Bismarck Gazette from Bismarck, Missouri (2024)

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MISSOURI THE BISMARCK GAZETTE BISMARCK HEWS MISCELLANY 47 BRITISH DIE 20 GERMANS GAVE HIS CANE AWAY! an be to WIN 'A' a log her and ing the Reltman 1OOC and sen to six months in the work Representative Rucker of MUaonri chairman of th boos committee on Inaugural arrangement announced a contract had been awarded for th conatructlon of a grandstand with seating capacity A 10000 Teuton Torpdo Boats In Effort to Leav Zeebrugce Are Met Gut aide of Harbor by lett of Allied Destroyer 1 BASIS RICHES Simple Arrangement A lady who had just received an In teresting bit of news said to her little daughter: dear anntle has a xew baby and now mamma la the aunt papa la the uncle aad you are her little cousin" said Marjorie wonderingly that arranged quick New York American Keeping Up to Date A boy must bo a minute young man about 60 times a minute If he ever hopes to be a man of the hour some day Dr Pleasant Pellet are th orig inal little liver pills put up 40 years ago They regulate liver and Adv to engage In harvest work for a period eg generally one month The actual number of men engaged in 1916 tn harvest work wna between forty and fifty thousand Wages were higher than usual running from 2 30 to L0O day with board and from35 to W0 a Advertisem*nt Compiled from thaJJrag Net of Dally Matter of Mor Than Passing Interest ENGAGEMENT IN NORTH SEA RE POJRTEO'ROM YMUIDEN HOLLAND and once as Kid Be A Theme Discussed by the Wall Street Journal BITS QUEER AND INTEREST ING ITEMS Rare Christmas Gift A mother was out doing Christmas shopping and with her was her four year old boy Leaving their automo bile they passed along the busy street and" gazed into the well filled shop windows At the display of fancy ar ticles in the dry goods stores the child beamed Interestedly At the array of toys In other windows his eyes fairly danced Presently they came ton window 'p which eggs and like commodities were on view As the parents were enthusiastic and consistent over the prevalent egg boycott hen fruit had been scarce In the household The lit tle lad jumped for Joy at the slgU of the hen products mother" he exclaimed excited ly what I really want for my some eggs!" Beginning Right In choosing associates and in rank friends begin nt home Acquire friendship of your wife Mr Benton Kerrville Texas writes: several years prior to 1906 I suffered from kidney and rheu Important to Mothers) Examine carefully every botue ot CASTORIA that famous old remedy for infants and children and see that it Bears' the Signature of In TTaa for Over SO Tears Children Cry for Castoria Richmond (Va) labor forward cam paign will continue throughout the winter COURT PROCEEDINGS Newton Spradling former gauger In the Internal revenue service was acquitted in the Arkansas federal court of the charge of complicity In an alleged moonshine conspiracy A pedestrian has th right of way over an automobile in crossing a street Circuit Judge Oscar ritz ruled in awarding rank Klokow6000 damages for injuries suffered to an auto crash Dr Ben Heitman of New York was found guilty of distributing birth control literature by a jury Judge Cull fined fenced him bouse straight as ney Pills deserve great credit' sure and get the name with the three for diseased disor dered deranged kidneys just as Mr Benton did No similarly named article will Adv An oil trade council has been formed to the oil fields of Okla homa NECROLOGICAL After spending 10 years to a cabin tlie exterior a copy of birthplace Mrs Carrie Was bent over and forced to use a cane or these disorders I am glad to say I used Kidney Pills which proved to be the proper I am 64 years feel fine again stand arrow COVETED BY ALL but possessed by fw a beautiful head ot hair If yours to streaked with gray or to harsh and stiff you can re store It to Its former beauty and lus ter by using Creole" Hair Dress ing Price Adv Iron ore Is In almost every Chinese province but it is mined ex tensively to only a few 9 SHS SUNK INI BATTLES PATENTS bT MWMntMW LABOR On hundred med epocial police were sworn to at Park alls Wis by Mayor Ambrose as a result of an Invasion ot Industrial Workers ot the World In speaking of Canada short time ago th Wall Street Journal mad th statement that "The basis of riche Is th fertility ot the soil and no freak of warfare can Injure that while her grain will Increase to de mand us the population of th world grows AS un Investment field Canada to worthy of consideration" These words are well worthy of attention es pecially coming from such a source as this eminent financial journal With a land area exceeding that of th United States and with tillable areas coming under cultivation the wealth of future can scarcely be esti mated while the wealth today to such as to bring her most prominently be fore the world During the past year thousands of farmers to Western Canada sold their crops for more than the total cost of their land Lands nt from 15 to 30 an acre produced crops worth 40 to75 an sere Stock raising and dairy ing were equally profitable The year 1915 saw most wonderful r'i A British' and a German torpedo boat destroyer are known to have been sunk seven other German vessels were report sunk Sod forty seven British officer and seamen and twenty German seamen were killed to two battles between a fleet of German torpedo boat destroyer and a British flotilla in the Nortn Bea Reports from Ymulden Holland re ceived by Telegram Com pany via Amsterdam say that four teen German torpedo boat attempted to leave Zeebrugge to avoid the ice which was very thick They were im mediately attacked by'A large British squadron The action opened at CTopa and magnificent yields over the abort range and early to the fight the I entr country and many farmers bridge of the German destroyer 69 w)ped ont indebtednesses that had was swept away by a direct hit the bnng over them )ong before they came captain and two other officers being t() tbe country and the year 1916 put killed them in a condition of absolute inde The 69 fired one torpedo and was pdence a report to hand verified then hit by British shells which I by b)gb oyflcia might seem marvel knocked the funnel flat on the deck on were the particulars not well and put a hoi In the fore part of I and where are not other cases the vessel Her guns appear not to I at wouid geem almost as phenom I HMta eHthom AJIwrfn fitnrv Th crew ot the 69 numbered A farn)er wjShed to rent nn adjoining I a lxssn iWkmnflnV llPlfl ft I iurui UU WUIVJI a ivuu vvu statement of th men that seven mortgage Tlie applicant said he want other German vessels were aunk The th flr8t ten bushels of wheat after which he would divide giving the loan company one third After threshing hl rnt1 Intn the bunk at CfllcurV $16 met In combat since last October I acre for every acre cultivated to The sinking of the Norwegian I the crem of tbe loan company as steamer Rlnunga the Danish steamer theJr gbare or thclr thlrd of the crop Klampenborg and the Swedish 1 Sixteen dollars per acre rent His Kamma by German submarines was twothirds was 32 and In addition the announced by Lloyds flrgt ten bushels of wheat Land on this snme security can be purchased DIET TO COST 25C PER DAY for from 16 to 30 per acre Won derful yields nre reported from all Woman Will irst Ak President to parts of this district Recently 4640 Try New York Police Experl ncres of a ranch were sold to an 1111 mnt In Whit House nois farmer 300 acres of wheat to 1916 produced a yield that averaged I A MAMA AAnVa CRIMINAL New Having proved tnat 15 4 ft ousneis oi eurai uvv Walter Harold 23 of Toronto Can husky policemen can thrive on a 25 Richard formerly of Providence Rjl ada is hold on a charge of murdering cent a day diet Mrs Kula McClary on a southern Alberta farm 405 hte 3 monthold baby as it lay asleep dietician of the police diet squad bushels of wheat from fl nnd his 18 yearoId wife After th here has departed for Washington to or over 40 bushels per acre and I from shooting Harold tried to kill himself aak President Wilson to do likewise La 60 acre field of oats got a return of In addition to requesting Mr Wilson 76 bushels per acre and still had some Police raiding a seven handed poker t0 25ent diet day at the White sheaves left over for feeding gam in the gloomy anteroom of a Houae gbe gald ahe would aak A report just issued by the Alberta Chicago morgue were amazed to find (0 procIaim Uch a day for the whole government gives the yield of wheat to two detective sergiants and a police natton the showing of 1916 as 28 bushels per man to full uniform playing More than thati i am going t0 ask 1 acre 45 bushels of oats and 30 bushels Taking advantage of the I Miss Margaret Wilson to go shopping of barley death and while ho lay in his coffin personally and buy for th Whit Travelers through wheat awaiting burial burglars broke into I house 25 cenl meJ Mrs Me 1 cr have had revealed to them scenes Mvu aatoon at Pana iu Clary declared I of agricultural productiveness unap and carried off a large portion of his I proached in any other part of the stock Harry Terry of Cincinnati shot and killed his wife Mrs Lillian Black Terry and hia motherinlaw Mrs Victoria Black and seriously wound ed his wlfes cousin Mrs Spur lock Mrs Kahrman of Marlin Tex Is at liberty on a 1000 bond follow ing the killing of Williams She said she shot baited her on Two of the four robbers who held Oklahoma City United States up and robbed irst National Senator Robert Owen of Oklahoma bank of Harrah Ok fought off a waa struck and slightly Injured by posse kt th bom Of Joseph Webber I an automobile here The front wheels and escaped I of the machine passed over hto right lD 0Dly nTmmen amouni labor required 1 EMUAEHUJ ABiuaui rtrv unti rreu uunainoi Seattle Wash was killed and anoth er man is missing and eight men in jured to an opera house fire ACCIDENTS 'Eighteen persons were killed in th tollapa of the Sonora hotel a two atory structure to Canine Mexico DOMESTIC George Adaxr Jitney driver of Springfield ill killed when a rtoeo paasenger train backing to he yard collided with hto automobile A terrific explosion followed by fire wrecked th power house of th ButWo A Susquehanna Coal Co Th jmki to estimated W6W i domestic a 'An earnest appeal to Gen Carranza to epare th Itvea of to Mftaa Ro nan Catholic prieato arrested near City and charged with aedl Um has been made 4y ib state Mrtjawrt WHAT is UX OS Is an inprand Cascara 1 BISESTIYE UUTIVE Pluuit tali In LAX OS th Cascara to improved by addition of certain harmle chemkab Which increase tho efficiency of the Caa ear making it better than ordinary Cat car LAX OS aids digestion pleasant to taka: does not gripe or distort stomach Adapted to children aad adult Just try a bottle tor constipation or indigestion 50c Rebuilt ordo x55 CARRANZA REPORTED SLAIN world Alberta farms selected with even El Paso The wife of a mjaerte discretion have raised men prominent Mexican who has been as sociated with the Carranza govern won Indus sx a code message which she interprets as stating that irst Chief Venutlano Carranza was assassinated In Quere An Snndv I reported by reliable authorities Williams after he had wheat exceeding 0 bushels per acre the street Senator Owen 8truck by Aoto and oats 145 bushels I i mv maaamIm aVaamb 4nn4 the aaOt JXUmeruus revurua tuvw wo of farms has been more than repaid by this crop In one instance land purchased for 3200 produced wheat which was sold for a little over 10000 ivnHnff th rMr 1917 there will be i to take care of the crop in Manitoba Senator Attack Wilson Western freouZntlJ Cada httS fare e'rrT yer he Plan to visit the capital fld te supi)Iy Of PERSONAL urging acuon on ms egistauve pro to bandle the harTesUng an1 At Billy Sundays last service at ram was attacked In the senate by tbreabnR lta bg crops Tills prob Boston the collection totaled over Sccator Rriinolican who de indeed te always present In any50000 Clared country Dr Cary Grayson friend and pri temaUc by the president dnctlon the ease of Western Can rate physician of President Wilson i ii I ada It is enhanced by the comparative was honored by a promotion to medi 1 uT sstSnmBueL I ot population and the long dis cal director la the navy with th rank I tance from Industrial districts which ot rear admiral murdered William Morgsnson near LieuL Col George Squier of th in for which crime 1bor army signal corps was nominated by I enred nlnr veara 1 ln Western Canada the present dlffl President Wilson as chief signal of 1 I cul ties are increased by the wan A very pn uw MISCELLANEOUS I Des Molne la The state senate lcewllb tbe Cnnfliilan forces In Europe A bid of 2400 secured the original at the present time there 1s geo manuscript ot Eugene poem I nriUPping law The law was paaaea i IpcakDg p0 rp of labor for "Little Boy Blue" at th allied ba 1 t0 years ago but gas not been I ordinary channels of industry to taar by John McCormack a crM1r nforcq I gfly notbng abnormal demand Th mystery of Charles Hagerdabl) eAunterfBiGna Harvest time The situation how 40 nh hermit of Hoisted street Cfal ever baa ta som extent been met by cwt iidoea aiw roaad am a art ortrt rJSw tort! Norwegian princess whose wthl BtiAnal reserve I BeB who grt tU curt Cn Io Bate oa become recluse POLITICAL Just as the Arkanum senate com pleted voting favorably on a bill pro hibiting th shipment of liquor into Arkansas for any but medical or sac ramental purposes the passage of a bill Identical in wording by the house was snnounced Only the signature of Gov John Kendrick remains to be affixed to th wnate bill for submitting a prohibi tion consUtutlonnl amendment to th Xeople of Wyoming in 1918 GENERAL A stone image of Kwan Yin ChP nce goddess of mercy has been pur chased from Paul Poiret of Paris Jy a firm of art dealers for 200)00 Among the slleged cruel acts upon which Mrs Anna Polowetski of New York bases her claim for divorce from Charles te on that referred to disparagingly as a "Prussian" Miss rance Raan of Mangum Ok has filed a 2506 damage suit against the Wichita alls Railroad Co because she alleged a brakeman kissed her white she was riding as a passenger in one ot its freight ca boose's Magistrate Harris in New York do mestic relstlons court upset tho pro gram of years for Mrs John Mackey when he ordered her to help wash dishes and take hubby to an occasion al movie He was being tried for cruelty Robert memory was hon ored riday throughout the south The 110th anniversary of his birth waa ob served as a holiday to all southern state Mayor Moore of Lorain is look jiaTe been damaged ing tor "an oia man ot rrencn or English extraction worth 10000 or It would appear from the more who will adopt a woman 40 years old" Saturating her clothtag with kero 69 belonged to the home fleet sene Sirs Harry Burton wife of al This Is the first time the naval stockman at Sydney Mont locked forces of England and Germany have herself in an outhouse and touched a lighted match to her dress sanity was a by the coroner for a quintuple tragedy in San ran cisco when Mrs Sankei Kekuchl wife of a Japanese newspaper man killed herself and her four little children Paul Negulescu advocate general for the Roumanian aruy on bis way to Washington said be thought the final European peace conference would take place in the United States OREIGN git large submarine four British cnd two Italian together with th J40t0 ton British armored cruiser Le viathan have been added to th Brit ish naval base at Bermuda It hM been established Jhat wrr killed by th recent explosion in a London munition factory About Sinn etters ruhed to the platform from which Thomas Lun eon was addressing a Umerick meet ing and beat him with cluba Brig Gen MacDonald was killed and forr others were badly in jured when a light engine backed Inta the crowda at th unlon statlon at To ronto The Dutch steamer Prtaa Henrik which waa taken Into Zeebrugg byGerman torpedo craft ha been re Jcaaed by th German authorities Th British atcamahlp Toftwood tarrying a cargo worth 750600 was suMsarined and aunk on her voyage according to advicca "Disaster haa overtaken the ene my" said a wireless pr dispatch from Petrograd via Rome bridges over the Danube nave been swept away and the Russo Roumanian armies are Th Corriere ltalla says lht 10 MHI Syrians have died of starvation 1 th war began ranc te considering the question of advancing th legal lime by oue hour and haa informed the committee on education that it te in favor ot th step Traffic In spirituous liquors has been prohibited by th rench authorities In the tone occupied by the army be cause of the prevalence of drunken beaa The India office announces that the government has arranged to Issue a war loan of unlimited amount to India The loss of 200 persona in torpedo ing of th Russian steamer Sklftct on Dec 14 has been reported Release of all Imprisoned adherents ot former Premier Venlzeios was an nounced as completed This indicates full compliance with the de mands A new census give ulatlon of 24600000 of whom more than 18000000 ar Hated as Illiter ate Berlin haa prepared for the sailing for an American port of the merchant submarine Deutschland ield Marahsi von Hindenburg la rumored on tho Berlin confined at headquarters with vere chill.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.