Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed. on LinkedIn: What I want… I want people to stop telling me there are “casualties of… | 31 comments (2024)

Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed.

Founder, Writer, Social Entrepreneur, Creative Ops, Biz Dev, and Content Strategy Consultant, working to achieve gender parity+ inclusion one business at a time.

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What I want…I want people to stop telling me there are “casualties of war” and start talking about the ridiculous and absurdity of war.I do not want to hear any justification from anyone ever about how “we got ‘em” or how this is proportional.I do not want to hear how “they are allowed to protect themselves” or how you can murder anyone by claiming they use their own people as a shield.Protection ≠ AggressionProtection = SafetySafety requires softness, love, and care.Bodyguards and Secret Service aren’t armed to the teeth, blazing their way through crowds for their valuable client or politician. They’re stealth and kind and respectful.When life has value, you keep the violence as far from you as possible, and from anyone, really. Think about what it means to massacre the many to rescue the the few.There is no excuse to bomb anything, or anyone, what is ostensibly supposed to be a rescue operation. (I wrote this a over a month ago, btw.)There’s absolutely no way bombs and bullets would ever help a rescue mission better or easier or guarantee success more than through careful diplomacy and a ceasefire. I don't mean just this weekend; I mean the past 8 months.Do they think we’re stupid? Are they that blinded by hate they can't see that WE SEE IT ALL?I need to see Biden to show some humility and honesty—say we effed up, but this ends now. Say, I see it too. It's undeniable. I would rather he tell Netanyahu where to stick it than to continue this obscene charade. We're not telling anyone who feels harmed "Don’t be mad." We don't gaslight or dismiss. We affirm. You can be scare, but fear is not the way to make political or foreign policy decisions.We’re saying “Care more!” Care enough so that you can’t possibly see another person needlessly suffer.Every life is a world. In Judaism, the law that supersedes ALL others–pikuach nefesh–Save A life.We say that losing one person, we lose an entire world.They can't trade the milky way for 1 planet.That's not their call to make. Call your reps again.Tell them to demand a ceasefire already, for 🦊 sake.…What do you want?…To read the rest of this rant, see link in comments.

  • Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed. on LinkedIn: What I want…I want people to stop telling me there are “casualties of… | 31 comments (2)



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Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed.

Founder, Writer, Social Entrepreneur, Creative Ops, Biz Dev, and Content Strategy Consultant, working to achieve gender parity+ inclusion one business at a time.


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Ayman A. Fatima B. Johanna Santana L C De Shay Kara Smith, M.A. @

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Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed.

Founder, Writer, Social Entrepreneur, Creative Ops, Biz Dev, and Content Strategy Consultant, working to achieve gender parity+ inclusion one business at a time.


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Please read, subscribe, and comment over there too!💙🙏🏻

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Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed.

Founder, Writer, Social Entrepreneur, Creative Ops, Biz Dev, and Content Strategy Consultant, working to achieve gender parity+ inclusion one business at a time.


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Abby Brockman Kat Merrill-Horne Kandice Cohen 💫 Carrissa D.

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Val Popke

Cyber Denizen | Autological Intelligence/Manual Learner | Sense Maker | Quality Catalyst | Leader Grower | Information Protector | Digital Enterprise Hygienist | Attack Surface Reductionist | ESGRC Integrator | Word Nerd


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There are those who view war as inevitable and necessary.It may be more prudent to start talking about a five whys analysis. Therein lies causation beyond lies therein.Despite the name (and [un]ironically hasty conclusions drawn from it), Vom Kriege dialectically both-sides itself with humility about humanity's greatest living paradox.Many forget (or neglect to acknowledge) that Countess Emily von Brühl, not Carl von Clausewitz, is responsible for her late husband's insights on war posthumously surviving him; amongst other key contributions."Know thyself" and "know thy enemy" is self-referential for those who know neither. 🙂

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Governments & some religious groups; like christians use the term "necessary evil" which is an oxymoron.It is a poorly socially constructed terminology which is abuses by powerful, manipulative oppresive individuals and groups to justify anything. It can be a political ideology, religious doctrine, etc...

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Oren (אורן) 🇮🇱🪬 B.

Head of Operations - I love people & I love data!


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well said, per usual

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Hanan Aouad

PA to Member of the Board of Management at Allianz Partners


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we only talk about how casualties are a part of the norm when the victims are black and brown… each life had a value , dreams, hopes and deserved to live.

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Sibil S.

Liberating Work & Life through Keynote Speaking, Coaching & Educating | CEO @ In Pursuit Collective | Antiracism and Decolonization Advocate


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I agree, but Biden won’t admit it; he’ll double down. 🤬

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Saffy Alam


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I can't like this post enough 👏🏻👏🏽👏🏾

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Johanna G.

Public Health Professional, Community Engagement, Senior Writer and Adjunct Professor


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Boost ☮️🇵🇸🍉✡️

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  • Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed.

    Founder, Writer, Social Entrepreneur, Creative Ops, Biz Dev, and Content Strategy Consultant, working to achieve gender parity+ inclusion one business at a time.

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    Can we be real about the difference between the U.S. and other nations for a second? Because here’s the thing…There is no effing difference. We aren’t exceptional except in our false, rose colored glasses or belief that we’re not “over there…” wherever the f that might be.For the experts on US and why there is no “other” people, this is a must read…which I’ll be sharing again this week. Link in comments to “There is only us.” On Sharon Hurley Hall (she/her) blog, by Naomi Raquel Enright. As always, you two say what I can only scratch the surface of. Where I sit…we are all the same, and if someone is starving in my family, my block, my city, my state, my country, or somewhere else it’s all part of my world…part of OUR WORLD.Saying people in my city are not able to X is b.s. because it’s not MINE, it’s OUR city. We see from the consumption and gas guzzling in my country (our country) that what we do in one place has profound effects elsewhere. When will the Powers That Be finally wake the EFF up and see it’s not us or them, it’s YOU AND ME. It’s US.We need #CommunityNotCompetition“Food insecurity and enforced starvation are one and the same.”—Tamara Rasamny, a student at Columbia University speaking at commencement, after being arrested in April for Palestinian liberation. Poverty is a policy choice.Policing bodies is a religious and ideological choice.Prioritizing Profits over relieving pain and suffering is a political choice.People’s life spans getting shorter and a mental health endemic is the outcome. When we take a way true democracy, we lose our choices and the ability to put the policies in place that protect people. We’ve already lost a lot. We don’t need to lose another human.We need to #CareMoreSystemic problems cause mass unemployment of some and mass overworking of others for the benefit of the few. It was designed that way.For as long as patriarchy decided it was entitled to all this, they’ve dictated the values driving the policies. They value world domination and sucking everything dry. They will never be satisfied or full. It’s never ENOUGH for them. You know when you say—“I need to speak to a manager.” THE POWERS THAT BE MANAGED US HERE.The question now is how do we get out of “here”? And…we already have the answer. 💡#ChangeManagement—Hi. I’m Em. Founder, writer, consultant and fellow angry human working to change business, how we manage work, through design management and conscious communications. I’m clear where we’re going and what we need to get there. If you’re not, or you need support, see link in comments. Together, we find our flow. (And together is how we get free).



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  • Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed.

    Founder, Writer, Social Entrepreneur, Creative Ops, Biz Dev, and Content Strategy Consultant, working to achieve gender parity+ inclusion one business at a time.

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    "As the headline below reads, the army loosened its grooming rules for women. So what? Are we supposed to cheer and be grateful?HEADLINE READS:"Let down your hair: New Army rules for ponytails, nail color" WASHINGTON (AP) — Female soldiers can let their hair down, and flash a little nail color under new rules being approved…""This headline left me more than a bit vexed. My brow was deeply furrowed, (well as much as my Botox-for-migraine-filled forehead allowed). It's curious this would be touted as a win for women.Changing military rules around hair and nails is no doubt "virtue signaling." But as many have argued, "Virtue signaling has its virtues, and these virtues typically outweigh its vices." Rather than see this as "moral grandstanding" I am left asking: What should we be celebrating here? Is this is just another confusing "win", in our long winding road towards equality, in the name of "progress"?After further reading, including an LA Times piece titled "In a nod to diversity, Army loosens rules on hairstyles, grooming", I had even more questions. The biggest question for me: who defines what is and isn't appropriate and professional in terms of "dress"…and when can that stop being white men?As a former apparel designer, history lover, and F.I.T. graduate, I speak on the subject of dress codes with even more authority and knowledge than my typical intersectional feminist diatribe. One nugget from my fashion history curriculum: the "Father of high fashion" Charles Worth was the arbitrator of what body shape was most attractive for a woman. He changed it every year or two seemingly on a whim. Fashion was my past career-life; style, hair trends, were my jam.I scrutinize brand visuals, policies, and practices claiming equity. Often, I find, the Emperor has no clothes."Read more via link. And remember: Ban the binary. Dress codes are for suckers.

    One thing the military should ban? The Binary. medium.com


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  • Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed.

    Founder, Writer, Social Entrepreneur, Creative Ops, Biz Dev, and Content Strategy Consultant, working to achieve gender parity+ inclusion one business at a time.

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    The economic and social inequality due to sexism, systemic racism, and hom*ophobia/transphobia is well documented.Evidence based, NIH backed and OSHA backed studies with piles of data.Stats I can ramble off in my sleep. Chasms of investments and control. The amount of money that goes to wht men and their thriving businesses…obvious to anyone who can read.We can’t talk about it. Can’t call it out. Can’t use the words. Can’t post on LinkedIn without shadow bans. Can’t create programs to educate people about it.Can’t empower kids to make creative videos about it.And now we can’t fund to fix any of the chasms of inequality in terms of financial freedom, health or safety, especially for Black women who are already suffering and the most at risk from all of the above. It’s almost as if…they want to keep it that way.



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  • Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed.

    Founder, Writer, Social Entrepreneur, Creative Ops, Biz Dev, and Content Strategy Consultant, working to achieve gender parity+ inclusion one business at a time.

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    What to give when the Patriarchy takes your last f*ck.The Powers That Be knocked the wind out of me [AGAIN]Don't you wonder sometimes if we'll ever be free?Men claim they’re the answer to build our world better.After stealing the goods—they did so unfettered.They take our attention and rage with a shrugThen text us to donate for “Maybe, a hug”?!It’s tempting to wager to get in their face,to shout“What the f*ck?! We are one human race!”To give our last $20 would be such a waste.Is this all there is—democratic disgrace?A world where the privilege of shaking a handis a dinner that costs at least $100 grand?!What more can they take from our head or our heart?The Patriarchy takes till we all fall apart.The Powers That Be took more than their lot.They took all our love; then they take one more shot.They take down our posts. They censor Black women.They take up the case to support capitali$m.They put up more barriers, Election Day roadblocks.They took all the funding and gave only hard knocks.They took every ballot, then took all our bodies.They took time to count up, took poor people’s money.They canceled tax credits, gave poverty back,But Affirmative Action, they just had to retract.They take all our stories, but cherry picked booksTo put on the bonfire, while Democracy cooks.They took Christine’s testimony—they’d “listen” to her,Then confirmed a SECOND Supreme Court bro-predator.They called Greta a crackpot. Called AOC “b!tch.”And straight up ignored Mari and Flint.They took the athleticism, used Simone for her Vault.But ignored all reports of the “$exual a$$aults.”It wasn’t until these women pressed on with such graceThe feds finally said“Sorry. We f*cked up the case.”They took all the credit, as if they got the win.Goddamn how they cheat us—it makes my head spin.They don’t just take bodies, or lifetimes of labor.They take lobby money, while we risk more danger.They take from the gun makers, and more from the PACs.They take children’s lives that no prayers will bring back.140 Ultra Rich took PPP “loans.”Instead of these “grants,” half our businesses closed.They take ALL our money — cash, crypto and credit — but to pay for the wars? They just add to the deficit.The 1% hold all the wealth in both fists.But still cannot tell me why Billionaires should exist...----Read the rest on via the link in comments.🔥

    • Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed. on LinkedIn: What I want…I want people to stop telling me there are “casualties of… | 31 comments (29)



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  • Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed.

    Founder, Writer, Social Entrepreneur, Creative Ops, Biz Dev, and Content Strategy Consultant, working to achieve gender parity+ inclusion one business at a time.

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    LC’s post isn’t a cruise on by kind of read. It’s a heady one, requiring thought, careful consideration and reflection. If you’re not able to see the connections and think critically about politics, personal health and social norms, as well as intersectionality and systemic racism…this post may be over your head. If I’m not careful, it goes over mine, so no shade. Just bookmark it and come back to it, like I did.I love LC’s content because it challenges my brain and heart, it helps me grow, and because they’re always ahead of the curve and as voracious a reader of news, research, data, and culture as I am. I’d argue more than I am in several of those and I sometimes wonder when LC sleeps. The main thing to know is that this level of media literacy takes a huge amount of work. If you appreciate their perspective you have a few ways you can support LC.1. Hire them. 2. Send them money via pay app. 3. Comment. Repost. And read their other work.Culture critics are some of the hardest working and smartest, most creative people I know. They’re excellent curators and expert synthesizers. They’re often independent, free thinkers and free agents who are overlooked for their practical skills even while people gobble up their knowledge and creativity. It’s not an easy thing to see how it’s all feeding on itself. Once you see it you cannot unsee it.One sexist speech isn’t an anomaly. But normalizing it is…He represents a whole underbelly of change happening at the city, state, national and international levels: the backlash to progress. When patriarchy feels threatened, the assertion of power is swift and violent. When wealthy wht people feel they’re losing their entitlement, it’s even worse. If nothing else, read this to challenge your own beliefs and how easily we as a society dismiss the “small” harms as they get bigger and bigger till it’s too late. The Handmaids tale isn’t a made up cautionary tale or dystopian future. It’s our past repeated and in many ways for people all over the world—it’s the present reality. Read up. Then saddle up. We ride at dawn.



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  • Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed.

    Founder, Writer, Social Entrepreneur, Creative Ops, Biz Dev, and Content Strategy Consultant, working to achieve gender parity+ inclusion one business at a time.

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    I read this in the Grist first but it was so important that when I stumbled on it again, I had to share. With ALL the attacks on pregnant and birth-abled people, it's really important to realize that simultaneously miscarriages and infertility are going up. This is not a coincidence.Also not a coincidence: that women and girls are the most impacted from climate change. 80% of climate refugees are women and girls, per WFN (women's funding network). All you have to do is read this headline and the one I saw on BBC that parts of New Delhi hit 126º on Thursday (unconfirmed) the hottest ever on record.As Portland gears up for another hot summer, I'm thinking of all the people trying to stay hydrated, to stay cool...and to stay pregnant. I had my second on Oct 1 which mean August of 2013 was HARD. I cannot imagine doing that without AC in over 100º weather for months on end.Maybe this weekend, take a walk or bike instead of drive. We could use all the help we can get!#EndFossilFuels#StopDrilling

    ‘How did we miss this for so long?’: The link between extreme heat and preterm birth 19thnews.org



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  • Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed.

    Founder, Writer, Social Entrepreneur, Creative Ops, Biz Dev, and Content Strategy Consultant, working to achieve gender parity+ inclusion one business at a time.

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    I posted a new one on InfoDumpster Fire. The Splendid Spectrum of Humanity: Why Identity is Blurry, not BinaryHere's a little bit about what I wrote.🔁Originally published in Equality Includes You and The Goodmen Project in 2022, this article is my love letter to my neurodivergent and queer comrades who are just trying to get their lives, not get sh*t for being "different." Differences do not mean deficits.I also explore my experience in High School learning about the "Rainbow Curriculum" in NY in the early 1990s, and take a historical look at how conservatives pushed their religious agenda to challenge school boards and inclusive curriculCheck it out here and don't forget to subscribe for all the 🗑️🤬🔥 I can muster.

    The Splendid Spectrum of Humanity: Why Identity is Blurry, not Binary infodumpsterfire.com


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  • Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed.

    Founder, Writer, Social Entrepreneur, Creative Ops, Biz Dev, and Content Strategy Consultant, working to achieve gender parity+ inclusion one business at a time.

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    These stats and charts hurt my brain and heart. I think the overall spending is really off/misleading but in general, this will make you realize exactly how much they take from the 99% to fuel wars started and led by the 1%.The numbers are old, 2018, and even then they’re bad. “Of every dollar taxpayers pay in income taxes, 24¢ goes to the military.” Half that goes to military contracts.At least 63 days of your taxes. PS Call your Congress people TODAY and tell them to boycott Net Yahoo's visit to the Capital.

    Where Your Tax Dollar Was Spent in 2018 nationalpriorities.org



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Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed. on LinkedIn: What I want…I want people to stop telling me there are “casualties of… | 31 comments (49)

Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed. on LinkedIn: What I want…I want people to stop telling me there are “casualties of… | 31 comments (50)


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Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed. on LinkedIn: What I want…
I want people to stop telling me there are “casualties of… | 31 comments (2024)


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.