. Practices what he preaches.D. Establishes anappropriate environment on learning.E. Appreciate literature as anart.

    139. According to surveys, what is the reading interest of highschool students today?

    A. Classical or traditional novelsB. Science fiction, adventure,mystery, sportsC. Romances, mystery, adventure, among othersD.Contemporary novelsE. All kinds of books

    140. What kind of literature do boys prefer to read?

    A. Classical or traditional novelsB. Science fiction, adventure,mystery, sportsC. Romances, mystery, adventure, among othersD.Contemporary novelsE. All kinds of books

    141. On the other hand, what kind of literature do girls preferto read?

    A. Classical or traditional novelsB. Science fiction, adventure,mystery, sports

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    C. Romances, mystery, adventure, among othersD. ContemporarynovelsE. All kinds of books

    142. What is the role of the teacher in literature-basedinstruction?

    A. He is a decision maker, mentor and coach.B. He is anobserver.C. He is a motivator.D. He is a preacher.E. He is alistening teacher.

    143. When the teacher shows a happy facial expressions, nod, orverbalacknowledgement of a correct response, he

    A. Creates a climate conducive to learning.

    B. Establishes an appropriate environment for learning.C.Prepares the students for questioning sessions.D. Uses anappropriate variety and mix of questions.E. Let them talk and askfor answer to one another.

    144. When he explains to the students the format, expectations,and how thisknowledge will help them he

    A. Creates a climate conducive to learning.B. Establishes anappropriate environment for learning.C. Prepares the students forquestioning sessions.D. Uses an appropriate variety and mix ofquestions.E. Let them talk and ask for answer to one another.

    145. When the teacher incorporates into the educational planprospectively thequestions that are asked during the teachingsystem, he

    A. Creates a climate conducive to learning.B. Establishes anappropriate environment for learning.C. Prepares the students forquestioning sessions.D. Uses an appropriate variety and mix ofquestions.E. Let them talk and ask for answer to one another.

    146. In the teaching of literature, it is an illocutionaryact.

    A. MotivationB. LiteratureC. TextD. DramaE. Question

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    147. It is an indispensable teaching tool.

    A. QuestioningB. PlanningC. Evaluation

    D. ComprehensionE. Application

    148. When the literature teachers poses questions to the entiregroup, he is being

    A. Fair to the classB. Bias to themC. Makes his class happyD.Hated by the classE. Frustrates students and tend to encouragefrivolous responses

    149. When a teacher asks only a yes or no questions, he A. Useboth pre-planned and emerging questionsB. Develops criticalthinking skills among his studentsC. Makes his class happyD. Hatedby the classE. Frustrates students and tend to encourage frivolousresponses

    150. Which of the following statements best describe as thepurpose of questioning?

    A. It encourages the students to speak.B. Questioning can arousecuriosity.C. It leads the teacher to know their students better.D.It can helps them to apply their ideas from their experiences.E.Both A and C.

    151. These are human characters who are mythical mortals havingdivine father and amortal mother.

    A. MythologyB. EpicsC. HeroesD. AnthropomorphicE.Theriomorphic

    152. These are divinities having supernatural powers or meaningin the shape of man.

    A. MythologyB. EpicsC. Heroes

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    158. All people recognize that a frontier exists between whatman can do and cannotexplain logically.

    A. EuhemerismB. Allegory

    C. PersonificationD. Myth-Ritual TheoryE. Malinowskis Theory

    159. In its most extreme form, this theory claims that mytharose to explain rituals.

    A. EuhemerismB. AllegoryC. PersonificationD. Myth-RitualTheory

    E. Malinowskis Theory 160. It is said that myths are distortedaccounts of real historical events.

    A. EuhemerismB. AllegoryC. PersonificationD. Myth-RitualTheoryE. Malinowskis Theory

    161. It is also known as Theory of Mythopoeic thought resultedfrom the personificationof inanimate objects and forces.

    A. EuhemerismB. AllegoryC. PersonificationD. Myth-RitualTheoryE. Malinowskis Theory

    162. Try to explain geographical features such as rivers, lakesand oceans and thedeath of man.

    A. Creation MythsB. Explanatory MythsC. Presence of MythicalBeingsD. Mythical PlacesE. Mythical Symbols

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    163. Try to explain the origin of the world and the birth of thegods and goddesses.

    A. Creation MythsB. Explanatory MythsC. Presence of MythicalBeings

    D. Mythical PlacesE. Mythical Symbols

    164. It is the gods and goddesses who resembles human being.

    A. Creation MythsB. Explanatory MythsC. Presence of MythicalBeingsD. Mythical PlacesE. Mythical Symbols

    165. People use symbols to explain the world and they usedhumans, animals andplants symbolizes some events.

    A. Creation MythsB. Explanatory MythsC. Presence of MythicalBeingsD. Mythical PlacesE. Mythical Symbols

    166. It is the place where demons, gods and goddesses and alsothe souls of the deadlive.

    A. Creation MythsB. Explanatory MythsC. Presence of MythicalBeingsD. Mythical PlacesE. Mythical Symbols

    167. It tells the story of heroes in the ancient time.

    A. EpicsB. Mystical FunctionC. Sociological FunctionD.Cosmological FunctionE. Pedagogical Function

    168. It explains how to live a human life under anycirc*mstances.

    A. EpicsB. Mystical Function

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    C. Sociological FunctionD. Cosmological FunctionE. PedagogicalFunction

    169. This function explains the social aspects of human bysupporting and validating a

    certain social order. A. EpicsB. Mystical FunctionC.Sociological FunctionD. Cosmological FunctionE. PedagogicalFunction170. It is the function that explains the shape of theuniverse.

    A. EpicsB. Mystical Function

    C. Sociological FunctionD. Cosmological FunctionE. PedagogicalFunction

    171. It has experiencing the awe of the universe.

    A. EpicsB. Mystical FunctionC. Sociological FunctionD.Cosmological FunctionE. Pedagogical Function

    172. He is the supreme ruler of the Olympians and the lord ofthe sky.

    A. ZeusB. PoseidonC. HadesD. HermesE. Apollo

    173. He is the ruler of the sea and commonly called EarthShaker.

    A. ZeusB. PoseidonC. HadesD. HermesE. Apollo

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    174. He is the god of light, medicine and poetry.

    A. ZeusB. PoseidonC. Hades

    D. HermesE. Apollo

    175. He is the god of the underworld.

    A. ZeusB. PoseidonC. HadesD. HermesE. Apollo

    176. She is the goddess of love. A. AthenaB. HeraC. AphroditeD.ArtemisE. Hestia

    177. She is the protector of marriage and women and Zeus sisterand wife.

    A. AthenaB. HeraC. AphroditeD. ArtemisE. Hestia

    178. She is the goddess of hunting and childbirth.

    A. AthenaB. HeraC. AphroditeD. ArtemisE. Hestia

    179. She is the goddess of crafts, war and wisdom.

    A. AthenaB. HeraC. AphroditeD. Artemis

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    E. Hestia

    180. In Roman Mythology, he is the ruler of the gods.

    A. Saturn

    B. JupiterC. MercuryD. MarsE. Bacchus

    Which part of the sentence is erroneous?

    181. My friends and my neighbors cooperates in the livelihoodproject. No error. A B C D E

    182. Either Porfirito or the engineers extends assistance to theaged and the sick.

    A B C DNo error.


    183. President De Leon present the accomplishments of theUniversity A B C

    annually. No error.D E

    184. I am sorry. I am already tired. I cannot walk any further.No error. A B C D E

    185. Several was invited but few attended the birthday party. Noerror. A B C D E

    186. The following statements about communication are trueexcept one.

    A. Communication is a continuous process.B. Communication is amultilevel of activity.C. Communication is unpredictable.D.Messages, not meanings are communicated.E. Every communication hastwo messages, a content message and a relationalmessage.

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    187. It is the most effective medium of communication.

    A. Act of SpeechB. ListeningC. Language

    D. SpeechE. Communication

    188. It is the process of shaping the words, the sounds intovoice and the energy tointerpret by means of speech organs.

    A. LanguageB. CommunicationC. Act of SpeechD. SpeechE.Listening

    Directions: Identify the name of the communication model shownin the figure bychoosing the letter of the correct answer.


    A. Dances Helical Model

    B. Ruesh and Bateson Functional ModelC. Shannon-Weaver ModelD.Osgood and Schramms Interactive Model E. Berlows SMCR Model

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    A. Dances Helical Model B. Ruesh and Bateson Functional ModelC.Shannon-Weaver ModelD. Osgood and Schramms Interactive Model E.Berlows SMCR Model


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    A. Dances Helical Model B. Ruesh and Bateson Functional ModelC.Shannon-Weaver ModelD. Osgood and Schramms Interactive Model E.Berlows SMCR Model


    A. Dances Helical Model B. Ruesh and Bateson Functional ModelC.Shannon-Weaver ModelD. Osgood and Schramms Interactive Model E.Berlows SMCR Model

    Directions: Read the following poem of Sappho. Use the theory ofLonginus in analyzingits content and structure. Then synthesize itspronouncements/stand in the art of poeticaesthetics.

    Ode to a Loved One

    (1) He appears to me like unto the gods,(2) That man, whoopposite you

    (3) Sits and to you speaking a sweet word.(4) He replies,

    (5) To your lovely daughter. Truly that(6) Flutters my heart inmy breast

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    (7) For when I look at you for a moment (8) I can not speak.

    (9) But my tongue is broken right then(10) Over my skin a lightfire races,

    (11) I see nothing with my ears, my ears rumble,

    (12) And sweat pours over my trembling(13) Seizes me entire,greener than grass(14) I am, Just about to die

    (15) I see to me.

    193. The first line of the poem uses

    A. MetaphorB. Irony

    C. SimileD. PersonificationE. Anti-thesis

    194. How many characters are interesting in the poem?

    A. oneB. twoC. threeD. fourE. more than four

    195. How does the persona to whom the poet is addressing affectthe latter?

    A. The poet feels happyB. The poet feels angryC. The poet feelsguiltyD. The poet feels jealousE. The poet feels envious

    196. The poem addressed to a _______. A. manB. womanC. both manand womanD. SapphoE. Does not tell

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    197. What vehement emotions are expressed by the poem in lines13 and 14?

    A. loveB. jealousyC. awe

    D. envyE. anger

    Directions: Read the excerpt. Answer the questions after it byencircling your choice.

    I like the one who fights back, he said, pleased with himself,At least, my son -in-law is going to stand up and fight You wonderwhy can I talk freely? I have influencedand, most important, money.These give me a sense of true freedom. I see nothingwrong inappreciating money. Every priests appreciate money.

    - Excerpt from The Pretenders

    198. The trait of the persona as suggested by the excerpt is__________.

    A. courageB. toleranceC. prideD. self-sufficiencyE.arrogance

    199. The last sentence implies ____________.

    A. Some priests love moneyB. Some priests are corruptC. Somepriests accept gifts without discrimination where it cameD. Somepriests are good-natured naturallyE. Some priests are powerful

    200. The mood expressed by the above quotation is _______.

    A. assertivenessB. joyfulC. frustrationD. angerE. sadness

    Prepared by:Jessica Marie S. BorromeoBSE-English/ IV-E

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    Answer Key

    1. C2. E3. C

    4. B5. D6. C7. A8. B9. A10. B11. C12. E13. B14. B

    15. D16. B17. D18. D19. B20. D21. B22. C23. E24. B25. D26. A27.B28. D29. A30. A31. C32. D33. B34. E35. B36. C37. D38. B39. B40.B41. D42. E43. E44. A

    45. D46. C47. D

    48. A49. E50. D51. C52. E53. A54. B55. E56. D57. E58. C

    59. E60. C61. B62. A63. E64. D65. C66. C67. C68. C69. E70. A71.A72. C73. D74. D75. D76. C77. D78. A79. E80. D81. C82. E83. C84.B85. D86. A87. A88. B

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    89. A90. D91. D92. E93. E

    94. B95. C96. C97. C98. B99. B100. D101. D102. A103. E104. C

    105. D106. A107. A108. A109. B110. C111. B112. A113. E114. A115.C116. A117. C118. A119. D120. B121. B122. C123. B124. E125. D126.A127. D128. A129. B130. C131. B 132. A133. C134. D

    135. A136. C137. E138. B139. D

    140. B141. C142. A143. A144. C145. D146. E147. A148. A149. E150.E

    151. C152. D153. A154. B155. D156. C157. B158. E159. D160. A161.C162. B163. A164. C165. E166. D167. A168. E169. C170. D171. B172.A173. B174. E175. C176. C177. B178. D179. A180. A

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    181. C182. C183. B184. D185. B

    186. C187. C 188. D189. C190. E191. D192. A193. C194. C195. D196. B

    197. B198. D199. C200. A

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.