Curriculum Letter • Assignments - Lexington JHS (2024)

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Curriculum Letter • Assignments - Lexington JHS (1)

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\ '; banner = banner.replace(/\{bannerTitle\}/g, args.title); banner = banner.replace(/\{bannerContent\}/g, args.content); banner = banner.replace(/\{bannerCategory\}/g,; $('body').append(banner); var styles = args.banner.styles; $('.SiteAlertBanner-'{"background-color" : styles['background-color'], "transition": "all 0.3s linear", "width": "100vw", "z-index": "8999", "position" : "fixed"}); if(args.banner.location == "top") { $('.SiteAlertBanner-'{ "top" : "0px", "bottom" : "auto" }); } else { $('.SiteAlertBanner-'{ "bottom" : "0px", "top" : "auto" }); } $('.SiteAlertBanner-'' .banner-content').css({ "padding":"10px 20px"}); $('.SiteAlertBanner-'' .banner-title').css({ "color" : styles.title['color'], "font-size" : styles.title['size'], "text-align" : styles.title["justification"], "font-style" : styles.title["italic"] ? "italic" : "normal", "font-weight" : styles.title["bold"] ? "bold" : "normal", "text-decoration" : styles.title["underline"] ? 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"up" : "down"); //$('.SiteAlertBanner').show("drop", {"direction" : direction}, "fast"); $('.SiteAlertBanner-';} var siteNotice = false; function dropSiteNotice(){ new Ajax.Request('/supressMessages.cfm?supress=false'); Effect.BlindDown('siteNoticeBoxHolder', { duration: 0.5 }) $('pagerBarToolAlertButton').addClassName('buttonOn'); } function liftSiteNotice(){ new Ajax.Request('/supressMessages.cfm?supress=true'); Effect.BlindUp('siteNoticeBoxHolder', { duration: 0.25 }) $('pagerBarToolAlertButton').removeClassName('buttonOn'); } function toggleSiteNotice(){ if ($('pagerBarToolAlertButton').hasClassName('buttonOn')){ liftSiteNotice(); }else{ dropSiteNotice(); } } const clamp = (val, min, max) => Math.min(Math.max(val, min), max); var e=new Date; $.get("/ajax/notifications/getAlertMessage.cfm?json=1&school_id=""&gcdid="+currentPageGCDID+"&now="+e.format("Y-m-d H:i:s"),function(data){ //popups contains all of the popups popups = data; //Set the current Popups if(popups.count > 0) { var isPage = (currentPageAction == "page" && parseInt(currentPageDataID) != 0); var isPortal = (currentPageAction == "Portal" && parseInt(currentPortalID) != 0); var isModule = SystemModules.indexOf(currentPageAction) != -1; var hasAllPages = false; var hasAllPortals = false; var hasTopBanner = false; var hasBottomBanner = false; var fOrT = false; var hasGlobal = false; var hasDW = false; $.each(popups.popups, (index, popup) => { cs2.alerts.popup.allPopups[] = popup; //we only want the enabled popups that are in the correct time frame //if the popup is not in the date range, then continue. We only want current popups /* popup is current if: * (current timestamp is greater than popup start date AND current timestamp is less than popup end date) OR * current timestamp is greater than popup start date AND popup has no end date */ var noEndCond = (popup.end != "" || (popup.end === "" && Date(), popup.start, true) === 1)); if(!noEndCond) { return; } //betweenCond is true if today is between the start and end date var startBetween = Date(), popup.start, true) === 1; var endBetween = Date(), popup.end, true) === -1; var betweenCond = ((startBetween && popup.end === "") || (startBetween && endBetween)); if(!betweenCond) { return; } //also if the popup is a load or scroll and we're on the correct page if(popup.meta.type == "banner" && (!hasTopBanner || !hasBottomBanner) && ((popup.meta.banner.location == "top" && !hasTopBanner) || (popup.meta.banner.location == "bottom" && !hasBottomBanner)) && popup.meta.enabled) { //add a banner immediately if(popup.meta.banner.location == "top") { hasTopBanner = true; 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//remove all other load popups $.each(cs2.alerts.popup.current.popups, (index, currentPopup) => { if(currentPopup.trigger.mode == "load") { cs2.alerts.popup.current.popups.splice(index, 1); } }); cs2.alerts.popup.current.popups.push(popup.meta); return false; } if( //popup is not sticky && there is no cookie set AND (!popup.meta.trigger.sticky && $.cookie(popup.meta.cookie.tag) != "1") && //(there isn't another popup that showss on all portals) || (we are not on a page && we are not on a portal) AND ((!hasAllPortals && isPortal)) && //the popup shows on all portals (popup.meta.trigger.portals.indexOf("all") != -1) && //There is no global popups !hasGlobal && //There is no district wide popups !hasDW ) { //if we are on a page and the popup has all pages set hasAllPortals = true; //remove all other load popups $.each(cs2.alerts.popup.current, (index, currentPopup) => { if(currentPopup.trigger.mode == "load") { cs2.alerts.popup.current.splice(index, 1); } }); cs2.alerts.popup.current.push(popup.meta); return false; } //Modules if( !popup.meta.trigger.sticky && $.cookie(popup.meta.cookie.tag) != -1 && isModule && !hasGlobal && !hasDW) { $.each(cs2.alerts.popup.current, (index, currentPopup) => { if(currentPopup.trigger.mode == "load") { cs2.alerts.popup.current.splice(index, 1); } }); cs2.alerts.popup.current.push(popup.meta); return false; } if( //(there is not a popup that shows on all pages && this is a page) || (there is not a popup that shows on all portals && this is a portal) AND ((!hasAllPages && isPage) || (!hasAllPortals && isPortal)) && //the popup is framed || the popup is tabbed popup.meta.closed.state == "framed" || popup.meta.closed.state == "tabbed" && //There is no global popups !hasGlobal && //There is no district wide popups !hasDW ) { //This popup is set to framed or tabbed //remove all other popups that have been added $.each(cs2.alerts.popup.current, (index, currentPopup) => { cs2.alerts.popup.current.splice(index, 1); }); fOrT = true; } if(!fOrT && popup.meta.trigger.mode != "load" || (popup.meta.trigger.mode == "load" && ((isPage && !hasAllPages) || (isPortal && !hasAllPortals) || (!isPage && !isPortal))) && //There is no global popups !hasGlobal && //There is no district wide popups !hasDW ) { cs2.alerts.popup.current.popups.push(popup.meta); } } }); if(cs2.alerts.popup.current.popups.length > 0) { var multiLoad = false; var loadCount = 0; $.each(cs2.alerts.popup.current.popups, (index, popup) => { loadCount += (popup.trigger.mode == "load") ? 1 : 0; if(loadCount > 1) { multiLoad = true; $('#siteAlertModal .modal-carousel .modal-transition-section').data("transition", 0); } }); if(multiLoad && loadCount > 1) { //many popups, load up the controls $('#siteAlertModal').addClass("multi"); $('#siteAlertModal .prevPopupBtn').show(); $('#siteAlertModal .nextPopupBtn').show(); $('#siteAlertModal .popupPagination').show(); $('#siteAlertModal .modal-carousel .modal-carousel-wrapper').css("overflow", "clip"); } else { $('#siteAlertModal .prevPopupBtn').hide(); $('#siteAlertModal .nextPopupBtn').hide(); $('#siteAlertModal .popupPagination').hide(); $('#siteAlertModal .modal-carousel .modal-carousel-wrapper').css("overflow", "initial"); } /* BEGIN Swipe Functionality - Mobile */ var mousestart; var swipeDistance; var mode = 0; $('#siteAlertModal .modal-transition-section').unbind("touchstart").on("touchstart", (ev) => { /* set the start of the event */ mode = ($('modal-header') || $('.modal-header').length > 0) ? 1 : 0; mousestart = (mode == 1) ? ev.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageY : (ev.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX); }); $('#siteAlertModal .modal-transition-section').unbind("touchmove").on("touchmove", (move) => { if(mode == 1) { var currentMatrix = new WebKitCSSMatrix($('#siteAlertModal').css("transform")); var currentTranslation = currentMatrix.m42; swipeDistance = (move.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageY - currentTranslation)/2; $('#siteAlertModal').css({ '-webkit-transform' : 'translateY('+clamp((currentTranslation+swipeDistance), 0, SWIPE_THRESHOLD+10)+'px)', '-moz-transform' : 'translateY('+clamp((currentTranslation+swipeDistance), 0, SWIPE_THRESHOLD+10)+'px)', '-ms-transform' : 'translateY('+clamp((currentTranslation+swipeDistance), 0, SWIPE_THRESHOLD+10)+'px)', '-o-transform' : 'translateY('+clamp((currentTranslation+swipeDistance), 0, SWIPE_THRESHOLD+10)+'px)', 'transform' : 'translateY('+clamp((currentTranslation+swipeDistance), 0, SWIPE_THRESHOLD+10)+'px)' }); } else if(mode == 0 && multiLoad && loadCount > 1) { var currentMatrix = new WebKitCSSMatrix($('#siteAlertModal .modal-carousel .modal-transition-section').css("transform")); var currentTranslation = currentMatrix.m41; swipeDistance = ((move.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX - (mousestart - ($('#siteAlertModal .modal-dialog').width() * (; $('#siteAlertModal .modal-carousel .modal-transition-section').css({ '-webkit-transform' : 'translateX('+clamp(swipeDistance, (currentTranslation + ($('#siteAlertModal .modal-dialog').width() * ( - SWIPE_THRESHOLD-10), SWIPE_THRESHOLD-10)+'px)', '-moz-transform' : 'translateX('+clamp(swipeDistance, (currentTranslation + ($('#siteAlertModal .modal-dialog').width() * ( - SWIPE_THRESHOLD-10), SWIPE_THRESHOLD-10)+'px)', '-ms-transform' : 'translateX('+clamp(swipeDistance, (currentTranslation + ($('#siteAlertModal .modal-dialog').width() * ( - SWIPE_THRESHOLD-10), SWIPE_THRESHOLD-10)+'px)', '-o-transform' : 'translateX('+clamp(swipeDistance, (currentTranslation + ($('#siteAlertModal .modal-dialog').width() * ( - SWIPE_THRESHOLD-10), SWIPE_THRESHOLD-10)+'px)', 'transform' : 'translateX('+clamp(swipeDistance, (currentTranslation + ($('#siteAlertModal .modal-dialog').width() * ( - SWIPE_THRESHOLD-10), SWIPE_THRESHOLD-10)+'px)' }); } }); $('#siteAlertModal .modal-transition-section').unbind("touchend").on("touchend", (up) => { swipeDistance = (mode == 1) ? up.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY - mousestart : (up.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX - mousestart); //if we swipe more than the defined threshold, then perform a full swipe if(Math.abs(swipeDistance) > SWIPE_THRESHOLD) { //mode 1 is a swipe down from the modal-header if(mode == 1) { $('#siteAlertModal').trigger('unloadPopup'); } //mode 0 is a swipe left and right on the modal-body else if(mode == 0 && multiLoad && loadCount > 1) { if(mousestart < up.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX) { cs2.alerts.popup.current.pagination.slide("prev"); } else if(mousestart > up.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX) { cs2.alerts.popup.current.pagination.slide("next"); } } } else { if(mode == 1) { $('#siteAlertModal').css({ "transform" : "translateY(0px)" }); } else { cs2.alerts.popup.current.pagination.slide(; } } }); /* END Swipe Functionality - Mobile */ /* BEGIN Swipe Functionality - Desktop */ var mousestart; var swipeDistance; $('#siteAlertModal .modal-carousel .modal-transition-section').unbind("mousedown").on("mousedown", (ev) => { /* set the start of the event */ mousestart = ev.pageX; var tmpMouseX = mousestart; var translationBeforeAction = $(this).data("transition"); $(this).unbind("mouseup").on("mouseup", (up) => { swipeDistance = up.pageX - mousestart; //if we swipe more than the defined threshold, then perform a full swipe if(Math.abs(swipeDistance) > SWIPE_THRESHOLD) { if(mousestart < up.pageX && ( > 1)) { cs2.alerts.popup.current.pagination.slide("prev"); } else if(mousestart > up.pageX && ( < { cs2.alerts.popup.current.pagination.slide("next"); } } }); }); /* END Swipe Functionality - Desktop*/ $.each(cs2.alerts.popup.current.popups, (index, popup) => { if(multiLoad) { popup.closed.state = "hide"; } switch(popup.trigger.mode) { case 'load':; popup.index =; if(multiLoad && > 1) { //many popups, load up the controls $('#siteAlertModal .prevPopupBtn').show(); $('#siteAlertModal .nextPopupBtn').show(); $('#siteAlertModal .popupPagination').show(); //add a pagination bubble var tmpPoint = $('#siteAlertModal .popupPagination .popupPoint:first').clone(); tmpPoint.find("a:first").removeClass("active");"index","data-index",; tmpPoint.attr("onclick", "cs2.alerts.popup.current.pagination.slide("")"); $('#siteAlertModal .popupPagination .popupPaginationPoints').append(tmpPoint); //add the modal-dialog var tmpDialog = $('#siteAlertModal .modal-carousel .modal-transition-section .modal-dialog:first').clone();"index","data-index",; $('#siteAlertModal .modal-carousel .modal-transition-section').append(tmpDialog); } if(popup.trigger.sticky || $.cookie(popup.cookie.tag) != "1" || popup.trigger.districtwide) { //cookie does not exist - show the alert and set the cookie var delay = (popup.trigger.hasOwnProperty("delay") && popup.trigger.delay > 0) ? popup.trigger.delay : 1500; $(window).load(function() { setTimeout(function() { cs2.alerts.popup.current.LoadPopup(popup); }, delay); }); if(!popup.trigger.sticky || !popup.trigger.districtwide) { //popup.cookie.duration holds the number of minutes until the alert is received again. //need to convert to milliseconds and add those to the current datetime milliseconds //then back to a JSON Date Object var expiryDate = new Date(e.getTime() + popup.cookie.duration*60000); $.cookie(popup.cookie.tag, 1, { "expires" : expiryDate}) } } break; case 'mouseover': case 'click':; popup.index =; cs2.alerts.popup.current.ClickHoverPopup(popup); break; case 'scroll':; popup.index =; cs2.alerts.popup.current.ScrollPopup(popup); break; } }); } if(cs2.alerts.popup.current.banners.length > 0) { $.each(cs2.alerts.popup.current.banners, (index, banner) => { cs2.alerts.popup.current.Banner(banner); }); } } }); /* Setup Accessibility */ $(document).on("focusin", (foc) => { var focusedTarget =; if($(focusedTarget).parents("#siteAlertModal").length == 0) { $('#siteAlertModal').trigger("unloadPopup"); $(document).unbind("focusin"); } }); /* End Accessibility*/

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Assignments » Curriculum Letter

Friday, Aug 23, 2013

Policies and Procedures for Spanish 1,

Señorita. Salazar, 2013-2014

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español! Welcome!


This course introduces students to Spanish culture and language. Emphasis is placed upon developing skills in areas of grammar, reading and speaking this increasingly important language.


After completing the course, students will be able to:

  • Engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
  • Understand and interpret written and spoken Spanish on a variety of topics.
  • Present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the practices and perspectives of the Spanish and Hispanic cultures, and make comparisons between these cultures and your own.
  • Reinforce and further your knowledge of other disciplines (math, science, art, etc.) through the use of Spanish.
  • Show evidence of becoming a life-long learner by using Spanish for your personal enjoyment and enrichment.


ü Covered textbook: bring when advised

ü Practice Workbook: bring daily unless advised otherwise

ü Pens, pencils, notebook: bring daily

ü Notebook dividers labeled: Tarea, Vocabulario, Gramática, WAVA/Timbres. It doesn’t need to be a notebook for only Spanish I.

ü Internet connection in order to complete some cultural lessons provided by our text’s publisher.

The web site is It also has extra vocabulary and grammar practice.

If you do not have access to the Internet at home, you may use a computer in the library.

Grading Policy:

To qualify for full credit:

A. All work must be submitted neat and on time.

B. Name, date, and period must be in the upper right-hand corner. Page number and/or title of assignment must be on title line.

C. Turn in homework the day after absence.

• If absence is extended, make arrangements with the teacher.

• No late homework is accepted unless you have an excused absence.

• If you are absent because of a school activity, the homework is due the same day

as everyone else. In other words, plan ahead!



E. Tests will be made up twice a month on a Wednesday afterschool.

If you are unable to make that date, see teacher IN ADVANCE for alternate plan.

Components of Grade:

Homework (Tarea)


Tests, quizzes (Exámenes)




Written (Escrito)



A. Participate!

Excessive absences will harm your participation (Oral) grade, resulting in lowered grade overall.

Los puntos convert into participation points. Turn in every 6 weeks for an oral grade.

B. Be Prepared!

C. Be Positive!

D. Be respectful of others. Any rudeness or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

Consequences include writing sentences, detention, phone call home, and referral to AP or contract.

E. Eating and drinking in class is forbidden.

It will be a challenging and fun year, as you learn to communicate in another language! Let’s make it a good one! Keep entire sheet as your contract, in your notebook, so you can refer to our class rules.

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4351 Orange Ave. Cypress, CA 90630 Phone: (714) 220-4201 • Fax: (714) 761-4989

We respectfully acknowledge that the Anaheim Union High School District is located on the ancestral land of the Gabrielino/Tongva people. We gratefully acknowledge those on whose ancestral homelands we gather, as well as the diverse and vibrant Native communities who make their home here today.


The Anaheim Union High School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics in its programs or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Title IX Coordinator for Students:TitleIX@auhsd.usand (714)999-5621; Equity Compliance Officer for Students:EquityComplianceOfficer@auhsd.usand (714)999-5621; 504 Coordinator:504Coordinator@auhsd.usand (714)999-5408.

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Curriculum Letter • Assignments - Lexington JHS (2024)


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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.